雅思口语考试话题 雅思口语考试2016年1月至4月轮换题 高频题




Describe a long car journey you went on.

You should say:

Where you went;

What you did at this place;

Who you went there with;

And explain why you went on that journey by car.

One of my best friends lives in and got married there last year. So, I had to attend her marriage and it was a long journey for me by a car after I landed in London.

Although I had known it would be a long and tiring journey, I just didn’t want to miss the chance to meet my friend after a long time.

It took over a day and night for me to reach London. The distance is huge from Leamington Spa. I proposed Margaret that I should catch a train but she did not allowed and arranged for the car. The journey was outstanding. It was a four-seated Audi A4l. The car started journey from Heathrow International Airport in London. The car started journey at around 8pm, though I touched the land at 6.30pm and had spent the time outside the airport building to get familiar with the area.

I was all alone in the car except the driver. The journey was interesting. Margaret assigned a native driver who was familiar with the road networks of the UK. He drove the car skillfully and took me at the marriage venue about half an hour before the commencement. The driver’s company was enjoyable indeed. He did not ask many questions like the others did when I got down from the airplane. Rather he assisted me in almost every aspect and took care of me.

What do people like to have private cars?

Private cars are has become an essential in the current days, though it was considered as luxury in the past. It was also considered as a symbol of status and nobility among the people. But the necessity of cars has increased to a great extent and by the same time the prices are affordable. Moreover, it helps saving time to reach destinations. For example, if you are the owner of a private car, you no longer need to stand before a queue for tickets or for riding a public bus. Sometimes, the buses are jam packed and you might not have the chance to ride in. So, I think the popularity of private cars is on the increase.

What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

Bicycles and private cars have differences. Though you need no fuel and there are some health benefits of a bicycle, you cannot ride more than two people together and it takes time to reach places riding a bicycle. This is not a speedy mode of transport while the cars are speedier than car. Besides, the seats are uncomfortable on a bicycle while the car seats are comfortable and spacious. But you need to get fuels for the car while your physical labour is enough to drive the bicycle ahead. Safety is not ensured for any of the modes but if you are careful, you can stay safe.

Is it a good thing that everyone has their own cars?

I think the idea of getting a private car for everyone is not wise. Public transportation is also

required in a city. When the numbers of private cars are more in the town, there are more chances to develop more traffic congestions which kill times. A private car can accommodate maximum six to ten passengers at a time while the public transports like buses or trains could hold passengers ten times more than the private car. Besides, when anybody will have a car for him or her, parking of the cars is also a big issue for them. So, I think everyone should not own a private car.

How to buy private cars in China?

Buying automobile in China is not a troublesome issue. One can generally buy two types of cars including second-hand used car or brand new. But the first and important thing is that you must own a driver license to buy a car. There are numerous car selling show rooms and agents are available. They can provide you with the car ranging from the1950s to the current days. But you are to make sure that you are paying the price within a legal and reliable source. The buyer should arrange for the necessary paperwork before buying the car and present the documents to the car selling agents to prove their legality.

What’s the difference between men and women’s preference on cars?

Women usually want their car to be gorgeous and cute in look while the men underscore for the engines and strengths of the car. Women try to color the body after their preferred color but the men are different in this case. Men want to have heavy duty tire with a power steering wheel. Sometimes they prefer boosters on the cars to run like a crazy bull. But majority of the women are against this view and they drive their cars so smoothly so that the cars should not get any spot on the body. But naturally, men are desperate over such issues. They do not care much about the cars until the care turns into the must for the car. Nearly all of the times the male drivers run their cars roughly, while women are not seen to be mad like them.

Are many families that own private cars in China?

Considering about the large population in China, I would say not too many people can afford private cars. Especially in the rural areas, some of the people are even on the breadline. However, in the urban areas, cars are affordable to most of the family. They use the car to commute, travel or even use it as a tool of running their business.

Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven’t been to.

You should say:

Where this place is;

What it is like;

What you can do in this country;

And explain why you want to visit the country.

The country that I have always wanted to go but have not visited yet is Australia. I’ve been

dreaming to visit there for more than 2-3 years, I’ve even dreamt to have my wedding ceremony there. Australia has lots of picturesque landscapes and it also has a varied culture.

Australia boasts that it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Australia has some of the world's most distinctive and diverse natural environments, with unique wildlife, and spectacular landscapes, including many national parks and World Heritage Areas.

In these areas you can get up close to the native animals, like kangaroos, koalas, dingoes, etc.. Also, you are available to explore wide open spaces and discover ancient rainforests on the fringe of modern cities. You can climb snow-capped mountains and swim in some of the most pristine water environments on earth as well.

Another reason I want to go there is that I’ve heard that the tertiary education there is second to none. I think that it would be an excellent idea to go see the preeminent universities, and perhaps even meet some of the professors that teach the courses I am interested in.

Why do Chinese people like to travel abroad?

雅思口语考试话题 雅思口语考试2016年1月至4月轮换题 高频题

What can people benefit from international travel?

What effects will tourism have on our environment?

Why do people like to travel abroad?

Would you travel around the world in the future?

What’s the difference between travelling abroad and studying abroad?


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