人生从设定目标开始 成功从每日设定目标开始


This means that what you think about most of the time is what The Subconscious will think is the most important thing for you and will try to find creative solutions. If you think about problems, The Subconscious will try to find you more problems. If you think about solutions, goals and dreams, it will try to make them come true.


But The Subconscious goes even further when trying to understand what you think is important; it “listens” to your feelings.


A thought imbued with a powerful emotion must be more important than a thought that had didn’t emotionally affect you at all, even if you think that through over and over and over again.


Luckily, it has been proven that a positive thought is over 100 times as positive as a negative thought. This makes it a lot easier to drive positive emotionsinto your Subconscious.


This makes it all easier


It is enough to be positive and keep your thoughts on what you want — and you don’t have to go monitoring your thoughts all the time.


It is enough to imbue your thoughts a few times a day with a powerful positive emotion when thinking about your goals. The more you can do it the more powerful this exercise will be.


For many, reading their goals or making plans become a chore, something that fills them with negative emotions. This ruins the full potential of these activities; filling yourself with positive emotions while thinking about your goals will make them a lot more powerful.


Over the last several years I have been taught several exercises that can help you focus more on your goals and spend more time thinking about and feeling about them. What I want you to remember when doing these exercises is to have fun. Never see them as a chore, you are living your goals, it is something to enjoy.


If you don’t feel uplifted at the thought of focusing on your goals, you might as well not do the exercise today. Do it tomorrow instead, because it will do more harm than good if you are in the wrong mood when thinking about your goals.


How this power can affect your life


In my business, I constantly need to come up with new ways to improve efficiency, new ideas to test and new subjects to teach. It takes a lot of creative work — and creative work has always been one of my weaker areas. Luckily, thanks to all my work with goal setting (and because of my focus on my goals), my Subconscious knows these are the things I need the most help with and that they are very important to me.


Every day I get new ideas of things I can try out, products I can create, seminar subjects I can offer, and so on. All of them aren’t good, but when you throw enough “mud against the wall”, something will stick. And that is what my Subconscious does — it feeds me idea after idea.


An Easy Exercise


Daily Goal Setting 


This method is used by countless thousands around the world and for everyone who has tried it, the effects have been incredible.


Each morning take a pen and a piece of paper and write down your 10 top goals. Don’t look at the day before, just think about what you want to most and write them down. 


Remember to write them in the positive present tense and remember to set a deadline for each goal. Just like we did when setting your long term and short term goals. (For example you could set the goal “I make 10 000 dollars per month by the 31 of December 2010.”) 


Do this for all 10 goals. 


In the beginning, writing down 10 goals might be difficult. Each day they might look a bit different and some of the goals you write never come back again. If you forget a goal, it is because it wasn’t all that important and something more important has taken its place.


What difference does it make?


By starting your day setting your 10 top goals you jump-start your creativity — which will motivate you for the rest of the day. You will have programmed yourself to focus on your goals and to move towards them and their completion.


人生从设定目标开始 成功从每日设定目标开始


What will happen to you?


If you do this, you will start to realize what is important to you. You’ll see what goals keep surfacing and what goals vanish. You will know what you want and you will find yourself presented with opportunities that you haven’t noticed before. You will be more creative in finding ideas and chances to make your dreams reality.


An Action Exercise


Buy a notebook and a pen at your local bookstore. 


Start writing down 10 goals every morning, without looking at the day before. 


Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way and capitalize on them. 


Daily goal setting can change your life for the better. It will help you keep moving faster and faster towards your goals and dreams.



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