白色裙摆式上衣 DROPS 105 - Drops Design 米白色裙摆开衫


DROPS 105-1 by DROPS Design

DROPS jacket with pleats and ?-sleeves
or long sleeves in “Silke-Alpaca”. Size S-XXXL.

DROPS 105-1

Size: S – M – L – XL – XXL – XXXL

Finished measurements:

Bust: 33"-37"-40"–43.4"-48.7"-53?"

Hem: 41"-48.7"-52"–59.7"-70"- 74.7"

Full length: 23.6"-24.4"-25.2"-26"-26.7"-27?"

Materials: DROPS Silke-Alpaca from Garnstudio

color no 1101, off-white

? sleeves: 650-700-750-850-900-1000 g

Long sleeves: 850-900-1000-1100-1200-1300 g

DROPS circular needle (80 cm) and pointed needles size 4.5 mm [US 7] - or size needed to obtain 17 sts x 22 rows in stockinette st = 10 x 10 cm [4’’ x 4’’].

DROPS circular needle (80 cm) and pointed needles size 4 mm [US 6] – for garter st and moss st.

DROPS Mother-of-Pearl buttons without hole, no 524: 5 pcs

All yarns are DROPS yarns. Color charts and updated retailer lists at www.garnstudio.com

Share your project with us on Facebook or Instagram using #dropsdesign :)

DROPS Max Prices (per 27.05.2016)

To get the measurement tape to be 100 % accurate, you have to print out the pattern in full scale (and not use the print option "fit to page").

白色裙摆式上衣 DROPS 105 - Drops Design 米白色裙摆开衫

Instructions to DROPS 105-1 Need help? Read more at the end of the pattern

Measurement tip: Because of the weight of the yarn, all measurements should be made whilst garment is hanging, otherwise it will be too long when worn.

Garter st, back and forth on needle: K all rows.

Moss st: First row: *K1/P1*, repeat from *-*. Second row: K over P, P over K. Repeat second row.

Pleats: See diagram M.1 and M.2. The diagram shows the pattern from the RS.

Buttonhole: Make buttonholes on right front piece. 1 buttonhole = bind off 4th st from mid front and cast on 1 new st on return row. Make buttonholes when piece measures:

Size S: 7?”, 9”, 11”, 12?” and 14?”

Size M: 8”, 9?”, 11.4”, 13” and 15”.

Size L: 8.2”, 9.7”, 11.7”, 13.4” and 15.2”.

Size XL: 8.2”, 10.2”, 12.2”, 14.2” and 15.7”.

Size XXL: 8.2”, 10.2”, 12.2”, 14.2” and 16.1”

Size XXXL: 8.2”, 10.6”, 12?”, 14?” and 16?”.

Decreasing tip, applies to neckline: Make all dec from RS inside 7 front band sts.

Dec as follows after 7 sts: slip 1 st as if to K, K1, psso.

Dec as follows before 7 sts: K2 tog.


Front and back piece:

Knitted back and forth on circular needle from mid front. Cast on 194-230-242-278-322-342 sts (includes 7 front band sts each side towards mid front) on circular needle size 4.5 mm [US 7].

Work 2 rows stockinette st, 6 rows garter st and continue in stockinette st with 7 front band sts each side in garter st until finished measurements. Remember the knitting gauge! 

When piece measures 7?”-8”-8.2”- 8.2”- 8.2”-8.7” – see Measurement tip – make buttonholes on right front piece – see above.

When piece measures 11” for all sizes work next row as follows from RS: K 14 sts, M.2 a total of 3-4-4-5-6-6 times (= 33-44-44-55-66-66 sts which are dec to 18-24-24-30-36-36 sts), K 12-8-14-10-10-20 sts, M.1 a total of 3-4-4-5-6-6 times, K 10 sts, M.2 a total of 3-4-4-5-6-6 times, K 12-8-14-10-10-20 sts, M.1 a total of 3-4-4-5-6-6 times and finish with K 14 sts = 134-150-162-178-202-222 sts.

Insert 2 markers in piece, 1 after 38-42-45-49-55-60 sts and 1 after 96-108-117-129-147-162 sts (back piece = 58-66-72-80-92-102 sts).

Change to needle size 4 mm [US 6], work 10 rows garter st, then 2 rows stockinette st with front bands in garter st as before, and now continue in moss st – see above.

When piece measures 12?” for all sizes inc 1 st on each side of both markers on every 3/8”-3/8”-?”-?”-?”-3/4” a total of 7 times. At the same time when piece measures 15”-15.2”-15.7”-16.1”-16?”-17” dec to shape the neckline – see Decreasing tip: dec 1 st on neck line on every ?” a total of 19-19-20-21-21-22 times.

At the same time when piece measures 16?”-17”-17.2”-17.7”-18”-18?” bind off 3 sts on each side of both markers for armholes and now complete front and back pieces separately.

Back piece: = 66-74-80-88-100-110 sts.

Dec to shape the armhole each side on every other row: 2 sts 0-1-2-3-5-6 times and 1 st 1-2-2-3-4-6 times = 64-66-68-70-72-74 sts. When piece measures 22?”-23.2”-24”-24.7”-25?”-26.4” work 2 rows garter st on the middle 34-34-36-38-38-40 sts with remaining sts as before. Now bind off the middle 18-18-20-22-22-24 sts for neck and continue with 8 garter sts towards neckline. Dec 1 st on neckline on next row = 22-23-23-23-24-24 sts left on each shoulder. Work moss st with 7 garter sts towards neckline and bind off when piece measures 23.6”-24.4”-25.2”-26”-26.7”-27?”.

Left front piece:  Continue dec for neckline and dec to shape the armhole as described for back piece. After all dec are complete there are 22-23-23-23-24-24 sts left on shoulder. Bind off when piece measures 23.6”-24.4”-25.2”-26”-26.7”-27?”.

Right front piece: Like left front piece, but mirrored. Remember buttonholes! See above.

? sleeve: Knitted back and forth on pointed needles. Cast on 50-52-54-56-60-62 sts (includes 1 edge st each side) on needle size 4.5 mm [US 7]. Work 2 rows stockinette st, 6 rows garter st and continue in stockinette st. At the same time when piece measures 2”-2”-2”-2.4”-2.4”-2.75” inc 1 st each side on every 0.75”-0.6”-0.6”-0.4”-0.4”-0.2” a total of 7-7-8-9-9-11 times = 64-66-70-74-78-84 sts. When piece measures 8”-7”-7”-7”-6.7”-6.2” (less on the larger sizes because of larger sleeve cap) dec to shape the sleeve cap – see below.

Long sleeves: Knitted back and forth on pointed needles. Cast on 52-54-56-60-62-64 sts (includes 1 edge st each side) on needle size 4.5 mm [US 7]. Work 2 rows stockinette st, 6 rows garter st and continue in stockinette st. At the same time when piece measures 4” for all sizes inc 1 st each side on every 2.7”-2.6”-2.2”-2.2”-1.7”-1.3” a total of 6-6-7-7-8-10 times = 64-66-70-74-78-84 sts. When piece measures 19”-18”-18”-18”-17.7”-17.2” (less on the larger sizes because of larger sleeve cap) dec to shape the sleeve cap – see below.

Sleeve cap: Dec to shape the sleeve cap each side on every other row: 3 sts 1 time, 1 st each side until piece measures approx 10.2”-10.2”-10.6”-10.6”-11”-11” for ? sleeve and 21.2”-21.6”-21.6”-21.6”-22”-22” for long sleeve. Now K tog all sts 2 by 2 and bind off remaining sts on next row. Piece measures approx 10.6”-10.6”-11”-11”-11.4”-11.4” for ? sleeve, and 21.6”-22”-22”-22”-22?”-22?” for long sleeve. 

Assembly: Sew shoulder seam. Sew sleeve seam inside 1 edge st and set in sleeves. Sew on buttons.

Diagram explanations

put 5 sts on cable needle in front of piece, K tog first st from cable needle with first st from needle a total of 5 times, K1.

K1, put 5 sts on cable needle behind piece, K tog first st from cable needle with first st from needle a total of 5 times.

Diagram for

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