南非入境卡中英文对照 2016年自愈法南非行系列报道III(中英文)

   2016年3月13日,我们在南非约翰内斯堡Delta Park, VictoryPark举行了另一场拍打拉筋自愈法分享会。这次分享会吸引了一群拍打拉筋的新朋旧友。萧老师深入浅出地讲解、示范拍打拉筋3个多小时。现场拍拉奇迹连连,好几位受益者主动分享他们的自愈经历。几位曾参加过2014年南非体验营的老学员早就翘首期待萧老师再度来到南非;这次机会难得,大家都坚定地要再次参加体验营。讲座现场几位初识自愈法的听众也报名参加体验活动。







   拍打拉筋成为Tshidi一家的养生治病法宝。儿子摔伤后检查出骨髓感染,久治不愈, Tshidi决定带他回家用拍拉调理。拍了一段时间的通用部位和头部、背部、腿部之后,儿子的腿伤好了,现在已经回归学校足球队。她的女儿原来数学成绩很差,需要请家教辅导才能跟上班里的进度,拍打头部一段时间之后,女儿的数学成绩乃至各科成绩逐步上升,现在班上名列前茅。




   讲解完毕,该开练了。 萧老师邀请现场听众上台当场体验拍打拉筋,有两位自告奋勇。男士是马拉松运动员,7年前因腿伤不能再跑步了。拍打拉筋约二十分钟后,试试走路,轻松自如,腿痛消失。接下来,奇迹出现——他当场跑了起来,全场掌声雷动!他一时兴起,还绕着台子多跑了几圈。女士是自然疗法师和瑜伽教练,一身病痛——腰痛、腿痛、脚踝痛、胃痛,还有严重抑郁症,长期服药。拍打拉筋时数次默默流泪,拍拉完毕,她的腿痛和脚踝痛不再。她分享说,她的童年伤痛记忆被调出来了。体验了拍打拉筋立竿见影的自愈效果之后,这两位当场表示要参加即将举行的体验营。








南非入境卡中英文对照 2016年自愈法南非行系列报道III(中英文)





2016 PaidaLajin Tourin South Africa (III)


On March 13, 2016, we held anotherPaidaLajin seminar at Delta Park, Victory Park,Johannesburg, South Africa. The seminar attracted friends old andnew. Mr. Xiao spent over three hours explaining the self-healingexercises and demonstrating the instantaneous effect ofPaidaLajin. Several beneficiaries shared theirself-healing experience, and some of those who had attended the2014 workshop applied for the upcoming workshop on 16-21 March.Several newcomers also signed up for it.



Volunteers clapping the face toget prettier

 Beforethe seminar, Lazarina, who had attended the 2014 workshop, sharedwith Mr. Xiao her Paida experience in dailylife. 


Mr. Xiao used abilingual PPT to explain the theory and self-healingexamples.


Tshidi, a PaidaLajin coach in Soweto,South Africa, shared her experience of practicing and promotingPaidaLajin over the past four years. She used to work in arestaurant. After being introduced PaidaLajin, she wentback home and told her mother about it. Her mother was very sickthen, with diabetes, hypertension, and gall bladder stones. And shewas scheduled to remove her gall bladder nine days later. Shedidn't want to go for the surgery, so she started doingPaidaLajin right away, from morning till evening. Ninedays later, she went to the hospital, and was told that the surgerycould be postponed, for her symptoms had been much relieved. Shewent back home and continued PaidaLajin. Just like manyother self-healing miracles, she didn't need the surgery anymore.  And PaidaLajin has since becomepart of her daily life. She hasn't taken a single pill for years,for her diabetes, hypertension, and gall bladder stones are allgone.

When Tshidi's son was injured andfound with bone marrow infection, she decided to take him home toself-heal with PaidaLajin, due to no improvement afterprolonged medical treatment. She slapped his universal regions(elbows, knees, hands and feet), head, back and legs for some days,her son's leg problem was cured and he is now back in his school’ssoccer team. Tshidi's daughter used to have poor grades inmathematics and needed a tutor. Then, after Paida for sometime, her math and overall grades gradually improved, and she nowranks among the top students in her class.

Tshidi brought PaidaLajin toSoweto Old Age Home, helping old ladies there who had long beentortured by stroke, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, lowerback pain, Alzheimer's and other diseases. After doingPaidaLajin for several months, many of them stoppedmedication, they could walk without a cane or a wheelchair, andcould take better care ofthemselves. 

One of the "by-products" of healing people withPaidaLajin is, Thsidi has lost 12kg during theprocess.


Time for action. Mr. Xiao invitedaudiences to try PaidaLajin. Two went upstage. Thegentleman was a former marathon runner who had stopped runningseven years before because of leg pain. After about 20 minutes'PaidaLajin, he tried walking again and felt no leg pain atall. Then, a miracle happened—he began to run AGAIN! All attendeesclapped hands to cheer for him. Overjoyed, he ran around the stagefor several times. The lady was a naturopath and a yoga coach. Shehad lower back pain, leg pain, ankle pain and stomach ache. Shealso had severe depression and had been on prolonged medication.She cried for several times during PaidaLajin. Afterwards,she could feel no pain in her leg and ankle. She said her childhoodmemories had flown up. After experiencing the instant self-healingeffects, both of them decided to attend the upcomingworkshop.

 Left: Aformer marathon runner volunteered to try PaidaLajin. Hehad stopped running seven years before because of kneepain.

Right: A naturopath couldn't squat before PaidaLajin. Shehad pain in her waist, buttocks, left knee and injured leftankle.



Thenaturopath's injured left ankle

 After Lajin, shereceived Paida from volunteers. The entire back side ofher legs had much dark Sha.


Slapping the knees for theformer marathon runner


Running again after 20 minutes'PaidaLajin. It wowed all attendees. He had been unable torun for seven years!  Such is the magic ofPaidaLajin!

A motherin a wheelchair and her daughter came to the seminar. The motherhad been sick for many years, and the daughter had been taking careof her for 12 years, ever since she was 5. Not long ago, thedaughter learnt about PaidaLajin and began to try it onherself and on her mom. Her mother's numb feet could now move andfeel sensations.


The seminar gave them acomprehensive and in-depth understanding of PaidaLajin,and hope for full recovery. The daughter said she would researchmore into the self-healing theory, videos and testimonials,practice it more, and train herself to be a healer.


PaidaLajin Global PromotionTeam
March 13, 2016



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/303451/699092314278.html


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