平台经济那些事儿 文:贵州公司 顾嘉 21世纪什么最贵?人才?错,是平台。随着淘宝、京东、当当等电商的崛起,平台这个概念也被越来越多的人所熟悉和了解,而苹果的成功更是将平台经济推向了顶峰。 一、什么是平台经济? 根据百度百科解释,平台经济( Plat…
沙之聚 张抗抗 (1)去敦煌不全是为了莫高窟.其实心里惦念了很久的,是茫茫大漠中那座神奇的 鸣沙山. (2)血红的夕阳隐去后,天空纯金一样烁亮.在山脚下能听见沙子呜呜的鸣响伴着 月牙泉汩汩的水声,这鸣沙山就是沙漠中的音乐城. (3)也许是最初的创造…
苏教版六年级语文上册期末试卷1 卷面分:5分 一、基础知识与基本技能。 1、抄写下面一段话,要求书写正确、规范。 桂花开得最茂盛时,不说香飘十里,至少前后左右十几家邻居,没有不浸在桂花香 里的。 2、根据拼音写词语 cuī huǐ yì zhì x…
Today I will talk about Disney cartoons,which we are all familiar with,and even,maybe some of you have the same deep love of Disney as me.when it comes to Disney,what reflects in our mind is the wonderful world where beautiful princesses,cute bambi and zimba,funny micky mouse exists.Disney is our childhood.
My presentation includes 3 parts,a brief introduction of walt Disney,the Disney’s history and a short video over 50 classic Disney cartoons,which stems from “蒙牛酸酸乳—音乐风云榜”。
And firstly,let’s go back to our childhood and recall the memory of these characteristic guys.(放视频)
Intersting,right?next part may be bored you but I think it’s the necessary part to honor the great person,the father of “micky mouse”_ Walter Elias Disney.
Walter Elias Disney,is an American animation maker. He was born in Chicago, USA in December 5, 1901 . He is famous for creating the cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.And he is one of the originators of the Walt Disney company.
He produced the world's first sound cartoon "Steamboat Willie",
and the first animated film "Snow White" (1938). With his brother Roy Disney (Roy Oliver Disney),they together founded Disney Brothers animation production company,which is the origin of the walt Disney company.
Disney cartoon can be divided into 5 types:… Do you know the meaning of these phrase?I don’t anyway,so I give the Chinese meaning.and from all,the classics is the symbol of Disney,and snow white open the door.
迪士尼的动画电影可以划分为迪士尼手绘经典动画(CLASSICS)、迪士尼真人动画(Live Action with Animation)、迪士尼计算机动画(3D Computer Animation)、迪士尼模型动画(Claymation Animation)、迪士尼电影版卡通(Movietoons Animation)和迪士尼录像带首映(Video Premiere)等类型,其中的经典动画成为迪士尼最主要的象征,开创这种局面的第一部经典动画就是1937年发行的动画长片,著名的《白雪公主和七个小矮人》,这部最经典的迪士尼电影集众多荣耀于一身,作为世界上第一部有剧情的长篇动画电影,同时也是世界上第一次发行电影原声音乐唱片,世界第一部使用多层次摄影机拍摄的动画,还是世界
哥,领导着世界动画电影的潮流。迪士尼的经典动画由迪士尼最具代表性的迪士尼动画片厂(Walt Disney Animation Studios)制作
Disney History
In detail,I will introduce the Disney’s history.From 1920s to now,Disney has produce 53 catoon movies and almost each becomes a classic.
To learn more about the history of The Walt Disney Company, (click)Let’s begin our adventure.
And in the third stage,the Disney stepped into a booming period.Considering the time is limited,I only chose those that are familiar with us.
1942,Bambi,this is my favorite cartoon and I have watched it for 3 times.It criticizes the hunting activity and people’s lack of responsibility of forests.A fire caused by a cigarette may ruin thousands of animal’s lives,and their happy family.
Alice in wonderland,but the frames can’t be compared with the later one.
On your first hearing,you may ask “what is it?”maybe you are not familiar with this movie’s name,but you must have seen it on all kinds of Disney’s product,like school bag or pencil case.Yes,it’s the
cute cat right here.And I think this cartoon’s plot is very similar to the movie lady and tramp(小姐和流浪汉)
(1977年)The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh,it created many classic charactors.
狐狸与猎狗(1981年)The Fox and the Hound,their friendship is very moving.
小美人鱼(1989年)The Little Mermaid,I needn’t to say much,I think,everyone knows.
美女与野兽(1991年)Beauty and the Beast
狮子王(1994年The Lion King,this is the first Disney cartoons I have ever seen.And It’s this cartoon lead me into the world of Disney.In fact,I almost watched all the Disney movie.
玩具总动员(1995年)Toy Story
Then,here comes the 21 century.Now we are going to play a small game named guess when?,if you are right,I will give you a small gift as an a award.
星际宝贝(2002年Lilo & Stitch
海底总动员(2003年)finding nemo
爱丽丝梦游仙境(2010)Alice’s in wonderland
Yes,in 2010 Disney remade the Alice in wonderland and it’s not a animation anymore,but Live Action with
Animation compared with the 1940s one,it’s more attractive. 3D is very fantastic.
Once there was a time everyone is crazy about a mobile phone game_temple run.temple run:brave,is origined from the Disney cartoon_Brave勇敢传说,which releases in 2011
冰雪奇缘2013年 In 2013,a new cartoon is released and it breaks the record of cartoon’s ticket selling history.It’s frozen. let it go,which is a song singing by the sister,is very popular too.we can hear a small part of this song.
Disney is very impressive and wonderful,and I belive their memoris will leave in our minds forever.That’s all,thank you~!
Today I will talk about Disney cartoons,which we are all familiar with,and even,maybe some of you have the same deep love of …
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