火山爆发 火山爆发 10火山爆发

火山爆发 A Volcano Eruption As the best candidate, I was appointed to collect and evaluate information for a database about diver…

指针式万用表的使用方法 指针式万用表的使用方法 (1)测试前,首先把万用表放置水平状态并视其表针是否处于零点(指电流、电压刻度的零 点),若不在,则应调整表头下方的“机械零位调整”,使指针指向零点。 (2)根据被测项,正确选择万用表上的测量项目及量程…

万用表的使用方法.txt世上有三种人:一是良心被狗吃了的人,二是良心没被狗吃的人,三是良心连狗都不吃的人。︶﹋丶 爱情是个梦,而我却睡过了头﹌万用表是用来测量交直流电压、电阻、直流电流等的仪表。是电工和无线电制作的必备工具。 初看起来万用表很复杂,实…

火山爆发 A Volcano Eruption

As the best candidate, I was appointed to collect and evaluate information for a database about diverse natural disasters, such as hurricanes, typhoons or thunderstorms. Sometimes I did this by giving out questionnaires to those who went through them. But sometimes I had to go through actual disasters myself. The Musaki Volcano was one of them. 作为最好的候选人,我被委派为一个数据库收集和评估各种自然灾害的信息,例如飓风、台风或雷暴等。有时我通过向经历过这些灾害的人分发调查问卷来收集信息,有时却得亲自经历实际的灾害。Musaki火山就是其中之一。

At that time, I lived in a bungalow alongside the volcano with a novelist, who came for the appreciation of its eruption. One day, when I was drawing diagrams on the balcony and he was bathing inside, the volcano erupted unexpectedly. The ash and lava fountains shooting highly in the sky varied from 50 to 100 meters in height. It was absolutely fantastic! I even noticed a rainbow appear in the fog caused by a heat wave.


But, glancing through our surroundings, I foresaw the potential danger and found no guarantee of our safety. The uncomfortable gas almost made us unconscious. Sweats of anxiety began to drop. Managing to stop panicking and trembling, we quickly put on our protective suits, helmets and boots and eventually made our way to a safe place. How lucky we were even though my precious equipment and documents were all burnt to the ground!


火山爆发 火山爆发 10火山爆发

火山爆发 A Volcano Eruption As the best candidate, I was appointed to collect and evaluate information for a database about diver…

火山爆发 A Volcano Eruption As the best candidate, I was appointed to collect and evaluate information for a database about diver…

火山爆发 A Volcano Eruption As the best candidate, I was appointed to collect and evaluate information for a database about diver…


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美国 圣海伦火山:大爆发30年后的枯与荣




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