1. 把作文(通常为三四百词、分三段或四段)当中的几句主动式改为背动式。汉语很少使用被动式,被动句占总句子的5%,而英语中被动句则占到了15%。因此,在写完作文后要有意思地把几句改为被动句。中国人喜欢用
People believe…
Everyone says….
The teacher suggested that he…
It is believed that ..
It is said that…
He was suggested to …
2.多多使用”It”,如Today is Saturday.改成
It is Saturday today.
He will get his pay tomorrow.改成
It will be pay day tomorrow.
It is believed…
It is said that…
It was suggested that…
The weather is fine… 改成
It is fine today…
When she was not happy, Mary began to eat chocolate.
(In comparison: When Mary was not happy, she began to eat chocolate.
5. 在一个段落里(通常需要在三句以上成段),人名出现在第一句;后面不再用名字,可以用He, she, 等。如Tom…. He……. And it seems to him that…
但要记住不要只用he、she、I、they、 we;要学会用人称代词所有的形式来避免行文上的单调贫乏,如
me, my, mine; his, him; her, hers; them, their, theirs; us, our;..
I believe可以有很多种表达方式,如:
It seems to me that…
It is my belief that…
In my opinion,…
When he learnt about the sad news, Tom was very unhappy because he could not get that dream job.
Having learnt about the bad news, Tom could not cheer himself up as he had to give up all the hope of landing a good at the company.
7.正式的文体中,不要使用口语缩略词汇,如I don’t … He doesn’t…这一点现在还给我的语音学生有提到:
在国外的研究生博士生门,在论文中用“doesn’t have”,老师多数会改成改成“have not”这才是真正的老师。论文这么重大严肃的场合,避免缩略用语。
8.尽量变换使用不同词汇进行表达,避免抽象空洞的词汇,具体化。如good, bad, big, small, far, near…因为这些词汇没有什么具体意义。
如果想表达”far”,就应说明具体是多少英里或公里, 如:
My home town is about 1,500 miles from here.
如果想表示天气“热“,与其用”hot”不如用”39 degrees”,如:
The temperature went up to 39 degrees yesterday.
如果想表示“下雨“,就要考虑使用 drizzle, downpour; 如
In summer time, we have downpours almost every week.
It was chilly early in the morning, even in late May.
He sings well ------- He is a good singer.
He swims well ------ He is a good swimmer.
He eats a lot. ------ He is a big eater.
Barry loves sports. Every morning, he wakes up early and then does some physical exercise outside. Sometimes he walks his dog. The dog is big and active. When they see neighbours, Barry says “hi” whilst the dog barks…
Barry is very happy with his life…

Barry is very sportive. Every morning, he wakes up at 6 o’clock and then begins to work out, even when it is still chilly. Sometimes, he walks his dog, which is a German shepherd about 45 kilogrammes and very fond of running about. When any neighbor is in sight, Barry always greets whilst the dog gives out a few barks. …
Barry is a happy man indeed…