chinese clothing chinese clothing How can ZARA be in possession of the Chinese clothing market?(1)


  Guided reading:

  Few people know that this international fashion giant headquarters is not in the bustling capital city of Mardrid,but in a unknown small town in northwest Spain---Altezor. However the small town is controlling a huge network of 80 countries all over the world and more than 7000 shops It is always in control of the global fast fashion weathervane.



  Rapid response


  When new fashion elements appears in a film or television meida,Zara just need a few days to complete the imitation of the singer’s costume or top fashion master’s creative work.


  From the identification of fashion trends to cater fashion trends and put new cloing into stores,Zare just need two weeks’ time, while traditional production cycle needs 4-12 months.


  Zara has created a supply chain legend in FMCG field. Every year Zara design over 18000 new styles. 2 to 3 weeks a new style appears on average. It takes 7days to finish production ,14 days to take off the cabinet and 30 days to OTC. Zara can make about 50000 new fashion, while another brand GAP can just make 4000 a year.


  Zara can quickly catch customers preferences and quickly make clothing, then send to stores all around the world. Spain media reported:” the new clothing designed by the designer on computer can be sent to the customer in 2 to 3 weeks.”


  Of course, the matching is Zara’s design speed. Hundreds of designers work together, design a new clothing within 20 minutes on average, this is 4-6times faster than H&M. So no one can match up with Zara fashion’s response capacity. So how does Zara collect these fragmented fashion elements accurately?


  Fashion catch


  Zara’s designers are typical “trapeze”, they always fly to all kinds of fashion shows or places. So designers inspiration comes from the fashion forward position like bars,shows and fashion weeks.


  Usually, Zara will publish some similar fashion when the top grand’s new design came out. This way can make sure to follow fashion trends.


  At the same time ,Zara has to pay these brands tens millions euro fine.


  Zara doesn’t give up this design pattern,cause the profits is much higer than the fines.


  In addition, stores are the best places to collect fashion elements, cause only in the store we can know customers’ needs. Stores offer sale data and give to store manager. After finishing sortiong out these data, store manager will submit the result to the design department. Design team design style according to the customers’ needs and then send to the commercial sector to assess cost and price, finally start playing board.


  Due to the customer demond for fashion is changing, collected information from store is time sensitive. Therefore, designers will no langer play the most important role , but to view the psychological needs of customers. It is a pervasive design philosophy.

chinese clothing chinese clothing How can ZARA be in possession of the Chinese clothing market?(1)


  Although Zara is not the first advocate of fashion, it can rely on the store to collect present fashion trends,change the moment popular into reality with the fastest speed.


  Someone said:” Zara is a monster, a designer’s nightmare.” Because Zara’s fast response will reduce the value of famous brand’s design.


  No matter how famous the garment is, the cycle from design to Cabinet needs 6-9 months or even longer. So they have to work hard to predict the future fashion style and the sales. As the result,unmarketable goods remaining a brunch,but well-sold goods are out of stock. Seeing a good sale opportunity goes by.





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