Primary deviations: Inadequate storage and back-up, missing ability to discern invalid or altered electronic records, access to computer records without unique user ID and password, no or inadequate validation, inaccurate copies of electronic records.
-Failure to store records so as to minimize deterioration, prevent loss and back up of automated data processing systems
- The electronic data did not correlate with the paper records; you had not established an electronic data back-up procedure; and finally, data was copied onto the server from one system to the next via floppy: therefore, no limited access or data protection had been established - You failed to encrypt and/ or physically secure your data back-up system to comply with the requirements to prevent deterioration or deletion of the analyzer data
- Failure to adequately validate the intended use of this PC and its software
- The dedicated PC [redacted] attached to the [redacted] was not
secure in that access to the data on [redacted] was not granted by a unique username and password or equivalent method
- there as no documentation associated with the electronic data for whom was responsible for collection of the analytical results as several quality control personnel have access to the [redacted] no software changes in the study data could be detected as there was no audit trail capability; and finally, the electronic data did not correlate with the paper records.
- your response and have concluded that it is inadequate because no system validation was conducted to ensure accuracy, reliability,
consistent intended performance, and the ability to discern invalid or altered records
Primary deviations: Failure to follow required written procedures, failure to use expedited review procedures.
- Review of the inspection report indicates that the IRB failed to follow written procedures for conducting initial and continuing review of research
- The IRB's written procedures state that "the IRB shall consist of
thirteen (13) members." Since October 12, 2005, the IRB membership roster has listed only 12 members.
- The IRB's written procedures state that "meetings will be held on an as-needed basis, but no less than quarterly." However, the IRB records indicate that the IRB has met at intervals greater than three months on four occasions since August 2004.
- Failure to use expedited review procedures only for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk or for minor changes in approved research [21 CFR 56.110]
- Failure to ensure that the IRB reviewed proposed research at
convened meetings at which a majority of the members of the IRB were present
关键词:IRB(Institutional Review Boards),临床研究,回顾程序 Primary deviations: Failure to follow required written procedures,
failure to use expedited review procedures. 主要偏差:没有遵循必需的书面程序,没有使用畅通的回顾程序。
Primary deviations: Missing records, inaccurate data corrected,
unapproved deviation from investigational plan, no or inadequate Examples:
- Failure to ensure adequate monitoring of the investigation
- Data were missing and inaccurate data was corrected for Subject
- Failure to secure the investigator's compliance with the signed
investigator agreement, the investigational plan, applicable FDA
regulations, and any other conditions of approval imposed by the
reviewing IRB or FDA
- There are repeated deviations from the investigational plan, spanning several years, with no apparent steps taken to bring the clinical
investigators into compliance, which indicates failure to ensure
investigator compliance
-Data were missing and inaccurate data was corrected for Subject
Primary deviations: Failure to validate changed USP standard methods, missing validation for stability indicating methods, insufficient
documentation of test methods, insufficient documentation of changes, no follow-up of oos situations, failure to release products that do not meet USP requirements, incomplete batch records
- Your firm uses USP methods to analyze your products, but changes have been made to the USP methods and no validation has been
performed. For example, for Migrazone Capsules, the USP uses three different wavelengths to analyze the three active ingredients. Your firm
changed the method to use [redacted] of or all three actives and no
validation of the new procedure was performed.
- Failure to follow your firm's written stability testing program as required by 21 CFR 211.166(a) in that your firm has no validation data to
demonstrate that the method used to analyze products for stability is capable of detecting degradation of the products
- Your firm lacks complete written methods that fully describe the
procedures, equipment, parameters and specifications to be used in the analysis of individual products.
- Written instructions for analyzing products include cross outs and
changes to the instructions without any documentation as to why these changes were made
- Review of chromatograms revealed that, in certain instances, out of specification results which were recorded on the chromatograms had no corresponding reference or raw data recorded in the official laboratory bound notebook. In these cases, the data was recorded in the notebook only when the sample was retested and results found to be within limits. For example...
- Your firm has released products purporting to meet USP requirements when, in certain cases, they fail to meet such requirements. For
example ...
- Laboratory control results are not included in batch records as
required by 21 CFR 211.188(b)(5). Analytical results are only
maintained in laboratory notebooks
-你公司制定的书面稳定性测试计划未能满足21 CFR 211.166(a)的要求,没有任何验证数据证明你公司用于分析产品稳定性的方法能检测出产品的降解。
-未遵循21 CFR 211.188(b)(5)的要求,将实验室质量控制的结果包含在批记录中。分析结果仅仅在实验室笔记本中维持。
Primary deviations: Failure to keep records for the maintenance,
cleaning, and sanitizing of equipment. Failure to establish sampling plans, test procedures, or laboratory control mechanisms for testing your finished product Failure to have adequate building design.
-For example, your firm lacked an adequate assessment of the
cross-contamination risks posed by the manufacture of several potent compounds (e.g. cytotoxic and hormone products, as well as other products of high pharmacologic activity) at your facility.
- Failure to have adequate building design and construction used in manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of drug products to
facilitate cleaning, maintenance, and proper operations
- There were no equipment cleaning records for several of the product contact, multi-use formulation mixing rods. The investigators observed that there was no evidence to demonstrate that the mixing rods were dedicated to specific products.
- Investigators observed black colored particles in at least one
evacuated sterile vial. The microbiologist performing sterility testing on the vials was observed removing the vial with the black colored particles and replacing the vial. No sampling plan or test procedures were
available to justify replacement of the finished product evacuated vial. 关键词:清洁记录,取样计划,检测规程,建筑物设计
主要偏差:未能保留维护,清洁和消毒设备的记录。未能建立取样计划,检测规程,或实验室控制机制对最终产品进行检测。建筑物设计不当。 举例:
W-180 Primary deviations: Inadequate cleaning validation, quality control units failed adequate investigation, no or inadequate failure investigation, raw data not documented in laboratory notebooks, oos retesting without supervisory approval, electronic data files not routinely checked for accuracy, discrepancies in electronic data
- Our investigators observed numerous instances where the quality control unit failed to adequately investigate and resolve laboratory
deviations and out-of-specification test results involving drug products that ultimately were released for distribution into interstate commerce - Our investigators uncovered out-of-specification test results in
laboratory raw data that were not documented in laboratory notebooks, and found that products were released based on retesting without any justification for discarding the initial out-of-specification test results. - The chromatographic test data reflecting the out-of-specification test results were not recorded in laboratory notebooks. Instead, a new
sample preparation was injected within the same chromatographic run without supervisory approval, as required by your firm's SOP
- A review of the laboratory notebook shows the sample dilution value in the laboratory notebook was overwritten, without being signed and
- There was a failure to check for accuracy the inputs to and outputs from the "Total Chrom Data Acquisition System," which is used to run your firm's HPLC instruments during analysis of drug products. For example, electronic data files were not routinely checked for accuracy and, as mentioned in the above observations, our investigators found numerous discrepancies between the electronic data files and
documentation in laboratory notebook.
-未能成功调查出与产品,程序,质量系统相关的违反21 CFR 820.100a)(2)要求的不符合项的原因。例如,下列程序中没有包含开展事故调查的内容:投诉处理,产品缺陷追踪和趋势,非一致性的物料和设备维修。
-当使用计算机或自动数据处理系统作为生产或质量系统的一部分时,未能根据21 CFR 820.70(i)的要求对自动化过程进行生产和过程的控制。生产者必须根据一个已建立的方案对计算机软件预期的使用进行验证。例如,数据库用于数据分析,数据追踪及趋势分析,包括投诉和服务器访问数据库,没有对其预期的使用进行验证。
-需要对CAPA进行验证或确认,但未能找到关于CAPA 440C的相关记录文档。
-未能根据为确保适当的性能而设计的书面程序[21 CFR 211.68(a)].对自动化的、机械的或电子的设备进行日常的校准,检查或检验。
- Failure to establish adequate written procedures for production and process control designed to assure drug products have the identity,
strength, quality and purity they purport or are represented to possess未能建立充分适当的关于生产和过程控制的书面程序,以确保药物产品具有其声称或有代表性的特性、浓度、质量和纯度。
-未能建立一个充分适当的质量控制单位,具有批准或否决所有药物产品的职责和权限,同时具有复核生产记录的权限,以确保没有发生错误,或者当发生错误时根据21 CFR 211.22(a)的要求进行全面的调查。特别是…. -质量控制单位的人员未能对装填设备以密封气缸的装填操作的事故展开调查,违反21 CFR 211.192
-未能按照21 CFR 211.160(b)(4) a和 211.194(d)的要求维持关于实验室仪器周期性校准的完整记录。
W-177 关键词:生物等效性,研究数据的回顾性复核,分析方法,无程序,药物动力学概况,事故调查
Primary deviations: invalid retrospective review of study data,
inadequate documentation to demonstrate accuracy of analytical
methods, providing incorrect information to the FDA, missing studies in retrospective review, lacking procedures for critical steps in
retrospective review, failure to investigate pharmacokinetic profiles with unexpected concentration results, no timely information of study
sponsors about invalid data. 主要偏差:无效的研究数据回顾性审核,无充分适当的文件证明分析方法的准确度,提供了不正确的信息予FDA,回顾性审核的研究缺失,回顾性审核的关键步骤没有程序…….
-Failure to demonstrate that the five year retrospective review is
effective and capable of discriminating between valid and invalid data - Failure to assure that the analytical methods used for in vivo
bioavailability studies could accurately measure the actual
concentration of active drug ingredient, or its metabolite, achieved in the
body. "Long term use" is not a sufficient assurance of assay accuracy. - For these reasons you have not demonstrated that the reported
concentration results in Study xxx are accurate.
- You provided incorrect incorrect information to FDA regarding the status of undergoing retrospective review
- You failed to appropriately include studies in the retrospective review - There is no assurance that reviews were conducted in accordance with original or revised procedures
- You failed to investigate the cause of anomalous results, or re-assay the affected samples. Contrary to your response, the frequency of occurrence is not a justification for accepting anomalous study results - Although you discontinued use of the xxx method in August 2005, you failed to inform study sponsors that the data generated with this method was invalid.
W-176 关键词:临床研究,受试者安全,受试者权利,人员管理,签名,回顾报告,记录维护
Primary deviations: failure to protect the rights, safety, and welfare of subjects under care, failure to personally conduct or adequately
supervise the above references clinical trial, no evidence of lab report review, failure ton conduct the study in accordance with the
investigational plan, failure to prepare and maintain adequate and
accurate records, failure to promptly report to the sponsor any adverse effect that may reasonably be regarded as caused by, or probably cause by, the drug.
- You did not adhere to the applicable statutory requirements and FDA regulations governing the conduct of clinical investigations
- Because this subject had a history of peptic ulcer disease and an incident of gastrointestinal bleeding she was at substantial risk for GI bleed related to treatment with aspirin.
- The record does reflect that you reviewed the subject screening
assessments and related subject records in accordance with the
- You delegated certain study tasks to an individual not qualified to perform such tasks
- You permitted an individual with no medical training to evaluate
laboratory results for clinical significance. The lab reports were not
co-signed by you, therefore thee is no indication that you reviewed them - The case history did not contain any other documents to validate the subject's enrollment and completion of clinical investigation
-验证活动和结果,包括批准验证的日期及负责人的签名和适合于验证主要设备的场所,均必须进行文件记录。例如,你公司没有对在XXX设备中使用的软件进行验证。XXX设备有一个用特殊软件编程的微处理器,用于控制XXX和改变XXX。未能提供用于验证该设备的程序,以确保该设备符合预先定义的用户需求和预期的使用,也没有对软件进行验证。 -未能建立和维持那些定义和控制生产方式的过程控制程序,包括文件架构、标准操作规程(SOPs)以及方法。
- 未能建立、执行和控制关于纠正和预防行动的程序
- 未能确保识别培训需求的培训程序被执行和培训的行动被文件化记录
- 没有通过在你包装的场所对APIs进行周期性全检验的方式验证供应商COAs的真确性。
Primary deviations: insufficient written records of failure investigations, investigations not extended to other batches, missing HPLC peak not investigated, no investigation regarding HPLC malfunctions requiring external repair, impact of power failure not investigated, laboratory records not signed by the analyst, analyst not identified, failure to use group passwords to log-on to computer systems, changes of methods by authorized persons not ensured, no review of audit trail, contract laboratory not qualified 主要偏差:失败调查的书面记录不充分,调查没有沿伸到其他的批次, 没有调查HPLC缺少的峰,没有调查HPLC的故障,没有调查电的功率,分析者没有签名,分析者不能被确定,不能保证方法的更改得到授权人的认可。合同实验室没有进行资格确认。 Examples: 举例:
- Written records are not always made of investigations into
unexplained discrepancies, nor did investigations of unexplained
discrepancies extend to other batches of the same drug product or
other drug products that may have been associated with the specific
failure or discrepancies - The reference standard injection following assay and content uniformity testing of xxx, failed to show any peaks due to a leaking column. There was no documented investigation of this deviation, there was no assessment of the impact of the leaking column on the xxx analysis or any other analysis conducted with the same column, and the observation was made during the previous inspection, yet no investigation was conducted. - There was no documented investigation regarding HPLC malfunctions requiring external repair. Both HPLC xxx and xxx required repair in June 2005; however there is no documentation regarding whether the malfunctions impacted any analyses, and if so, what the corrective actions were regarding those analyses. - Power failures occurred during analyses of xxx. Investigations did not document the impact on the analyses, any re-testing or resampling, or if the power outage impacted any other analyses - Laboratory records fail to include the initials or signature of the person who performs each laboratory test [21 CFR § 211.194(a)(7)]. Specifically, laboratory analysis records for analyses performed on HPLC xxx and xxx do not indicate which analyst performed the injections. - Failure to maintain complete records of any modification of an established method employed in testing [21 CFR § 211.194(b)]. Specifically, the records of laboratory methods stored in the xxx computer system do not include the identity of the person initiating method changes. - Appropriate controls are not exercised over computers or related systems to assure that changes in analytical methods or other control records are instituted only by authorized personnel - Laboratory managers (QC and R&D) gained access to the xxx computer system through a common password. Analysts were not required to use individual passwords; they operated the system following the login by the laboratory managers. - Due to the common password and lack of varying security levels, any
analyst or manager has access to, and can modify any HPLC analytical
method or record. Furthermore, review of audit trails is not required.
- Failure to follow written procedures applicable to the quality control, unit [21 CFR § 211.22(d)]. Specifically, the contracted laboratories
responsible for performing analyses on Active Pharmaceutical
Ingredients and other drug components, used in the finished drug
products, such as LOD, nitrogen content; microbial limits, and specific rotation, have not been qualified by the quality unit as per your firm's written procedures.
W-171 关键词:投诉,服务,纠正,设计,风险评估
Primary deviations: Service records not maintained, inadequate
handling of complaints, not all possible risks identified and documented 主要偏差:服务记录不完整,投诉处理不合适,所有可能的风险没有被识别和备案。
- Failure to establish and maintain procedures to ensure that the design requirements relating to a device are appropriate and documented
- Your firm failed to identify, approve, and document appropriate design inputs prior to the start of its formal design of the Frye Adjusting Instrument 你们公司未能识别、批准、Frye校准器械
- Failure to establish and maintain procedures for validating the device design to ensure that the device conforms to user needs and intended uses 为能为设备设计确认建立程序用以保证这些设备满足使用者的需要
- Your firm failed to adequately identify and document all possible risks associated with your device and document the results of your firm's risk analysis
在你们公司风险分析中未能从分的识别和说明所有可能存在与设备相关的风险 - Failure to establish and maintain complaint handling procedures for receiving, reviewing, evaluating, and documenting complaints by a formally designated unit
缺乏建立和维护一个从接受、评论、评估、归档投诉处理程序正式指定个体 - Failure to maintain service reports for serviced devices, as required by 21 CFR § 820.200(d). For example, your firm failed to maintain service reports for each device returned to your firm for servicing or repair (e.g. the name of the device, the date of service, the individual(s) servicing the device, the service performed, and the test and inspection data).
21 CFR § 820.200(d)规定未能完善维护服务报告,例如,你们公司没有完善被
- Your firm failed to document the results of its analysis or evaluation of emails of complaints and service reports in order to identify existing and potential causes of nonconforming product. You stated that you mentally evaluated complaints and servicing or repairs of returned devices but that you had not documented any evaluations.
Primary deviations: no adequate production and process controls, inadequate change control, no performance verification after the change, missing records of communication, training not documented 主要偏差:生产和过程控制不够,更改控制不合适,在更改后没有进行验证, 没有信息记录,没有培训文件。 Examples: 举例: - Failure to establish and maintain adequate production and process controls that include documented instructions, standard operating procedures (SOP), and methods that define and control the manner of production 没有建立或者没有合适的产品和过程控制,其中包括文件的教育,标准操作规程,方法的详细说明和操作的方式。 - Failure to establish and maintain procedures for changes to a specification, method, process, or procedure, including verification or validation of such changes 没有建立和者拥有为一规格、方法、步骤或程序更改的程序,包括这些更改的确认或确认。 - Failure to promptly remove obsolete documents from all points of use没有将已经废除的文件迅速从使用单位回收。 - Your firm changed the xxx Cooler-Heater device's internal timer setting in two instances. The reason for the changes, the review and approval for the changes, and the effective date of the changes were not documented 你们公司更改了XXX冷却器---加热器设备的内部计时器设置,但是更改的原因、评论和批准及生效日期都没有文件。 - Your firm failed to conduct, document, and maintain the results of the verification testing of each change o determine whether or not each change affect operations and performance specifications
- Your firm failed to maintain records of communication with the
specification developer to document who initiated and authorized the changes, the signature of the approving individual(s), the approval date, and an effective date of each approved change
- Failure to establish and maintain procedures for identifying product during all stages of receipt, production, distribution, and installation to prevent mixup
你没有建立相关的文件保证在产品的接受、生产、分发时避免混淆。 - Your firm stated that three individual employees involved in the
assembly of the xxx Cooler-Heater devices had been trained but that your firm could not provide any documentation of their training.
Primary deviations: Inadequate buildings, no or inadequate maintenance and cleaning of equipment, insufficient intervals for equipment calibration, inadequate laboratory controls, test procedures not followed, incomplete laboratory records, initials or signature of a second review person missing, inadequate failure investigation 主要背离:建筑物不适合,没有或缺乏设备维护和清洗,设备校准的时间间隔不合理,使实验管理不规范,测试程序没有被遵循,实验室记录不完善,测试者或复核者都没有签名,失败调查不充分。 Examples: 举例: -Buildings used in manufacture of injectable products are not always maintained in a good state of repair, 生产血管注射剂的厂房没有一个好的维护规定。 -Equipment and utensils are not always cleaned, maintained and sanitized at appropriate intervals to prevent malfunction or contamination 设备和器材被清洗、维护、清洁在间隔时间不合理。 - The calibration of instruments was not always conducted at suitable intervals 在适当的时间没有进行仪器的校准。 - Deviations from written procedures not justified 没有证实书面程序的背离 - Test procedures were not always followed
- Laboratory records did not always include a description and identification of the sample received for testing, the date the sample was taken, the date the sample was received for testing and the data derived from testing. 实验室测试记录里没有样品的鉴别和形状测试、样品的来源、样品的接受时间、测试的原始数据。 - Laboratory did not enter the date on which the results are read into the logbook. 实验室在日志中没有加入结果被读取的时间。 - There were not always the initials or signature of second person showing that the original records have been adequately reviewed by a second person 在另一个人已经回顾的原始记录里有初始者和复核者漏签名。 - The investigations did not always extend to other batches of the drug or other drug products that may have been associated with specific failure or discrepancy 调查没有延伸到其他批次的药,其他批次的药品很可能存在不合格和不符
Primary deviations: No or inadequate procedures for design control, no documentation that products have been developed in accordance with design control, inadequate review of complaints, no procedures for evaluation of suppliers, contractors, and consultants, no notification of changes by the supplier, effective and complete procedures for implementing corrective and preventative action operations, no
validation of the manufacturing processes, no or inadequate validation of computer systems, insufficient controlling the storage of product in order to prevent mix-ups, no or insufficient training, quality system not fully implemented
产步骤没有确认,计算机系统没有确认或确认不充分,在产品存贮中防止混淆的控制不够,没有培训或培训不足,质量体系没有得到完全的执行。 Examples:
-written procedures for controlling the design of the Hemoglobin Alc Reagent and formulation changes to the Liquid Glucose Hexokinase Reagents were not adequately established during the implementation of these design projects
在这些设计法案执行中控制血色素反应物和阐明改变液体葡萄糖酶反应物的书面程序制定不充分。 - design history files do not demonstrate that these devices were developed in accordance with the design control requirements 没有证明这些设备能达到设计文件的要求。 - Your firm failed to ensure complaints involving possible failures are adequately reviewed and evaluated to determine if investigations are necessary你们公司没有保证投诉所包含的可能发生的问题进行足够的回顾或评估然后再决定调查是否必须进行。 - Your firm failed to establish procedures for the evaluation of suppliers, contractors, and consultants 你们公司没有建立供应商,承包人,咨询者的评估程序。 - For example, there is no documentation to demonstrate that your firm has evaluated the importer or is aware of the manufacturer from Asia supplying the reagents used to produce the Hemoglobin Alc Reagent 例如,这里没有文件证明你们公司评价进口商或者知道从亚洲供给试剂的厂商 - In addition there are no clear agreements from the suppliers to notify you of changes 另外同供应商没有一个清楚的协议去通报你 - Your firm failed to validate computer software used to control automated production and quality system operations, as required by 21 CFR 820.70(i). For example, your firm has not validated the software used to produce labels and manage your complaints 根据21C FR 820.70(i)规定你们公司缺乏用于生产和质量体系控制的计算机软件的验证,例如,你们公司没有验证你们标签打印及投诉管理软件。 - Your firm failed to follow procedures for controlling the storage of product in order to prevent mix-ups, damages, or other adverse effects 你们公司没有遵循程序去存储产品
Primary deviations: Electronic raw data not saved, laboratory records incomplete, inadequate documentation of storage conditions of samples, insufficient personnel and equipment in the quality control unit for testing
举例: - Operating parameters were maintained with the relevant xxx. However, electronic raw data was not saved. 操作参数根据相应的xxx被修改,可是原始电子数据没有被保存。 According to the Director of Quality Assurance, xxx began saving electronic raw data just recently at the beginning of February 2006. However, that was not observed during the inspection 根据质量保证部主管所说,他从2006年2月开始保存电子原始数据,可是在检查期间没有看到。 - The SOP allows "discarding" data due to variation in the xxx area or any other reason 由于在XXX范围内变更或其他的任何原因SOP充许丢弃数据 - Your firm failed to establish and follow an adequate written stability testing program design to assess the stability characteristics of drug products. 你们公司没有建立和遵循一个书面的稳定性测试计划去评估药品的特性。 - Storage condition for samples retained for stability testing are not adequately documented 没有充分的文件去说明稳定性测试样品的留样储存条件。 - The Quality Control Unit lacks adequate laboratory resources (personnel equipment) for conducting stability testing of drug products 质量控制部门缺发足够的资源(人员设备)去实施药品稳定性测试。 W-166
Primary deviations: No FDA-483, Inspectional Observations, issued to the firm. Several items have been discussed verbally with
- I explained that computerized records that the firm keeps to make it easier to sort or find certain information would not necessarily have to comply with Part 11 regulations. As an example, I explained that if the firm has a database for complaints, but still records everything on
paper (and the paper copy is the official record), the database would not have to comply with Part 11. However, if the database was their
only record, the database would have to comply with Part 11
所需的信息,则该电子记录没有必要遵守(ICH有关电子记录管理的)11部分规则。例如公司建立了一个用于管理投诉信息的数据库,但同时仍然使用纸式文件来记录跟(投诉相关的)所有信息(复制的记录也属于正式记录),则该电子数据库就没有必要遵循11部分规则了。总而言之,如果电子数据库是唯一的记录(没有相关的纸式记录),就必须要符合11部分规则。 - if not using the methods listed in the USP, firm's methods have to be validated and/or shown to be as good as or better than the USP methods. 如果使用的方法不在USP方法清单中,公司的方法必须被验证及说明跟USP方法一样可靠或者更好。 - firm needs to have a system for accountability for raw data. Raw data was recorded onto a loose leaf piece of paper. The firm must have a a system of accountability in place to assure that raw data is being lost. I further explained that the firm could use bound laboratory notebooks or pre-numbered laboratory worksheets to fulfill this requirement. 公司必须有个原始数据管理制度。原始数据被记录在任意的一张纸上,公司必须规定有一个适当的制度去保证原始数据,更深解释是为了满足要求实验室可以使用装订的本或者预先编码的工作表。 - firm needs to either update SOPs so that they reflect what is actually being done at the firm or follow SOPs as written. 公司需要更新SOP以至使它能反映现在的行为或者书写SOP
关键词:11部分,电子记录,完整性,API,校正 包括483-制定检查报告(EIR) 公司的反馈信,FDA的回答
Primary deviations: Failing integrity of QC results, no testing of bulk solvents prior to receipt, failure to retain and review alarm history printout and equipment cleaning: 主要偏差:实验室结果的不完整性,大多数试剂在接受前没有测试,没有保留和回顾过去警告及设备的清洗。 Examples: 举例: - There is no system for assuring the integrity of blank sheets used in the recording of results in the paper documentation system 在纸式文件管理系统中,没有制度保证用于记录结果的空白记录的完整性。(空白原始纪录管理没受控) - The computerized system is not secure in that it is possible for data
entered to be changed. This was observed following a request during inspection for a challenge to be performed during which it was
determined that previously recorded input including sample gross and net weights and the final result could be changed.. 计算机系统安全性不符合要求。 在检查过程中,可以发现在执行(一个设定的工作)时。之前输入的数据:如样品的毛重、净重及最后的结果,都有可能被更改。 - There is no written procedure regarding the documentation and review of deviations which occur during sterility testing 在中性测试出现时没有关于偏差回顾的书面程序 - Testing which is performed on incoming lots of solvent to the tank farm is limited to identity testing 在大量溶剂放入罐里时仅作了鉴别测试。 - The xxx used in the manufacturing in-process laboratory and the QC laboratory was calibrated . xxx在生产过程控制实验室和QC实验室被校正。
Primary deviations: Equipment not performing, procedures not followed, inadequate equipment qualification, PQ protocol missing, validation protocol not followed, inadequate cleaning validation procedures, missing failure investigation, master production and control records not signed, inadequate washing facilities, insufficient testing, missing preventive maintenance, forms inadequate to record complete IQ information, IQ/OQ not performed 主要偏差:设备没有执行(IQ、OQ等),没有遵循程序操作,设备确认不完整,缺少PQ草案,没有履行确认文件,清洗确认程序不充分,缺少故障调查,主要备件和控制记录没有签名,清洗设备不充分,测试不完整,缺少预防维护,IQ的信息没有足够的表格记录。没有履行IQ/OQ。 Examples: 举例: - Failure to ensure that automatic, mechanical, or electrical equipment or other types of equipment will perform a function satisfactorily. For example..... 没有(任何证据)确保自动化机械、电设备或其它类型的设备的主要功能是达到预期要求。 - Failure to follow your standard operating procedure - For example, , Inspection and Testing of Manufacturing Equipment,
which applies to all activities for testing and inspection of equipment at Cody Labs, and the Installation Qualification Manufacturing Equipment
form do not fully describe the requirements for equipment qualification, including environmental conditions for equipment operation. 没有遵循标准操作规程。 例如,用于在Cody实验室里进行的设备测试和检查的生产设备,其安装资格表格没有充分描述设备资格要求。包括设备运转环境条件。 - There is no requirement for a Performance Qualification protocol 没有关于仪器PQ要求的方案 - The Validation Master Plan does not contain an operational qualification for xxx 在验证主计划中没有包含xxx操作资格确认。 - In addition, the validation protocol should be followed and any deviations or variations from the approved protocol should be investigated 另外,应该遵循确认方案,任何偏差或批准方案的变更都应该调查。 - Written procedures for cleaning and maintaining equipment used in the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of a drug product, are inadequate 用于制造、加工、包装或与药品有关所有的设备清洗与维护的书面程序不充分/合适。 - There is a failure to investigate a batch that did not meet specifications一批不符合规格的产品没有调查。 - Failure to test each batch of API to determine conformance to specifications 没有检测是否每一批API产品都得到符合规格标准 - The forms contained in the SOP are not designed to allow recording of the information that they are required to contain under the SOP. For example, there are no provisions in the form to record or check the specifications against which the Installation Qualification (IQ) is to be performed. 在SOP里的表格里的内容没有按照sop规定的要求去记录信息,例如在仪器安装确认时的表格里没有预备规格标准的记录或者核对是否符合规格标准。 - There was no Preventative Maintenance (PM) on this equipment 仪器没有进行预防性维护 - In fact, the IQ and OQ were not performed 事实上没有完成IQ和OQ。
Primary deviations: procedures and protocols not followed, location of
equipment used for environmental monitoring not documented,
drawing prepared from memory, batch records not complete, incomplete log-book information 主要偏差: 没有遵循程序文件和草案,场所设备环境没有监控文件,凭回忆描述,批记录不完整,日志本信息不完善。 Examples: 举例: - Written production and process control procedures not always followed and documented at the time of performance- 在操作过程中,成品和过程控制书面程序始终没有被遵循和备档。 - The samples that were taken were documented as 115g, 3.5 g and 115g which are all outside the range allowed in the protocol 所记录的取样样品量115g, 3.5g和115g都超出规程充许的范围 - Relying on the recollection of an employee eight months after protocol was executed is not good practice 不能依靠一个员工八个月后的回忆去完成相关的草案。 - Lob-book did not contain complete and/or accurate documentation 日志本不够完善及正确。 - We expect that all entries in logbooks, batch records, laboratory documentation and all other documentation be signed by the person who performed the operation. 我们希望在日志本、批记录、实验室文件及其它的文件中的输入应由执行人签名。 - Having a supervisor sign does not give the same level of accountability 主管的签名没有规定相对应的责任。 - Your response did not contain a global evaluation of other logbooks where entries may be performed similarly 你的职责没有包含对于其它的日志本可能被同样的执行而进行的全球性评估。 - Complete, true and accurate records are the foundation for good GMPs. Reliable documentation is a control which raises assurance of the quality of the product manufactured. 完整、真实、正确的记录是良好GMPs的基本要求,可靠的文件控制可提高产品的质量保证。 - Practices such as back dating and signing for actions not performed are a serious violation 没有进行数据备份和行为标示,(这些)属于严重的违反法规要求。