英语箴言 【英语佳句】生活箴言(7)




英语箴言 【英语佳句】生活箴言(7)



61. He who in adversity would have succor,let him be generous while he rests secure.



62. Before entering, please shuck off yourtrouble; when returning, bring back your happiness.



63. If one has nomoney,hemay lose many things; if one has no friends, he may lose even 

      more; but if onehas no credibility, he will lose all.



64. People with excellent health habits are far healthier,have more energy, and live longer and 

      better than people who have poor healthhabits.



65. Don't set your goals by what otherpeople consider important. Only you know what is best

      for you. 



66. Don’t make promise when you are in joy. Don’t replywhen you are sad. Don’t take decision

       when you are angry. Think twice and ackwise.

      别在喜悦的时候许下承诺; 别悲伤的时候做出回答;别在愤怒的时候作出决定。三思而行,



67. When you make the world better forothers, you make the world better for yourself.



68. Don't hurry, don't worry. You're only here for ashort visit. So be sure to stop and smell the 




69. Sometimes you gotta shut up, swallow your pride andaccept that you're wrong. It's not giving

       up.  It's called growing up.



70. Lifecomes in a package. This pasage includes happiness and sorrow, failure andsuccess, 

      hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in lifeteach us new lessons and 

      make us a better person.    







爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/302051/900730134518.html


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