成功的七大精神法则 《成功法则之七大精神法则》导读

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Deepak Chopra, M.D.


《成功法则之七大精神法则》   作者:(美)迪帕克·乔普拉

Centra Chiropractic, Inc.
Nathan Schilaty, D.C.

撰文:Nathan Schilaty/Centra Chiropractic, Inc.



引 言

? Incorporate these principles
into life to experience success
in every endeavor.

? 将这些法则运用于每次努力耕耘中去收获成功。

? Success = Continued expansion
of happiness and progressive
realization of worthy goals.


? A spiritual approach is needed
to experience success and
affluence… not just physical.

? 精神法则指引你走向成功以及心灵与物质上的双重富足。

? We must nurture seeds of
divinity within us –We are
gods and goddesses in


? Success includes:
– Good health
– Energy
– Enthusiasm
– Fulfilling relationships
– Creative freedom
– Emotional stability
– Psychological stability
– Sense of well-being
– Peace of mind

? 成功包括:










Law of Pure Potentiality

#1? 纯潜能法则 ? 

? We are pure
consciousness – infinite
creativity and unbounded

? 我们是纯粹的意识体---拥有无限的创造力和可能性。

? There is no separation of
one and their spirit.

? 人与人之间的精神世界是紧密联系在一起的。

? The more you experience
your true Self, the closer
you are to the field of
pure potentiality.

? 你越是接近真我,你就越能感知到纯粹潜能。

? The “experience of self” is
the spirit.
– Absence of fear
– No compulsion to control
– No struggle of approval
– Unfearful for any challenge
– Respect for all people
– Feel beneath no one

? 对真我的认识体验就是一种精神。







Law of Giving

#2? 给予法则 ? 

? All things in universe are
in motion.

? 宇宙中的一切都是在运动着的。

? When circulation stops –
death results.
– Blood must circulate
– Money must circulate
– Giving and receiving must circulate

? 当循环停止时---死亡就是结果。




? Give that which you
desire to receive!
– Sincere intent



Law of Karma (“Cause and Effect)

#3? 因果法则 ?

? Karma = the action and the consequence of
the action; the cause and the effect

? 因果就是行为和此行为的结果;起因和影响是相同步的。

? One will reap what they sow.
– If you want happiness… sow seeds of happiness


- 如果你想要幸福,那么请你先种下幸福

? Make choices that create peace and
– Learn to listen to sensation of comfort or
discomfort to know what choices you are making.

? 做出能够创造平静与幸福的决定。


? The heart always knows the correct choice.


Law of Least Effort

#4? 最省劲法则 ?

? Nature’s intelligence functions
with effortless ease.


 ? Principle of harmony and love.


? The occurrence of a “miracle”
is the Law of Least Effort in

? 奇迹的出现其实就是最省劲法则的直观表现。

? Least Effort takes effect when
actions are motivate by love.
– Energy is wasted with
– Energy multiplies and
regenerates with love

? 只有当你是出于爱而去行动时,最省劲法则才会奏效。



? “…most of our energy goes into
upholding our importance… If
we were capable of losing some
of that importance, two
extraordinary things would
happen to us. One, we would
free our energy from trying to
maintain the illusory idea of
our grandeur; and two, we
would provide ourselves with
enough energy to … catch a
glimpse of the actual grandeur
of the universe.”
- The Art of Dreaming









Law of Intention and Desire

#5? 意图与愿望法则 ?

? Energy and Information exist
everywhere in nature.

? 能量与信息在自然中无处不在。

? Energy and Information are
influenced by Intention and


? We experience Energy and
Information in the form of:
– Thoughts
– Emotions
– Desires
– Memories
– Beliefs
– Feelings? 我们感受能量与信息的方式有:







? You are not separate from the
universe; you are an integral
part. The universe is within
you. You are inseparablyconnected

? 你不是与宇宙隔离开的;你是不可缺少的一部分。


? Your intent must be for the
benefit of mankind.

? 你的意图必须得为人类的利益着想。

Law of Detachment


? You cannot be attached to your
– Detachment is based on
unquestioning belief in thepower of your true Self.
– Attachment is based on fear
and insecurity




? There are infinite paths from
Point A to Point B.
– Detachment means you areopen to possibilities
– Not forcing solutions to




? Every problem is a seed of


成功的七大精神法则 《成功法则之七大精神法则》导读

Law of Dharma (“Purpose in Life”)

#7? 达摩法则(人生目的法则)? 

? Everyone has a unique
talent and a unique way
of expressing it.

? 每个人都有一种独特的天赋,


? Find the reason you are


? Ask yourself how you can
serve humanity.

? 问一下你自己,你将如何服务于人性。

? Your focus in life is what
you are here to give!


Application of Principles


? Applying these powerful
principles enables one to
attain self-mastery.

? 运用这些强大的法则能够让你实现自我约束。

? These laws make living


? You can manifest
anything you want –
affluence, happiness,
money, success.




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/307551/572714878809.html


成功的七大精神法则 Mall的成功法则

三年前,当一个体量像航母、被人们称作“Shopping Mall”的巨无霸落户北京城的西边,几乎所有人都怀着看好戏的心态认定它一定成不了气候,零零散散的顾客让整座建筑备感冷清。三年后,这个Mall终于扭亏为盈,实现微利,如果你傍晚去那里吃饭,

gre阅读制胜法则 下载 开专卖店的七大制胜法则

开专卖店的七大制胜法则  创办专卖店的第一步是搞好市场分析,以充分利用中国市场经济迅猛发展为契机,在自己的细分市场上大显身手。比如要识别和了解自己和其它同业者通常会遇到的共同情况,然后就要深入地对照市场情况,找出自身独有的

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