商务英语100句 商务英语100句(八)




这一讲,MasterOsifu English继续为大家推介商务英语口语100句,学习是需要毅力的,学习英语也是在磨练人的意志。MasterOsifu English希望大家坚持到底。


701.We know that you are leading exporters of coal and youcan provide the quantity we need. 我们知道贵方是主要煤炭出口商,能满足我们的需求量。 
702.Please tell us the Article Number of theProduct. 请您把商品货号告诉我们。
703.Could you give me an indication of theprice? 您能提供一个参考价吗?
704.We look forward to your quotations for thearts and crafts which we are interested in.
705.Do you offer FOB or CIF? 你们报船上交货价还是到岸价?
706.Please quote us as soon as you receive ourinquiry. 请接到我们的询价单后马上给我们报价。
707.Some of our customers have recentlyexpressed interest in your woolen carpets and inquired about their quality andprices. 目前我们的一些客户对你们的纯毛地毯颇有兴趣,并询问其质量和价格。
708.We are thinking of placing an order for yourFlying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us anoffer for 200 ones with details.
709.Please send us all the data concerning yourHero Brand fountain pens and ball pens, so we can introduce your products toour customers.
710.We think your Chunlan brand air conditionerswill be selling well at this end and we are looking forward to receiving yoursamples soon.
711.Please send us your price list of quartzclocks. 请寄给我们贵方的石英钟价目单。 
712.We must make it clear from the verybeginning that competitive quotations are acceptable. 必须一开始就讲清的是,有竞争力的报价可以接受。
713.The above inquiry was forwarded to you onOct. 10, but we haven't received your reply until now. Your early offer will behighly appreciated.
714.We are looking forward to your reply to ourinquiry. 我们期待你方对我方的询盘做出答复。
715.We have confidence in your bamboo wares.我们对贵方的竹制品质量充满信心。
716.If you don't have the quality inquired for,please offer us its nearest equivalent.
717.Thank you for your inquiry. Please tell usthe quantity you require so that we can work out the offers. 感谢贵方询价。请告诉我们贵方所需数量以便我方报价。
718.I don't think price is a problem. The mostimportant thing is that how many you can supply. 我认为价格不成问题。最重要的是你方能供货多少。
719.You'd better give us a rough idea of yourprice. 您最好给我们一个粗略的价格。
720.We are delighted with your products and arethinking of placing an order. The size of our order will depend greatly on yourprice. 我们对你方的产品非常满意,正欲订购。我们定单的大小主要取决于你方的价格。
721.If your prices are more favorable than thoseof your competitors we shall send you our order. 如果你方价格比其他竞争对手的优惠,我们将向你们订货。 
722.Would you please tell us the price of theseelectric heaters so as to help us make the decision. 能否告知这些电热器的价格,以便我们作出决定。
723.Please inform us the quantity that can besupplied from stock. 请告知可供现货的数量。
724.We are anxious to know how long it will takeyou to deliver the goods. 我们急于知道贵方多长时间能交货。 
725.We trust that you will quote us your mostfavorable price for big quantities.
726.We trust you can meet our requirements.相信贵方能满足我们的要求。
727.We hope this will be a good start forprofitable business relations and assure you that your offer will receive ourcareful consideration.
728.We usually deal on a 20% trade discountbasis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1000 units. 我们通常给予20%的商业折扣,外加订货1000件以上的数量折扣。
729.We would also like to point out that wemainly settle our accounts on a document.-against-acceptancebasis. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结帐。
730.We would appreciate it if you let us knowwhether you allow cash or trade discounts.
731.We intend to place large regular orders, andwould therefore like to know what quantity discounts you allow. 我方将定期大量订购,因此想知道你方给多少数量折扣。 
732.Provided you can offer favorable quotationsand guarantee delivery within four weeks from receipt of order, we will placeregular orders with you.
733.We would like to point out that deliverybefore Christmas is essential and hope you can offer us that guarantee. 我们想指出圣诞节前交货很重要并希望贵方能就此向我们作出保证。
734.Prompt delivery would be necessary as wehave a fast turnover in this trade. We would therefore need your assurance thatyou could meet all delivery dates.
735.We are delighted to know that you deal withexport of Chinese chinaware. Could you supply us 300 sets of tableware forshipment before the end of May?
736.We want to purchase Chinese tea. Please sendus your best offer by fax indicating origin packing, quantity available and theearliest time of shipment.
737.Please quote us your price on FOB basis,indicating the postage for dispatch by parcel post to Dalian via Tianjin.请报FOB价,注明邮寄包裹途经青岛至大连的邮资。
738.Could you please let us know what discountyou can give for an order exceeding 400 sets? 能否告知定货超过400台你方所能给的折扣。
739.Since we are likely to place sizable ordersregularly we hope that you will make some special concessions. 由于我方将定期大批量订购,希望贵方作出一些特殊的让步。
740.We do business on a commission basis. Acommission on your prices would make it easier for us to promote sales. Even 2or 3 percent would help.
741.I understand all your prices are on CIFbasis. We'd rather have you quote us FOB prices. 得知你方报的都是到岸价,希望能给我们报船上交货价。 
742.Would you please give us a rough idea of thequantity you require? 请告知你方大概要订多少?
743.We handle export of microwave ovens andwould take the liberty to send you our price list for your reference. 我们经营微波炉出口业务,现冒昧给你方寄去我方报价单供参考。
744.We were pleased to hear from your letter of6 August that you were impressed with our selection of toys.我们很高兴收到你方8月6日来函得知你方对我们的玩具非常感兴趣。
745.We have a wide selection of sweaters thatwill appeal to all ages, and in particular the teenager market which youspecified.
746.Our factory would have no problem in turningout the 2000 units you asked for in your inquiry. 我们工厂完全可以生产出你方询价单中要求的2000件货品。
747.We can supply from stock and will have notrouble in meeting your delivery date.
748.I am pleased to say that we will be able todeliver the transport facilities you require.
749.We can offer door-to-door delivery services.我们可提供送货上门服务。
750.We can assure you that our products are themost outstanding ones on the market today, and we offer a five-year guarantee.我们可以向您保证我方产品是当今市场上最好的,并且可提供5年保修期。
751.Please find enclosed our current catalogueand price-list quoting CIF New York.
752.The samples you asked for will follow byseparate post. 贵方所要样品另行邮寄。
753.Our stock of this commodity is limited,please place your order without delay.
754.Here is a price list together with a bookletillustrating our products. 这儿有一份价目单和介绍说明我方产品的小册子。
755.All our garments are now poly-cotton, whichis stronger, needs little ironing, and allows variations in patterns.
756.We hope to hear from you soon and can assureyou that your order will be dealt with promptly. 希望尽快收到贵方答复,我们保证及时处理对方定单。
757.I hope we can conclude the transaction atthis price. 希望我们能就此价格达成交易。
758.I am sorry that we are unable to make you anoffer for the time being. 很抱歉目前我们不能报盘。
759.Thank you for your inquiry, but we cannotmake you an offer right now because we are presently unable to obtainappropriate materials.
760.Since Tom Lee is our sole agent for ourproducts in Korea, we can't make you a direct offer. 因为汤姆·李是我方产品在韩国的独家代理人,所以我们不能直接向您发盘。
761.The goods we offered last week are runningout, therefore, the offer terminates on 20th July. 上周我们报价的货物现已售完,所以,此报价在7月20日终止。 
762.We no longer manufacture pure cotton shirtsas their retail prices tend only to attract that upper end of the market.我方已不再生产纯棉衬衫因为其零售价格只能吸引高档消费者。
763.Referring to your inquiry letter dated 29thSeptember, we are offering you the following subject to our final confirmation.
764.At your request, we are offering you thefollowing items. This offer will remain open within 3 days. 应你方要求,我方就如下产品报价,此报价3日内有效。
765.Against your enquiry, we are pleased to makeyou a special offer as follows and hope to receive your trial order in the nearfuture.
766.This is our official offer for each item,CIF Shanghai. 这是我方对每项产品的CIF上海的正式报价。
767.This offer is firm subject to youracceptance reaching us not later than December 15.
768.This offer remains open until 10th February,beyond which date the terms and prices should be negotiated anew. 此盘有效期至2月10日,超过此期限条件及价格需重新协商。
769.This price is subject to change withoutnotice. 此价格可以不经通知自行调整。
770.The offer isn't subject to prior sale.本报盘以货物未售出为条件。
771.We are cabling you our new price for our"AIWA" Brand Walkman. The new price will be effective tomorrow.现电传给贵方我方爱华牌随身听的新价格。新价格明天生效。 
772.This offer must be withdrawn if we haven'treceived your reply within five days.
773.As requested, we now hold this offer openfor a further 5 days since 24th April.
774.As this is a special offer, we hope youwon't miss this opportunity. 因这是特殊报价,希望您不要错失良机。
775.Please note that all our prices are quotedon CIF basis. This is our general practice, which we believe will be acceptedby you. 请注意我方所报的都是CIF 价,这是我方一贯作法,希望你方能接受。
776.The offer is made without engagement. Allorders will be subject to our written acceptance. 此报盘没有约束力,所有定单以我方书面接受为准。
777.From all listed prices we allow a discountof 10 percent on orders received on or before 31st May. 5月31日或此前收到的订单,我们都按价目单上的价格给10%的折扣。
778.We can quote you a gross price, inclusive ofdelivery charges, of 38.50 pounds per 100 items. These goods are exempt formVAT. 我们可以给你方报毛价,每一百件38.5英镑含运费。这些货物免收增值税。
779.We can offer you a price of 8 pounds peritem, from 20 days, after which the price will be subject to an increase of 5%.我们给您报价每件8英镑,有效期20天,过期价格增加5%。
780.The price of this model of cassette-playeris 2500 Belgian francs at today's rate of exchange. 这个型号的录音机,按今天汇率,每台2500比利时法郎。
781.I think your price is on the high side.我认为贵方价格偏高。 
782.Your price is 20% higher than that of lastyear. 你方价格比去年高出20%。
783.It must be rather difficult for us to pushany sales if we buy it at this price. 如果我们按这个价格购买,将很能难推销。
784.Competition for this kind of goods is tough.这种商品的竞争非常激烈。
785.We can't persuade the end-users to buy yourproducts at this price. 按这个价格,我们不能说服用户购买你们的产品。
786.To conclude the business, you need to cutyour price at least by 4%,I believe.
787.The German quotation is lower than yours.德国报价比你们的低。
788.You know that some countries are sellingthis kind of products at cheap prices in large quantities. 您知道有的国家对这种商品正在削价抛售。
789.I'd like to point out that your originalprice exceeded the market price already. We cannot accept it. 我想指出提你方原始价格已经超出市场价格。我们不能接受。
790.If you do have the sincerity to do businesswith us, please show me your cards and put them on the table. 如果您确有诚意与我们做生意,请摊牌吧。
791.If your price is unacceptable, our end-userswill turn to other suppliers.
792.If you insist on your original price, I'm afraidyou will have little chance to get the business. 如果您坚持原来的价格,恐怕您获得这笔交易的可能性极小。
793.Other suppliers have almost identical goodsat the price 10% to 14% cheaper.
794.The market is declining, we recommend yourimmediate acceptance. 市场在萎缩,我们建议你方马上接受。
795.I'm glad that we've settled the price.很高兴我们就价格达成了共识。
796.I appreciate your efforts and cooperationand hope that this will be the forerunner of other transactions in future.非常感谢贵方的努力与合作,希望这只是我们今后业务往来的开端。
797.What's your counter-offer? 您的还价是多少?
798.It's impossible. You may notice that thecost of raw materials has gone up in recent years. 不可能,您可能注意到了近年来原材料的价格上涨了。
799.Compared with the price in the internationalmarket, our quotation is quite reasonable.
800.The price we offered is more favorable thanthe quotations you can get from our competitors, I'm afraid. 恐怕我方报价比您从我方竞争对手那儿得到的报价更优惠。 


功夫不负有心人,MasterOsifu English希望大家持之以恒,默默前行。。。。。。

商务英语100句 商务英语100句(八)





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转载 《八十年代访谈录》阿城査建英 八十年代访谈录

原文地址:《八十年代访谈录》(阿城査建英)作者:东来大狗《八十年代访谈录》之阿城阿城 査建英 【主持人手记】阿城一如既往昼伏夜作。我第一次给他打电话约访谈的事情是在上午十一点左右,一个毫无表情的声音像是透过午夜大雾飘过来:哎,

思科实战手记 一个电工品牌商务代表工程实战手记


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