麦当劳在中国的发展 沙县小吃 中国的麦当劳


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  Although Chinese snack foods are almost unheard of outside of the country, some native dishes from southeast China's Shaxian county have made a big splash domestically with the opening of several "Shaxian snack bars" in major cities.

  Eleven years ago, Lin Kaiming and his wife traveled from Shaxian, located in Fujian province, to the city of Zhanjiang in southern Guangdong province to open their first Shaxian snack bar. Although they had to work nearly 20 hours a day in the beginning, their returns were satisfactory.

  Liu's success is just one example of the 60,000 Shaxian natives who have opened snack bars in China, as well as in the U.S., Japan, Germany, Australia and Singapore.

  "The Shaxian snack bars produce an annual turnover of more than 5 billion yuan and a net income of more than 700 million yuan," said Huang Songfu, president of the Shaxian Snacks Guild.

  The local government in Shaxian has made efforts to help the snack food industry flourish.

  "To increase the employment rate and incomes for local residents, the Shaxian government has always played an active role in promoting Shaxian snacks," said Zheng Xingjing, director of the Shaxian Snack Bureau. Zheng said the bureau, established in 1997, is the first and perhaps only one of its kind in the entire country.

  Guan said he intends to boost the industry to a new level by starting a listed company to act as a "carrier" for Shaxian snacks, a goal that Huang said can be realized by incorporating large private snack food chains, as well as processing and supply companies.

  "Shaxian snacks bear the dreams of all of Shaxian's people," said Le Rongguang, deputy magistrate of Shaxian county. "We have spared no efforts to foster the industry's growth."


麦当劳在中国的发展 沙县小吃 中国的麦当劳

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/306251/594514412466.html


麦当劳加盟要多少钱 怎样加盟麦当劳?

麦当劳加盟费 是多少,如何加盟麦当劳 呢?专职负责特许经营业务的麦当劳中国公司高级副总裁朱渊和说,麦当劳的加盟形式也将类似于肯德基那样,先自己开直营店,再答应加盟者进入,也就是将属下的麦当劳餐厅直营店以特许形式改造成加盟店。

麦当劳县级加盟条件 加盟麦当劳需要什么样的条件?

 今年是麦当劳落户中国的第18个年头,日前,麦当劳中国发展公司总部有关人士透露,麦当劳目前正组织专门机构和人员研究在中国境内的特许方案,在2003年正式在中国推出特许经营业务。      -加盟形式:转让直营店      在刚刚结束

肯德基麦当劳退出中国 肯德基与麦当劳的夜战(2)

“通常我会去麦当劳,因为那里有冰淇淋。”张德明只有21岁,非常爱吃冰淇淋。  其实肯德基夜间也卖冰淇淋,但仅限于凌晨两点半之前。理由很充分—因为制作冰淇淋的机器需要消毒几小时。  这也是麦当劳曾经面对的问题,凌晨2:00到5:00是

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