
1.    It’s said that he is a good student 据说
It’s believed that              据相信
It’s reported that              据认为
2.    within the year                在一年之内
3.    to this day                  直到今天
4.    check in   V. 登记住宿手续
check-in   n. 登记住宿手续
check out  v. 登记退宿手续
check-out  n. 登记退宿手续
checkout  n.  收款台
5.    a check – up on eyesight
6.    after all     毕竟
7.    There are three windows in the wall
8.    have a word with sb. = talk with sb.和某人说句话
have words with sb.    和某人吵架
9.    The girl asked someone else to take a picture
= The girl had a picture taken. 让某事被做
10.    You’ll be late for school if you don’t hurry.
= Hurry up, or you’ll be late for school.
=You won’t be late for school unless you hurry up.
11.    be worth doing 值得做某事
=be worthy of being done
=be worthy to be done
12.    (1) Pleased to meet you.
(2) I’m pleased   to meet you.
                   with you work.
(3) What pleasant weather!
(4) do sth. with pleasure 乐意做某事
  (5)Thanks a lot.
      It is a pleasure. (不用谢)
14. go   bad 变坏
        wrong 出错
15.    think of sb. as 把。。。看作
think about the plan 考虑关于那计划
think it over  仔细想
think hard    努力想
16.    in his  spare  time 在他空余的 时间
17.    vegetarian  素食者
18.    His story proved (to be ) true. (证明, 无被动)
19.    whatever = no matter what   无论什么
20.    however,= but
21.    everyone        every one of us
22.    English is easy to learn.
This kind of watches sells well.
This pen writes smoothly.
This kind of cloth is easy to wash.
23.    be angry with sb. / at sth.
24.    say / talk /speak /explain to sb.
25.    think it + adj. + to do
26.    The train will arrive very soon. 时间上的快
27.    such a nice book = so nice a book
such an interesting book = so interesting a book
28.    He doesn’t know if you have any questions, if you have any questions, raise your hands.
29.    besides English = in addition to English
30.    The thing that matters is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or  n ot.
31.    catch sb. doing sth. 撞见某人在某事
=sb be caught doing sth.
32.    let sb.down 让某人消沉
33.    look forward to doing
pay attention to doing
on one’s way to being a doctor
lead to doing
in addition to doing
34.    Once 一旦you have it, you must work hard to keep it.
35.    be supposed to 应该
36.    not a little = very
not a bit = not at all
37.    Wildfires are common 常见的during the Australian summer.
38.    There was nothing left.剩下的
39.    under control/way/repair/discussion/consideration
make repairs/arrangements/preparations
40.    Is your father a teacher?
Well, he used to be.
41.    Did he use to get up at six?
Yes, he used to.
42.    TV series 电视连续剧
43.    a copy一份
44.    make oneself understood
45.    his health problem
46.    If you are not careful = unless you are careful
If you aren’t quick
If you don’t hurry up
When you are spoken to
Unless I’m invited
47.    steal a wallet from a lady
rob a lady of a wallet
48.    My room needs / requires / wants  cleaning
to be cleaned
49.    warn his of the danger
warn sb. to be careful
warn sb. not to smoke
50.    Don’t waste time doing sth.
51.    It’s a waste of time to so sth..
52.    in a way 在某种程度上
53.    Where do you think he lives?
54.    be angry   with sb.
 at sth.
55.    lie – lied – lied 撒谎
lie – lay – lain-lying 躺 (不及物动词)
lay – laid – laid-laying放,下蛋  (及物动词)
56.    teach me French
57.    her best friend
Tom’s best friend
58.    We haven’t heard from him since last month.
59.    What useful information he has told me!
How useful information you have offered me is !
60.    the latest news / song
61.    I’m sure that…
I’m not sure if …
Are you sure that…
62.    create – creative – creation 创造
63.    develop – developing – developed – development
64.    occur – occurred –occurred (= happen)
65.    burn – burning – burnt – burnt – burned - burned
66.    long –length- lengthen (v.加长)
67.    short – shorten   (v. 改短)
68.    wide – width – widely – widen   (v.拓宽)
69.    strong –strength –strengthen (v. 加强)
70.    hot – heat –heat (n.)—heat (v.加热)
71.    expect –– unexpected 没有被预料到的
72.    warm – warmth
73.    prefer – preferred
refer – referred  谈到,涉及到
76. imagine – imagination    
realize – realization        
examine –examination
recite – recitation        
explain – explanation
pronounce – pronunciation
organize – organization    
exclaim – exclamation    
prepare – preparation
77.    real –really –reality 现实
invite – invitation
invent – invention
78.    his courage  勇气
his encouragement 鼓励
encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励
79.     environment – environmental – environmentally
automatic – automatically 自动的
educational – seasonal
reason – reasonable 公平的, 合理的
accident 事故– by accidentally 偶然, 碰巧
80.    prefer – preference
81.    die – dead – dying – deadly – death
82.    respond v. 反应– response n. 反应– responsible(负责的)
83.    choose – chose – chosen – choice
84.    raise the flag / pets / flowers / questions
be raided
85.    rise from the chair
The river rose 5 feet.
86.    deep – deeply – depth
87.    include – including
88.    improve – improvement
accept – acceptable 可以接受的
89.    his surprised look 感到惊奇的
the frightened horse 感到害怕的
90.     prove     
seem        +adj.
91.    Tom looked excited   at Mary’s news / words.
when he heard Mary’s news / words
92.    The doctor did   everything to save    the drowning boy.
what he could to save
94. what to do             what to do about it
   how to do it             what to do next
   how to do the next        how to do it next
95.    how to deal with = what to do with 处理
96.    Care must be taken. 小心
Action must be taken.行动
97.    The cake is untouched.没有被接触过的
98.    read the text / poem aloud
in a low / high / loud voice
speak a little louder
Don’t speak loudly.
99.    What useful news!
How useful news is !
What useful news it is !
What useful news he has told me !
How useful news he has told me is !
100.    Shanghai has changed a lot in the past few years.
101.    The courses课程 in our school are changed
102.    The number of the students in our school has changed.
103.    He was asked whether it would rain this afternoon.
104.    He is asked whether it will rain this afternoon.
105.    He was invited to dinner tomorrow.
106.    Why did you keep silent when you were spoken to?
107.    I knew noting about it until I was told.
108.    What does he look like?
109.    the girl in red
the girl in a red coat
110.    Please wait for me at the bus stop.
111.    He is waiting for the bus.
112.    Please wait in line.
113.    Please wait until I come back.
114.    Look, Mike has drawn a picture on the  wall. He drew it just now.
115.    Please wait for me to play with you.
116.    his anger
117.    his hunger
118.    Could you tell me   what is the matter (with you)?
what is wrong (with you)?
what is the trouble (with you)?
what your trouble is ?
which is the way to the post office?
who you are?
                     who is the man over there?
                     what the population of China is
119. fight        flight   lightning
give sb a fright
The news frightened the little boy.
The frightened boy is frightened at the     frightening film.
121. Computers come in all sizes.
122. Do you have jeans of my size?
123. on a hot summer day
124. one hot summer day
125. be shortened
    be widened
126. Tom must study hard, mustn’t he?
127. Tom must be in the teachers’ office, isn’t he?
128. Tome must be reading in the room , isn’t he?
129. It may have rained last night, didn’t it?
130. It must have rained last night, didn’t it?
131.His handwriting is far/much/still/a lot/even better than I.
132. Wang Hai is in charge of sports in his class.
    Wang Hai’s job is to be in charge of sports in his class.
133. His job at the moment is to organize the sports meeting.
    His job now is to organize the sports meeting.
135. You will use it   at some time     in the future 在某个时候
136, attend school = go to school 上学
137. decide to do = make a decision to do
   =make up one’s mind to do
   =be determined to do
138. Black caught cold two minutes ago .
 Black has had a cold since two minutes ago.
 Black has had a cold for two minutes.
139. They began to learn German two years ago.
=They have learned German for two years.
140. They got to know each other two years ago.
    =They have known each other for two years.
141. pay the postage / the bus – driver / the rent
142. pay two yuan for the postage
    pay for what I have done for you.
143. pay money to the government.
144. pay with a credit card / by credit card
145. two hours (how long)
146. two hours’ ride (how far)
147. twice (how many times)
148. twice a week (how often)
149. since 1950 (since when=since which year)
150. since yesterday (how long)
151. prevent people from polluting the river
152. prevent the river from being polluted
153. He is forgetful.
154. an unforgettable thing
155. How long have you been in Shanghai?
156. How many times have you been to Shanghai?
157. so many books
158. so much bread
159. so few books
160. so little bread
161. such a little cat = so little a cat
162.such nice books
163. such interesting news
164. such an interesting book = so interesting a book
165.have sth done=get sth done
    have you baby looked after
 have the baby crying=keep the baby crying
    have sb do=let sb sb=make sb do=get sb to do
167. What does Jeffi look like?
168. How does Jeffi look?
169. college expenses 大学费用
170. too told for     anyone            to swim
                any of us
                any one of us
171. at the expense of long –term malaise
172. The meeting will last for 2 hours.持续
    lasting (adj.) 永久的
   The experience had a lasting effect on him.
173. hesitate to do 犹豫做某事
    without hesitation 毫不犹豫
174. Mr. Li is ill today. Mr. Wang will take his lesson instead.代课
175. in the nineteen thirties 在二十世纪三十年代
176. Tom is absent from class 缺席
177. Tom’s absence from class made her angry.
178. swim across the English channel
179. go through the forest / door / tunnel
    go across the road/the street/field/grass
180. by accident = accidentally 碰巧
182. take an active part in sports 积极参加
    take part in sports actively
    be active in sports
183. This is the place which he visited yesterday.
    This is the place where he was born
    This is the place in which he was born.
    This is the place that / which/.. he was born in.
184. This is the day which he spent in Shanghai.
    This is the day when he was born.
    This is the day on which he was born.
    This is the day which / that he was born on.
185. The house whose windows face south is his.
186. I saw Tom in the park yesterday.强调句
    It was I that saw Tom in the park yesterday.
    It was Tom that I saw in the park yesterday.
    It was in the park that I saw Tom yesterday.
    It was yesterday that I saw Tom in the park.
187. agree on the date of the meeting
    decide on the date for the meeting
188. As we all know,
    As is known to all,
   It is known to all that…
189. Can you tell me     what we will visit tomorrow?
                    the place which / that we will visit tomorrow?
190. What a great help!
    What a good sleep!
    What a happy life!
    What a hard time!
    What a nice supper!
191. news, work, music, luggage, fun, weather, information, furniture, progress, advice, equipment
192, wise – wisdom
193. truth – truly     argum ent     value – valuable    noisy
194. worriedly excitedly hurriedly
195. automatic – automatically
196. be difficult, his difficulty
197. be honest, his honesty / dishonesty
198. set out for=set off for=start for 出发去某地
199. when the rain stopped 瞬间,持续动词
200. while he is away     持续动词
201. wonder = want to know 想知道
202. I’m truly sorry .
 I’m terribly(very) sorry.
205. They moved to Beijing last month. The house they moved into looks very beautiful.
206. He ought to be here.
    He oughtn’t to be here.
207. the damage to our environment
208. A policeman’s first duty is the protector of the people.
209. The collector showed us some of his latest discoveries.
210. The baby was wide awake but it was not crying.
211. take singing as a profession 作为一个职业
212. go off the road 四处路面
213. Who do you want to discuss with?
214. They will spend as much time as they can helping others.
215. They will do what they can to help others.
    They will do everything to help others.
216. Each boy likes French.
    Each of the boys likes French.
    They each like French.
217. 就近原则
or, there be, not only…but also, neither…nor…, either…or…
with, as well as, except, but
219.I prefer singing to dancing.
    I like singing better than dancing.
    I prefer to sing rather than dance.
    I like singing better than dancing.
220. many arguments
221. a work of art, works of art,  艺术作品 (由单复数)
   Bajin’s works (文学作品)
222. a works, two works 工厂
223. Please do it as I told you just now. 按照
224. Many attendants are coming  here. 出席者
228. Mother said that cooking took much time everyday.
229. We won’t believe it until we have been told.
230. at the age of fifty = when he was fifty 在他五十岁时
    in his fifties = when he was over fifty 在他五十几岁时
231. at first sight 第一眼一看
232.It is unfair / important for sb. to do…
233. It is polite / rude / kind / clever / foolish / brave of sb. to do…
234. He is the first to come.
235. Please help yourselves to some fish, everyone.
236. Please help me to cook the fish.
237. take the exam 参加考试
238. a sleeping baby=a baby asleep 一个熟睡的婴孩
239. fall asleep 入睡
240. feel sleepy 感到想要睡觉的
241. a sleepless night 一个不眠之夜
242. How many / how much/Is there…?
243. What is in the bottle?
244. leave the mistakes uncorrected
245. an uncorrected mistake
    an incorrect answer
246. catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意
247. with my own eyes 我亲眼目睹
248. shake – shook - shaken
250. return = come back (人) 回来
    or: return = give back (物)归还
251. Thank you for your helping me.
    Thank you for helping me.
    Thanks for your help.
    Thanks for your inviting. 为某事而感谢某人
252. custom(s) 风俗, 习惯
    the customs  海关
    customers   顾客
253. Thanks to your help, I can get there on time.幸亏你的帮助
254. My ambition / plan / wish / job / homework is to do…
255. My hobby is doing…
256. Go abroad. 去 国外
257. allow sb. to do
    sb. be not allowed to do
259. set out for Shanghai = start for Shanghai = set off for Shanghai
260. laugh at sb.
    laughter  笑声 ( 名词)
261. recently = lately (现在完成时)
264. during my stay (名词) in Germany
    when I stayed (动词)in Germany
265. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with everything.
266. Clothes are  衣服 (复数)
    Clothing is   服装 (不可数)
    a clean cloth , two clean cloths
    a piece of cloth, two pieces of cloth 布 (不可数)
267. many more people
    much more milk
    too many people
    too much milk
    much too tall
268. A pair of glasses is
    Two pairs of glasses are..
270. in one’s opinion 据我看来
271. therefore = so 因此
272. even though = even if 即使
    as if=as though  似乎
273, pretty soon = very soon
274. Do you know how basketball got its name?
275. I asked him to go there.
    = He was asked to go there.
276. I told him to go there.
    =He was told to go there.
277. I invited him to go there.
    =He was invited to go there.
278. I introduced him to her.
    = He was introduced to her.
279. Why did you keep silent when you were spoken to?
280. Unless I’m invited…
281. He was told that it would rain tomorrow.
    He is told that it will rain tomorrow.
282. I made Tom clean the room
    Tom was made to clean the room.
283. I made the room clean.
    The room was made clean.
287. I saw him cry.
    = He was seen to cry.
288. I s aw him crying.
    = He was seen crying.
289. I saw him beaten.
    He was seen beaten.
293. with the help of the teacher (用how提问)
294. stomachs.
295. roofs, reefs. safes,chiefs (首领)
296. for the second time
    a second time/ language/try
    about / over / more than two hundred books
    two hundred of the books
    two hundred of his books
    a few / several hundred books
297. penny便士(单数) – pennies复数 – pence复数
298. We aren’t safe to cross the street when the red light is on.
299. Whether to go there is unknown.
300. Whether he will fly there is unknown.
301. I don’t know whether it will rain or not.
302. call sb=phone sb=make a phone call to sb打电话给某人
303. call on sb.= visit sb.拜访某人
305. in faraway 遥远的 villages
    in villages nearby附近的
306. teach us English
307. sandwiches
308. bring your book here
309. bring a book to me
310. get / sing / draw / book / bake / cook / make / buy … for
311, He visited France two years ago.
312. He has taught French since two years ago.
313. It is / has been two years since I came here.
314.I have learnt five songs by now.
315. I had learnt five songs by seven yesterday.
316. I visited France in 1998.
317. I have taught French since 1998.
318. I had le arnt five songs by 1998.
319. replace = take the place of 代替
320. instead of = in place of   代替
321. Wine is made from grapes.
322. in the end = at last = finally = eventually
323. Give these books to them all.
324. the Greeks 希腊人(由复数)
325. He is forgetful.  难忘的
326. an unforgettable thing 健忘的
327. rise from the seat
328. raise your had = put up your hand
    be raised
329. When did you go to Japan?
330. at the end of road / the meeting
331. from now on 从现在起
332. from then on 从那时起
333. passage – passenger 乘客
334.message – messenger 送信的人
335.be proud of = take pride in 为…感到自豪的
336. praise sb. for sth. = sb. be praised for 为…而表扬某人
337. Q: What are you doing now?
    A: I’m working on the maths problem 从事…的研究
338. with worry / pleasure / interest  
339. What he is in charge of is to organize the meeting.
341. shake hands with sb.和某人握手
    make friends with sb.和某人交朋友
342. I told him what I saw yesterday.
    I told all that I saw yesterday.
    I told everything that I saw yesterday.
343. a friend of mine / ours / yours / hers /his/ theirs
344. a friend of my father’s
345. by the way 顺便问一下
    in the way / one’s way 挡路
    in a way 在某种程度上
 in the same way  用同样的方法
    in many /some /different ways用许多、一些,不同的方法
347. on one’s way here / there / home
    on one’s way to his home
    on one’s way to go to school
348. on my way to being a doctor 抽象的 路上
349. two dozen books 两打书(一打指十二本)
    two score books 二十 (四十本书)
350. I am as tall as than Tom
    I am once / twice / three time as tall as  Tom.
351. I am taller than Tom.
    I am once / twice / three times taller than Tom.
352. I have twice as much milk as you.
353.I have once as many books as you.
354. This is as interesting a film as that one.
355. China is larger than any other country in Asia.
356. China is larger than any country in Africa.
357. A is once the size / width / weight / height of B.
358. I have a bike of my own.属于我自己的
359. He often goes out on his own.
360. a medical team     take some medicine
361. be free from noise
362. I didn’t know any of the people there.
363. When I got home, my mother was waiting for me while my father had fallen asleep.
364. a lot of
    lots of         + uncountable noun. / countable noun.
    plenty of
365. a great deal of + uncountable noun.
366. a great many + countable noun.
367. a large number of + countable noun.
368. a huge amount of
    huge amounts of      + uncountable noun.
369. There is only a book on the desk.
    = There is nothing   but    a book on the desk.
370. a three-hour train ride
371. all together 一起
    We went to school all together the other day.
372. That will be ten yuan  altogether.总共
                       in all.
373. Computers come in all sizes.
374. They’re children of my age.
375. Do you have jeans of my size?
376. It is the second time that he has cried.
377. humans
378. I have left my book at home.
379. Who has taken my book? It was here just now.
380. You may have used a computer at some time, didn’t you?
381. We must study hard, mustn’t we?
382. Mary must be at her uncle’s, isn’t she?
383. Mary must be reading the map now, isn’t he?
384. Mary must have gone to Italy, hasn’t he?
385. I don’t think that he is right, is he?
386. We don’t think that he is right, is he?
387. Tom doesn’t think that she is right, does he?
388. I found it important (for us) to learn English.
    I found that it was important (for us ) to learn English.
389. The hall can hold about two thousand people.
390. be able to do = succeed in doing = be successful in doing
    = manage to do = do sth. successfully
391. fail to do = be not able to do = be unable to do = do not manage to do
392. You are wanted on the phone. 有你的电话
398. almost no / none = hardly any
399. almost nothing = hardly anything
400. almost no one = hardly anyone / anybody
401.     Tom hurried off 匆忙离开
     Tom left in a hurry
     Tom left hurriedly
402.  Tome hurried to the station 匆忙到
     Tom went to the station hurriedly
     Tom went to the station in a hurry
     Tom hurried off to the station 匆忙离开去车站
403. make
    1) Wine is made from grapes.
    2) Paper is made from wood.
    3) Our class is made up of 50 students.
      =Our class consists of 50 students.
    4) I can’t make out 辨认出the words on the blackboard.
    5) This watch is made in Italy. 由。。。。。。组成
    6) Wood can be made into paper. 被制成。。。。。。
404. put up
    1) Please put up your hand. 举手
      = Please raise your hand.
    2) Put up the new picture on the wall. 张贴
    3) The new bridge will be put up soon. 建造
405. put out
    1) The firemen put out the fire at last. 扑灭
     =The fire was put out at last.
406. put away 整理
    1) Put away your books.
407. put off   推迟
    1) The sports meeting was put off because of the bad weather.
408. put on  
1) Put on your coat. 穿上
2) The play will be put on soon.上演
409. turn
    1) Turn on the lights. 开
    2) Turn off the lights. 关
    3) Turn the radio up.  音量调高
4) Turn the radio down. 音量调低
410. take
    1) Take off the coat.  脱下
    2) The plane has taken off. 起飞
    3) Take away the books.   带走
    4) Take the book out of the desk. 从桌肚里拿出书
    5) Take up a hobby. 从事一项爱好
411. get
    1) Get on the bus.
    2) Get off the bus.
412. Get into the car / the taxi.
    Get out of the car / the taxi.
414. How much did you spend on this coat?
    = How much did this coat cost? / was… worth
415. They have planted many trees.
    = Many trees have been planted by them.
416. They have planted many trees.
    Have many trees have been planted by them?
417.Paper for the books is made from wood.
418. The advice on how to learn languages was given to us.
419. disappear, rise, brake out, happen, take place (vi.)
420. dial, plan, prefer, refer, admit, control (double +ed / ing)
421. write – wrote –written –writing
422. stick – stuck –stuck 黏住
423. strike – struck –struck / stricken 敲打
424. carry – carrying – carried
428. the teacher’s encouragement  鼓励
429. I’m to meet him at the airport. 将要
430. meet with the difficulty 遭遇到
431. tell A from B 区分
436. pick up sth 捡起某物
    pick sb. up 去接某人
    pick out (choose)选择
437. point at the tiger 指着那老虎
    point out   指出
438.run away 逃跑/ after 追赶
439. on one’s side 支持某人 (站在某人一边)
440. meet the needs of 满足。。。。。。的需要
441. Twenty hours is enough.
442. I doubt 怀疑if he’ll come tomorrow.
    I don’t doubt that he’ll come tomorrow.
443. The meeting will last (for) 2 hours. 持续
444. I can’t afford to buy the car. 买得起
445. freezing night / cold temperature
446. home and abroad  国内和国外
447. be used to doing  习惯于做某事
    = get used to doing
    = be accustomed to doing
448. be willing to do 情愿做某事
449. differ – different – difference
450. lead to   failure 导致失败
451. set sb. free 释放某人
452. ahead of time 提前
453. cause and effect 前因和后果
454. float  飘浮
    flow 流动
455.be born   poor   出生贫穷
             Famous 出生名门
456. be born with the body of a runner
457. What annoys us most of all is that no one seems to care.
458. The reason why she is late is that she is ill.
459. Look at that speaker. I always see him grin from ear to ear when speaks.
460.  in the distance. 在远方
462. Where is the area of Pudong.?
463. If you want to study German well, you must do more speaking for that.
456. They walked to the end of the street.
465. – May I go now?
    - No, you can’t. You must stay here.
466. – May I ask you a question?
    - Yes, what’s it?
467. Isn’t that a packet of electricity, Ben?
468. seem to do = appear to do 似乎
469. The weather in the North Pole is very changeable.
470. enter – entrance
    hunger – hungry
     anger – angry
471. be located in / on / at = be in / on / at = lie in / on / at
472. Coffee is served 被提供with sugar and milk here.
473. How much does that box weigh?
    = How heavy is that box?
    = What’s that box’s weight?
476. in German 用德语
477. in the French language
478. in his own words 用他自己的话
479. in size / shape / color
480. in a high voice
481. at the speed of sixty kilometers an hour以。。。的速度
482. at the temperature of   以。。。的温度
483. at a high price       以一个高的价格
484. sentence           句子
485. be confident of     对。。。自信的
486. depend on – dependent – independent – dependence
487. drama 戏剧– dramatic  戏剧的
488. wise – wisdom 智慧
489. proper 恰当的– properly 恰当地 – improper不恰当的
490. a chemical change / experiment / factory
    a chemistry laboratory / teacher
491. admit doing 承认做某事
492. admit sb. to   swh. 允许
493. My room    needs     cleaning / to be cleaned
494. That’s all right. 1.没关系  2. 不用谢
495. memory – memorize – memorial
496. reply – reply
497. nerve(s) 神经– nervous神经的
498. still  仍旧
499. see … off 为。。。送行
    put off    推迟
    show off  炫耀
    pay off debt 偿还
    cut off electricity  切断
    get off the bus 下车
    take off     
500. call me again before leaving
501. in which direction
502. The red  skirt is too expensive. I can’t afford it.
503. He used to be doctor.
504. truth, truly, wisdom, argument, valuable
505. Mount Tai
506. forgetful – unforgettable
507. Can you tell me when to visit my English teacher?
    = Can you tell me when I will visit my English teacher?
508. succeed – success – successful – successfully
509. city – citizen(s) 市民
510. depend 依赖– dependent 依赖的– independent独立的
511. What important information they have given us!
    How important information they have given us is!
512. read the text / poem aloud
    speak a little louder
    in a loud voice
    Don’t talk loudly.
513. This is a no-left-turn area. Don’t you see the sign?
    Oh, sorry. I didn’t see it.
514. What to do with
    How to deal with
    What to do next
    How to do it next
    How to do the next
    What to do about it
515. tradition – traditional
517 look  angrily at me
         angry at  the news 听到
                 his words
            =when he heard the news.
518. He  appeared      to be a cook.
    It  appeared  that he was a cook.
519. He happened to be out.碰巧
    It happened that he was out.
520. He is likely to come. 可能
    It is likely that he will come.
521. a shoe shop
    two shoe shops.
    a bike shop
    two bike shops
522.  use the dictionary
    look the word up in the dictionary
523. Please let me know about it when he comes.
524. When is the train leaving?
In ten minutes.
525. I want to know if he will come tomorrow.
    I’ll go with you if he comes.
    I want to know when he will come.
    I’ll let you know when he comes.
    Please let me know about it when he comes.
526. outer space (adj. 外面的)宇宙空间, 外层空间
527. borrowed word  外来词
528. by chance   碰巧
529. It’s hot   in August. 在八月
            for February. 对于二月份来说
530. It’s wet on the ground, for it rained last night.
531. be at work 在工作
532. Can I join you?
    Yes, you’re welcome.
534. working experience 经验 (不可数)
    an exciting experience 经历  (可数)
535. excuse  名词  (借口)
537. Don’t be late next time!
    No, I won’t .
538. Could you…?
    Yes, I will.
539. suggest  doing
            I (should) do
542.  give me a hand 帮助我
     help me
     do me a favor
     do a favor for me
543.  ask sb. for help  求助于某人
     ask sb.  a favor
     ask a favor of sb.
545. take it easy 放松点, 别紧张
546. solve  (v. 解决)– solution (n.解决方法)
547. be dependent / independent of
549  a sense of humor 幽默感
    be sensible明智的 / insensible不明智的 of sb to do
551. Ten people were killed in the accident   including a driver
                                      a driver included
552. Time will never return when it is gone, will it?
553. (1) Tom broke the window in the corridor.
        Who broke the window in the corridor?
    (2) The window was broken by Tom.
        By whom was the window broken?
            Whom / who was the window broken by?
554    Who is the taller of the two?
Who is taller, Tom or Mary?
557. He failed to pass the exam.
    He   wasn’t able to pass the exam.
         was unable to pass the exam.
         didn’t succeed in passing the exam.
558. Why not try using another way?
559. in one way or another
560. give birth to a baby 生了一个婴儿
561. neither boy = neither of the boys
562. come near

566. How pleased we feel! 感到满意的
567. see, look, at, watch, notice, hear, listen to, feel sb. do / doing
569. My trousers need to be shortened by two inches.
571. look after it
572. An unusual thing happened yesterday.
573. I think helping him is my duty.
574. He was heard   to sing.
575. He runs as fast as   possible.
                     he can.
576. in such a hurry
577. show sth. to sb.
578. turn on the radio
    = turn the radio on.
    = turn it on
579. Can you tell me who is there?
581. a loud noi se
    make a lot of moise
582. I’ll have a meeting to attend.
583. I’ll have a bike repaired.
584. France – French
591. offer sb. sth.
    offer sth. to sb.
    provide sb. with sth.
    provide sth. for sb.
    supply sb. with sth.
    supply sth. to / for sb.
592. the Eiffel Tower
593. Switzerland – Swiss
594. collector, doctor, governor, professor, refrigerator, sailor, visitor, calculator, protector, escalator, actor, inventor
595. running, swimming, sipping, travelling, stop, shop, begin, sit
596. familiar – similar
597. judo, tennis,
598. please – pleasant – pleased – pleasure
599. influence
600. abroad, aboard
601. reminder, container, recorder
602. happen – happened – happened
603. Britain – British
604. art – artist
605. agriculture – agricultural
606. add – addition – additional – additionally
607. design – designer
608. This book had a great effect on me.
    This book affected me greatly.
    This book is effective. (形容词)有效的
610. write – wrote – written – writing
611. inviter, producer, interviewer
612. protect – protector – protection – protective
613. connect – connection 连接
614. be destined to注定做某事
    Destination 目的地
615. a chemistry teacher / laboratory
    a chemical change / factory / experiment
616.a physics teacher / laboratory
    a physical change / experiment
617. Three years has passed.
    drive past fields
618. produce – producer – products – production – productive
619. bury – buried – buried – burial
620. cough – coughed – coughed
621.person – personal – personally – personality
622. describe – description(s)
625. serve – service – servant
626. terrible – terribly
    possible – possibly
627. office – officer – official – officially
628. neighbor – neighborhood
629. the latest news / song
    see you later
    get up later than…
    I haven’t heard from him lately / recently
    get up latest in his family
631. environment-environmental
632. polite – impolite- po litely – politeness
633. breathe – breath
634. communicate – communication
635. replace = take the place of
    instead of  = in place of
636. patient – patience –impatient – patiently
637. attack – attacked – attacked
638. attract – attractive – attraction
639. honest – dishonest – honesty – dishonesty
640. health – healthy – unhealthy – healthily
641. Kate was told by her teacher that sound travels more slowly than light.
642.You’d better sing. It doesn’t matter whether you can sing well or not.
643. give up = stop
    give in
644. I forget to take money   with  me.
    bring here
    take here
645. fall  ill
         in live with sb.
646. fall – fell – fallen
647. feel – felt –felt
648. enough lights
    enough light
    light enough
    bright enough
649. tell sb.
    say            to sb.
    say to oneself
650. for        some time
sometime next week
I sometimes get up at six.
I have been there some times.
651. There must be a thief in my room
    There can’t be a thief in my room.
652. What’s the weather like today?
    How’s the weather today?
653. What does he look like?
654.Tom gets up at six, so he does.
655. Tom gets up at six, so does Jack.
656. I’ve invited them all.
657. I think it our duty to help him.
    = I think that it is our duty to help him.
658. I think it hard to learn English.
    =I think that it is hard to learn English.
659. I think helping him is our duty.
660. depend on
    (1) He depends on his parents.
    (2) He is dependent of his parents.
    (3) He is independent of his parents.
661. Can you tell me who is there?
662. (1) I saw him cry.
        He was seen to cry.
    (2) I saw him crying.
        He was seen crying.
    (3) I saw him beaten.
        He was seen beaten.
663. (1) I made the room clean.
        The room was made clean.
    (2) I made Tom clean the room.
        Tom was made to clean the room.
664. At ten o’clock last night, mother was heard talking with father.
665. try doing
    try to do
(1)    Why not try using another way?
(2)    Try tasting the soup.
(3)    Why not try knocking at the door?
(4)    Try one’s best to do …
666. some boy = a certain boy
667.pay a visit to sb.= visit sb.
668. between the teachers and parents
669. To save the injured boy, the doctor did everything possible.
670. I want to make a paper plane to fl with yours.
671. They live at 227 Naple Street.
    = Their address is 227 Naple Street.
672. Neither of us knew what the other said.
673. How important news in our daily life is!
    What important news in our daily life it is!
674. accountant    attendant
    assistant        servant
675. lightning     frightening    frightened
676. school life
    In our daily life
677. all my life
678. save a boy’s life
    save many boys’ lives
679. working / teaching experience
    all kinds of experience
    an experienced teacher
680.There is something wrong with my match.
    Something is wrong with my watch.
681.conclude – conclusion
    conclude a speech
      arrive at
draw      a conclusion
come to
682. should = ought to
683. Don’t go out alone at night. Mother said to her daughter.
    = Mother told her daughter not to go out along at night.
684. speak French
    speak the French language
685. with my pen = in ink
    by a trick
686.I am pleased with your words.
    = I am pleased with what you said.
687. I don’t think Tom is as tall as Mary.
688. if possible
689. a surprised look
690. the frightened horse
691. leave sb. alone
692. Saying is one thing and doing is another.
693. What a hard time!
    What hard work!
694. The teacher said that we have the right to vote about to go for our class trip.
695. Guests are not allowed to enter the kitchen of the restaurant.
    = Guests must not go into kitchen of the restaurant.
696. There is something wrong with my computer.
    =Something is wrong with my computer.
697. The radio says the snows will stop soon.
    =The radio says it will stop snowing soon.
698. I am sorry to say you can’t smoke here.
    = I am afraid you can’t smoke here.
699. a drop of water
700. drop in on sb.
701. drop me into a river
702. do sth. by hand
703. now that = since = as
704. (1) I work as an electrician.
    (2) I met his mother as I was walking in the street.
    (3) As he is ill, he was late this morning.
705. My father was singing while my mother was dancing.
706. It is wet on the ground, for it rained last night.
707. between two classes
    between parents and teachers
708. among themselves
709. Don’t be late next time.
    No, I won’t.
710. Tom asked me not to go there, didn’t he?
711. When I got home, my mother was waiting for me while my father had fallen asleep.
712. I have a meeting to attend.
    I have a letter to write.
713. I will have my bike repaired.
714. She spends as much time as she could studying.
715. She can do what he can to help others.
716. attend school / college
717. be interested in doing
    be interested to do
718. happen, break out, disappear, prove, rise (vi.)
719. Open your mouth wide.
720. award ab. a prize
    = sb. be awarded a prize
721.inform sb. of sth.
    sb. be informed of
    keep sb. well informed of sth.
722. What heavy traffic!
723. Hi, Lucy! You are here.
    I didn’t know you were here.
724. enter for the high jump
725. enter = go into
726. It is terribly hot
727. scream – screamer
728. Keep running every morning, and you will find you are getting healthier and healthier.
729. Keeping running is good for you.
730. speak fluent English
    =speak English fluently
731. We are not home.
    We are out.
732. Someone is crying, isn’t he?
733. Each of us likes French.
    They each like French.
    I have invited them all.
    Each of the boys likes French.
734. the living cost
735. You are lucky to win the game.
    How lucky you are to win the game!
736. I let him cry. = I have him cry.
    = I made him cry. = I get him to cry.
737.I will have my bike repaired.
    = I will get my bike repaired.
738. Have my baby looked after when I am out.
739. Tom had  her crying all the time.
    =Tom kept her crying all the time.
740. America’s development
    China’s development
741. on all subjects
    on any subject
742. in detail
743. in a strange way
744. can = be able to
    can’t do = be unable to do = fail to do
745. must = have to
746, needn’t do = don’t need to do = don’t have to do
747. s hould do = ought to do
748. be cash
    by credit card
    with a credit card
749. I am sure of / about his honesty.
    = I am sure that he is honest.
750. Be sure to turn off the lights.
751. Make sure that the house is locked before you leave the room.
752. the one in red
    the ones in red
753. I prefer singing to dancing.
    = I prefer to sing rather than dance.
754. cry out to sb. = call out to sb. = shout at sb.
755. He hurried off.
    = He left hurriedly.
756. He hurried to school.
    = He went to school in a hurry.
    = He went to school hurriedly.
757. have supper
    have a nice supper
758. at weekends
    on weekdays
759. keep off the bird flu
760. agree with sb.
    agree with his words
    = agree with what he said
761. agree to sth.
    agree to do sth.
762. agree on the date / place of the meeting
763. decide on the date / place for the meeting
764. at a low temperature
    at a low price
    at the high speed
765. be satisfied with
    =be pleased with
766. Kate’s cousin enjoys eating sushi, so does mine.
767. This kind of sushi is good.
    Different kinds of sushi are good.
    Sushi of this kind is good. / Bikes of this kind are good.
768. I have been there once.
    There was once a school here.
    Once you have made a mistake, please correct it.
769. be in town
    be out of town
770. He goes to the library and he reads a little at a time.
771. leave sb. alone
    leave sb. to do
772. What is wrong with your watch?
    It doesn’t work.
773. be tested
774. up to fifty passengers
775. all of a sudden = suddenly
776. deal with other students
    get along with other students
777. share your moments of joy and sadness
778. offer sweets
    offer me sweets
    offer to help me
779. say to sb.
    speak to sb.
    talk to / with sb.
    explain to sb.
780. The train will arrive very soon.
781. He doesn’t know if you have any question, if you have any question, please ask me.
782. I’m sure / certain that he is honest.
    = It’s certain that he is honest.
783. always – never
    often – seldom
784. The clock was set for six o’clock.
785.cause the disease / illness
    be caused by his carelessness 由。。。。。。引起
    cause sb. to do    
    the cause of the fire
786. the reason for my being late
787. a real  life
788. a true story
789. Will you please tell me when he will come?
    I’m not sure, but I’ll let you know at once when he comes.
790. What do people do to fight pollution?
    What is done to fight pollution?
791. principal
    principal food
792. principle
793. hold – held – held
    We held a meeting just now.
    = A meeting was held just now.
    = A meeting took place just now.
794. after school = after school is over
795. decide to do
    make a decision to do
    make up one’s mind to do
    be determined to do
796. vote for sb.
    vote against sb.
797.Peter is in charge of the meeting.
    = Peter takes charge of the meeting.
    = Peter has the duty for the meeting.
    = Peter is responsible for the meeting.
    = The meeting is in Peter’s charge.
    = The meeting is in the charge of Peter.
798. I consider him as the best doctor in town.
    = I consider him (to be) the best doctor in town.
799. We’re considering flying to Spain soon.
800. They made Mary captain of that team.
801. We elect him (as) captain of that team.
802, We choose him as captain of that team.
803. ask sb.
    ask for sth.
    ask sb. for sth.
804. talk to / with sb.
    talk about sth.
    talk it over among ourselves
805. arrange to do
    arrange for sb. to do
806. free of charge
807. conclude – conclusion(s)
    arrive at / reach / come to / draw a conclusion
808. They suggested having a meeting.
    They suggested him / his having a meeting.
    = They suggested that he should have a meeting.
809. make a suggestion
810. 1) working experience [V]
    2) all kinds of experiences [C]
    3) experience all kinds of difficulties
811. Would you please tell me when he will come?
    I’ll let you know at once when he comes.
812. Everyone likes his English, don’t they?
813. Nobody likes English, do they?
814. The rest of  it is        good
              them are
815. be destroyed
816. be damaged
817. He has a sense of humor.
818. can’t help doing
819. I’m busy , I can’t help do the work.
820. send for a doctor
821. set off = set out = start
822. every other day
823. at the Lantern Festival
    on the night of the Lantern Festival
824. on Children’s Day
825. sail across the English channel
826. accept sth.
827. receive sth.
828. at the same time
829. a professor
830. professional
831. a medical team
832. take some medicine
833. be tired of sth.
834. hurriedly, worriedly, excitedly
835. (1) The question is hard to answer.
    (2) English is hard to learn.
    (3) This kind of watch sells well
    (4) This kind of cloth is easy to wash.
    (5) My room needs   cleaning.
                      to be cleaning.
(6) This pen writes smoothly.
(7) This kind of watch is sold out.
836. able – umbel
837. fair – unfair
838. necessary – unnecessary
839. happy – unhappy
840. successful – unsuccessful
841. healthy – unhealthy
842. lucky – unlucky
843. fortunate – unfortunate
844. pleasant – unpleasant
845. usual – unusual
847. accurate – inaccurate 不精确的
849. convenient – inconvenient不方便的
850. expensive – inexpensive
851. considerate – inconsiderate
852. honest - dishonest
853. honesty- dishonesty
854. appear – disappear
855. cover – discover
856. like – dislike
857. pleased – displeased不满意的
858. agree – disagree
859. miss – dismiss
860. careful – careless
861. useful – useless
862. helpful – helpless
863. harmful – harmless
864. patient – impatient
865. proper – improper
866. faraway objects
867. the above /below sayings 谚语
868. another few books
    = a few more books
869. I didn’t know you were here.
870. The boy was badly hurt.
871. I need this book badly.很,非常
    =I need this book very much.
872. We must walk as fast as we can to catch the train.
    I can do what I can to help others.
    We must spend as much time as we can studying.
873. fall off his bike  从自行车上摔下来
    = fall down from his bike


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人教版九年级下册英语新目标 配套练习册答案

山东省人教版九年级下册英语(新目标)配套练习册答案Unit9 whenwas it invented ?Section A一: 1. invented 2.invention3.adjustable 4.heat 5.slippers二: 1~5 CBCCC三: 1. What, used for 2.Who , invented 3. is , cleaned4.must be r

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原文地址:九年级上册英语语法作者:蠡县教研在线初中Unit 1 重点词组 1.by making flashcards 通过做单词抽认卡 2. ask…for help 向某人求助 Unit 2 重点词组: 3.read aloud 朗读 1. be more interested in 对…更感兴趣.4.that way (

九年级中考冲刺口号 九年级中考冲刺誓词

 九年级中考冲刺誓词  干,要脚踏实地;想,要壮志凌云!  高三是集体战斗与个人成就的时期。  自信是成功的先决条件。  有高水平的集体,才有高水平的个人。  淡薄功利,轻装前进;不计付出,坚韧不拔;不达目的,誓不罢休。

中考祝福语大全 九年级中考祝福语大全

 九年级中考祝福语大全  1.这两天的考试过程中,要调整好自己的情绪,考过一门,就不要再想了,重要的是吃好,喝好,休息好,营造一种良好的应考氛围,祝愿你考试顺利!  2.到考试的日子了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自

九年级班级誓词 九年级中考班级誓词

 九年级中考班级誓词  九年级中考班级誓词一:  领誓人:  挑战人生是我坚定的信念,  决战中考是我现实的追求;  一百天我将让青春无悔,  一百天我将为母校争光。  今天,我们09届九(1)班全体同学庄严宣誓。  
