考研英语培训班价格 2014年考研英语作文分类教你怎么写







  Dear students,

  First of all, allow me, on behalf of the leaders of our school teachers and students are warmly welcome to come to you, welcome to our school and life.

  Campus life is different in different countries, in order to make your life more comfortable, the following I will describe some of the proposals in my school life.

  First of all, cannot call the teacher's name in China, because China is a ritual of ceremony, Chinese used to call the expression of respect for teachers.

  Secondly, I hope you cherish the time studying in China, take the initiative to increase opportunities for interaction with Chinese people, so that both can improve your Chinese language level, can understand Chinese culture.

  Finally, if you encounter difficulty in living and learning, to communicate with us in a timely manner.Wishes you to study abroad in China live in interesting times!


  Write a letter to a friend of yours to

  1) recommend one of your favorite movies and

  2) give reasons for your recommendation。

  You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2.

  Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead。

  Do not write the address. (10points)


  Dear Liu Lei,

  I’m writing to tell you about a fantastic movie I have just watched, as we always share the same taste of movies。

  The movie is Avatar, which tells a story of a soldier who, on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms, finds himself torn between two worlds in a fight for the survival of the alien people. Besides the touching and thrilling story, the movie also features brilliant visual effects, thanks to the talented director and advanced computer technology。

  So I recommend it to you as one of the best movies I have ever watched. I’m sure you will love it as much as I do. I’m looking forward to discussing more with you after you watch it。


  Li Ming


  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay,you should

  1) describe the drawing briefly.

  2) explain its ntended meaning,and

  3) give your comments.

  You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points)


  What a terrible and shocking scene it is! As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, sitting on the boat and enjoying their sightseeing, a couple of youngsters are throwing rubbish into the sea, with many dead fishes floating on the surface. What is conveyed in the picture is both realistic and thought-provoking.

  The implied meaning of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of environmental protection and public manners. On the one hand, along with the development of the economy and society, people tend to attach great importance to personal and economic interests, ignoring ecological balance. As a consequence, environment has been polluted so seriously that environmental protection should be put on the agenda immediately. On the other hand, the inappropriate public manners such as littering and spitting are also one of the major factors causing environmental problems. If we let it go as it is, the nature will take revenge on human being sooner or later.


  You are supposed to write for the postgraduate association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization, you should conclude the basic qualification of applicant and the other information you think relative。

  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use " postgraduate association " instead。


  An Announcement

  Jan. 9, 2010

  International Conference on Globalization, from March 3th to 10th, will be held at Tsinghua University. We, the Postgraduates’ Association, are entitled to organize this conference. Thus, we are badly in need of volunteers to assist us in organizing the relevant affairs, including reception, distribution of documents, technical support, etc。

  Students who have previous experience as volunteers are preferred. Basic knowledge in computer, fluent oral English and an amicable personality are some of the qualities we desire. Volunteers shall be available for at least 3 days without absence during the conference。

  If you are interested and willing to have a whole new experience in this semester, please do not hesitate to send your resume to liming@hotmail.com before Jan. 20th. Your applications are welcome。

  Postgraduates’ Association


  Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. "White pollution "is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to give your opinions briefly and make two or three suggestions.

  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.


  Dear Editor:

  I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the deteriorating situation of “white pollution” in some regions despite the implementation of restrictions on the use of plastic bags.

  In order to put an effective stop to the wide spread of “white pollution”, I would like to make the following suggestions . Firstly, the price of plastic bags should be further raised; Secondly , special government departments should be established to supervise the making and using of plastic bags to ensure they are used when really needed.

考研英语培训班价格 2014年考研英语作文分类教你怎么写

  I hope my suggestions would be of help and thank you for your attention.


  In your essay, you should

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and then

  3) give your comments.


  You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


  Vividly depicted in the cartoon is a race of humans on a social network that are isolated in their own little cubicles. They are all sitting in front of their computers, connected to each other through the Internet and their devoted looks and postures showed their addiction to the Internet.

  This cartoon, I believe, intends to draw our attentions to the negative effects the Internet has brought to our daily life as it brings in some benefits, such as easy access to information, instant communication with people from afar and cheap cost of communication. The more people are hooked to the Net, the more isolated they are from the real world. Since people can easily pretend their identities on the Internet, everything online becomes illusive and untrustworthy. The Internet, which was intended to bring people closer to each other, in effect prevents people from making real acquaintances that one can make with a casual exchange of greetings and eye-contact in a face-to-face communication.

  Serious consequences, such as fear of real-time interactions, online cheating or blackmailing, may follow if the use of the Internet is not brought under systematic control. I strongly suggest that people only use the Internet for necessary business transactions and personal contacts with those they have already known face to face.










爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/314551/178692484072.html


李阳疯狂英语培训班 “疯狂”李阳转投富迪

李阳,疯狂英语创始人,全球著名英语口语教育专家,中国教育慈善家,全国新青年十大新锐人物,在种种光鲜的头衔之后,他还是中国最具争议的话题人物之一,从宣布加入安利到转投富迪公司,他“疯狂”举动的背后,究竟是短视还是远见?     加入安利

唱吧如何提高人气 如何提高英语培训班的人气?

 这里讲一个一元辅导班项目,可以很好的提高英语培训班的人气。  可以印很多传单,在学校门口宣传,学生只要教1块钱,就可以到这个辅导班学习英语,1块钱可以买一个课时的学习时间,让学生家长自己选择那天带孩子去听课,很多家长当时都报名

英语培训班老师工资 关于英语培训班的老师


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