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A Heavy Price for Seeking Thrill Online

With the popularity of the Internet, most people can surf online conveniently. However, more and more Internet users tend to expend a great deal of time in seeking thrills such as computer games and cyber love. In my opinion, the conquest of thrill is a fleeting one at best, and many end up with either emotional or mental bankrupt.

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Internet provides a way for people who are under extremely heavy pressure to avoid being hurting by the cruel reality. They don’t need to think and worry or restrict themselves as they do in real life. But if they are gradually addicted to it, their passion of both working and study must be weakened even disappeared. What’s more, those who seeks endless thrill in this way are hard-pressed to support their normal life as ever. When they become crazy for it, for example, their school life begins to show a lack of continuity in its vigor and it becomes difficult to focus as much of their minds on lessons as usual. For many students, seeking thrill online is the end of their life, not the beginning. In addition, if people continue to be in their cyber world all the time, they will lose too many valuable things such as their family, friendship and even themselves.

All in all, the cruelty of thrill seeking is that it often leads such seekers to participate in their self-battering. It’s time for those who seek thrill online without any awareness of its danger to wake up to their way of self-battering. Please don’t make the same mistake twice!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/318251/69365351787.html


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