forest day one day怎么读音 Zac lives in a forest

  Zac lives in a forest.He likes singing and dancing very much.. Every day the squirrels have to give the monkey king gifts.Then the monkey king lists them get food from his forest.  Zac sometimes sings and dances in front of the king.The monkey king likes reading he doesn’t like Zac’s music.One day.Zac sang for the king.The king was very angry and shouted."Go away!"Then hethrew Zac out of the tree.Zac got up and looked at his tail.It was really bushy!Zac liked his new tail.and so did all the other squirrels.So from that day on all squirrels’tails were bushy.

forest day one day怎么读音 Zac lives in a forest

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身陷囹圄 - 搜狗百科身陷囹圄(读音shēn xiàn líng yǔ),指不幸的人蒙冤关进监狱(有同情意味的),有时也指好人蒙受冤屈,也可表示陷入困难或束缚中。基本内容-释义-出处搜狗百科 - - 2014-6-23-快照-预览囹圄的意思,含义,

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