2013年职称英语答案 2013年职称英语卫生类全真模拟五(附答案)(1)


  1. Ants always put food away in Autumn.

  A. store

  B. steal

  C. eat

  D. carry

  2. I recommend you buy a computer.

  A. force

  B. advise

  C. ask

  D. require

  3. You should soon regain your appetite.

  A. keep

  B. lose

  C. recover

  D. get

  4. Helen will leave immediately.

  A. far away

  B. right away

  C. right here

  D. soon

  5. We resolved the problem after group discussion.

  A. caused

  B. met

  C. solved

  D. posed

  6. Can we resume the meeting?

  A. stop

  B. begin

  C. start

  D. continue

  7. The movie has a satisfying ending.

  A. pleasing

  B. sad

  C. interesting

  D. horrific

  8. He tended his grandmother in the hospital.

  A. looked for

  B. took care of

  C. kept up

  D. cared for

  9. Keep your room tidy.

  A. messy

  B. organized

  C. beautiful

  D. neat

  10. The bad news upset me very much.

  A. disturbed

  B. saddened

  C. angered

  D. disappointed

  11. There are various kinds of food in China.

  A. lot

  B. many

  C. different

  D. delicious

  12. She cried aloud all at once.

  A. for a long time

  B. suddenly

  C. for no reason

  D. quickly

  13. They had a far better yield than any other farm miles away around this year.

  A. goods

  B. soil

  C. climate

  D. harvest

  14. It's hard for us to choose a book among these books.

  A. elect

  B. buy

  C. recognize

  D. select

  15. Most people favored the plan.

  A. agreed

  B. opposed

  C. liked

  D. voted




  16. The pump of the first implanted self-contained heart was made of titanium and plastic.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

2013年职称英语答案 2013年职称英语卫生类全真模拟五(附答案)(1)

  C. Not mentioned

  17. The patient's life was expected to last several years longer by implanting the artificial heart.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  18. There is no difference in structure between the self-contained heart and the mechanical heart.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  19. The American Heart Association recommended widely using the self-contained heart.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  20. Dr. David Faxon believed that the implantable, permanent artificial heart will certainly be de-veloped in the future.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  21. Approximately two thousand one hundred patients received heart implantation in America last year.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  22. Some doctors doubt the possibility of donor hearts being replaced by artificial ones.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/308151/870982587635.html


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