obstacle obstacle On overcome obstacle

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On overcome obstacle

Have you ever lost yourself in some troubles? The answer must be: yes, I have! Almost everyone in the world was growing up with obstacle; it may have been the part of our lives. The troubles may make our lives more brilliant; also bring us some inconvenience and unhappiness, so the focal point may be how to overcome them. Then I’ll give my opinion about it:

First, which I think the most important one is having a positive attitude to it; it may help you to become braver, then have the courage to overcome the obstacle, you should be composed. Then you may have the vigor to think how to solve it, you may know that no matter how nervous you are, the obstacle still exist.

The second step may be how to overcome it. In my opinion, just calm down yourself and identity the obstacle reasonably, only when you know why, you may know what to do. Make out three or four measures and choose from them. In this process, you can ask for help from other people, parents, friends or the teachers. They may give you some advice, and then you need to have a corporation and last give your measure.

Last, you may need to implement the measure; you also need to be much braver and more persistent. The course may be very

very difficult and you really need to have a preparation to accept the failure. When you find what is useful, you should have a reasonable judgment and change the measure. Gradually, you may find the obstacle maybe beaten by your determination.

obstacle obstacle On overcome obstacle

When you are succeeding at last, you may find nothing is serious. The difficulties just are you can’t take the first step. We can’t choose the life we have, the only one we can do may be changing our attitude to it, just be brave and never give up. Just believe youself!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/309451/782351235930.html


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