鸵鸟能飞吗 双语:不是鸟却能飞的七种动物(组图)

双语:不是鸟却可以飞翔的七种动物(组图)http://www.sina.com.cn2009年12月02日 14:27   新浪教育


  The only animals that can truly fly are birds,insects,and one typeof mammal, which is of course the bat. Other animalsmanage to travelthrough the air by gliding from great heights, or leaping from thedepths。



  1.Flying Mobulas The mobula or devil ray is related to manta rays.They can grow up to 17 feet wide and tenfeet long. These muscular fishcan leap several feet out of the water, but no one is quite sure whythey do it。

  1. 飞行蝠鲼

  蝠鲼,也被称为“鬼鳐”,属于蝠鲼科。它们可以长到17 英尺宽( 约为5.18 米)10 英尺长( 约为3米)。这些飞行蝠鲼可以跃出水面几英尺高,但没有人很确定它们为何这样做。


  2. Flying Lemurs Flying lemurs of the family Cynocephalidaeareneither true lemurs, nor do they actually fly. They are also known bytheir Malaysian name, colugos. These mammals live in southeast Asia andare about the size of a house cat. Colugos glidebetween trees usingtheir patagium, or flaps of skin between their front and hind legs andextending to the tail and the neck. Colugosare even webbed between theirtoes. The flying lemur is not alemur, but the four species ofCynocephalidae are the closes trelated family to primates。

  2. 鼯猴



  3. Flying Fish There are about 50 different species of flyingfish,although they don’t fly so much as they leap from the water with apush of their powerful pectoral fins. Most of the species live intropical waters. Fish have been observed skipping over the waves for aslong as 45 seconds at a time. Why do they leap into the air? Possiblybecause air offers less resistance than water,and the fish can movefaster. At least until they need to breathe。

  3. 飞鱼



  4. Flying Snake The flying snake (Chrysopelea paradisi) lives inthe rain forests of Southeast Asia. It has no patagium, but glides fromthe treetops by flattening its body out to maximizesurface area. Thesnakes slither from side to side to glide in the desired direction. Theidea of a flying snake may be terrifying,but these snakes are officiallyclassified as “harmless”。




  5. Flying Gecko The flying gecko lives in the Malaysian rainforest.The gecko has a patagium that allows it to parachute orglide down fromits tree top home. Flying geckos are sometimes keptas pets。




  Flying Frog Wallace’s flying frog (Rhacop horus nigropalmatus)isfound in Malaysia and Indonesia, where it lives high in the treetops.This frog has long webbed toes and a skin flap betweenits limbs FlyingGecko 6.which allows it to parachute down fromtreetops. The term“parachute” in this case refers to the fact that the animal floatsdownward at a steep angle, while other “gliding”animals can float to oneside or another and change direction while gliding downward. AlthoughWallace’s flying frog prefer to live high up, they must descend to nearground level to mate and to layeggs。


鸵鸟能飞吗 双语:不是鸟却能飞的七种动物(组图)



  7.Flying Squirrel Flying squirrels (Pteromyini) include 43different species. They are native to North America, northern Europe,and Siberia. When they leap from a tall tree, a flying squirrel willspread its skin flaps until it resembles a kite or parachute. Thesquirrel can steer some what by moving its wrists and adjusting thetautness of its patagium。

  7. 飞鼠



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双语:不是鸟却可以飞翔的七种动物(组图)http://www.sina.com.cn2009年12月02日 14:27 新浪教育本文选自《有才》的博客,点击查看博客原文The only animals that can truly fly are birds,insects,and one typeof mammal, which is of

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