世界上最古老的大学 世界上现存最古老的五所大学(图)

2016-04-06 今日精彩推荐

  大学(university)一词源于拉丁文universitas magistrorum etscholarium,粗略的表示“教师与学者团体”。下面是世界上现存的最古老的五所大学。

  The word “university” is derived from the Latin universitasmagistrorum et scholarium, which roughly means “community ofteachers and scholars。” The Below list will guide you about the 5most oldest universities still present around the world。

  5 、萨拉曼卡大学 University ofSalamanca(萨拉曼卡镇,西班牙,建立于1218年)

  5 – University of Salamanca (Salamanca, Spain, Founded in1218)


  University of Salamanca was founded in 1134 and given theRoyal charter of foundation by King Alfonso IX in 1218. Universityof Salamanca is located in the town of Salamanca, west ofMadrid。

  4、剑桥大学 University ofCambridge(剑桥镇,英格兰,建立于1209年)

  4 – University of Cambridge (Cambridge, England, Founded in1209)

  剑桥大学建立于1209年,是英语国家第二古老的大学,世界上第四古老的现存大学 。

  University of Cambridge was Founded in 1209, Cambridge is thesecond-oldest university in the English-speaking world and theworld’s fourth-oldest surviving university。

  3、牛津大学 University ofOxford(牛津镇,英格兰,建立于1167年)

  3 – University of Oxford (Oxford, England, Founded in1167)


  University of Oxford starts growing rapidly from 1167 whenHenry II banned English students from attending the University ofParis. After disputes between students and Oxford townsfolk in1209, some academics fled northeast to Cambridge, where theyestablished what became the University of Cambridge. The two“ancient universities” are frequently jointly referred to as“Oxbridge”。

  2、爱资哈尔大学 Al-AzharUniversity(开罗,埃及,建立于970~972年)

  2 – Al-Azhar University (Cairo, Egypt Founded in 970~972)

世界上最古老的大学 世界上现存最古老的五所大学(图)


  Al-Azhar University was Founded in 970 or 972 by the Fatimidsas a centre of Islamic learning, its students studied the Qur’anand Islamic law in detail, along with logic, grammar, rhetoric, andhow to calculate the lunar phases of the moon.It was one of thefirst universities in the world and the only one to survive as amodern university including secular subjects in the curriculum. Itis today the chief centre of Arabic literature and Islamic learningin the world. In 1961 additional non-religious subjects were addedto its curriculum。

  1、卡鲁因大学 University ofal-Qarawiyyin(费斯,摩洛哥,建立于859年)

  1 – University of al-Qarawiyyin (Fes, Morocco, Founded in859)


  University of al-Qarawiyyin was Founded in 859, the GuinnessBook of World Records has recognized it as the world’s oldestcontinuously operating, degree-granting university。


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