1. Cam, Lily is not grabbing or scooting yet.
Grab. 作动词时表示“抓住,抓取”等动作,类似于catch,但不尽相同,常与at连用。
短语Grab a bite, 表示“随便吃点东西,随便吃几口(垫垫肚子)”,在约会、出去玩等场景经常出现。
E.g. Let’s go grab a bite and then see a movie. 我们先去吃点东西垫肚子,然后再去看电影。
Scoot, run or move hastily or quickly, 这里指无障碍地快步走。
一般叫人快走的时候,除了上次说的“chop-chop”之外,也可以直接说“Scoot, or you will be late.”
E.g. Scoot, we’re running late. 快走,我们要迟到了。
Yet. Yet 主要有两种意思, 第一种表转折,其用法大概与but类似,表示“但”,一般用于开头;
E.g. They have already set all up. Yet it cannot last for a long time. 他们把所有东西都搞好了。可是这不能持续很久。
E.g. Have you been to Japan? 你去过日本吗?
I haven’t yet. 目前还没有。
Do you have your own house. 你有你自己的房子吗?
I don’t have yet. 目前还没有。
Not yet. 还没有
5. I was hoping you could help me.
句型:I was + doing something. 这里不是表示“过去发生的事”,而是利用过去式“委婉地表达自己想法”的方式。是“I want to ask for”的婉约版本。

E.g. I was hoping you guys wanted to come with me = I want to come with you guys. 我想和你们一块去。
I was hoping you could do me a favor. 我希望你能帮我一个忙。
类似的还有:I was wondering + something = I want to know = I don’t understand/I am not sure.
E.g. I was wondering whether you could drive me to the airport tomorrow morning. 明早不知你放不方便送我去机场。
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