健脑wangbuliao 善待大脑:让大脑更锋利的5个健脑技巧

健脑wangbuliao 善待大脑:让大脑更锋利的5个健脑技巧

If you're in a bit of a slump, it might be due to your brain being a bit bored. Sticking to the same daily routine is like eating just white rice everyday for your noggin. Playing games with your mind keeps you sharp and boosts memory retention and powers of reasoning. Try these five fun and free activities to stimulate your brain.如果你心情有点低落,可能是因为你觉得有点无聊了。每天做同样的事就像每天只吃米饭一样无趣。玩思维游戏会让大脑灵活、提高记忆力和思考能力。试试下面五个不用花钱的有趣活动来激发你的大脑潜能。

1. Use the opposite hand: If you're right-handed, become a lefty for the day. Simply switching the hand you usually use for routine tasks gets your brain thinking in a different way. When brushing your teeth, use the opposite hand. Eating? Use the opposite hand. You can really test yourself and try writing an entire day while using your less-used hand.1. 换手做事:如果你是右撇子,用左手做一天事。用另一只手做日常任务可以让大脑换种方式思考。用另一只手刷牙。吃东西也是。你可以测试下自己,试着用不常用的那只手写一整天的字。

2. Talk to yourself: Pick one hour a day to verbally discuss anything and everything with yourself. Describe what you see, what you're doing, your afternoon plans, or what you'd like to make for dinner vocally instead of keeping it locked up in your head. Sure, you might look like a total nutso, which makes this activity best kept for when you are on your own, but talking while thinking is a great brain booster. And you might find solutions to problems you've been struggling with or that stresses voiced make for a better night's sleep.2. 和自己说话:每天花一小时和自己讨论,什么事都可以。说说你看到的东西、你在做的事、下午的计划,或者想做什么晚餐而不是只在大脑中思考。当然,你可能看起来像神经病,这个活动最好是只有自己一个人的时候做,但是边做边想对促进思维大有帮助。你可能会解决一直头疼的问题,说出压力也会让晚上睡得更好。

3. Write down your dreams: You can write out aspirations and goals as a reminder, but keeping a pen and paper next to your bed for recording your sleeping dreams is a fun way to get your brain thinking. Along with boosting memory, attempting to unlock the mystery and hidden meanings behind your snoozing brain is one way to get to know yourself better.3. 写下梦境:你可以写下期望和目标作为提醒,但把纸和笔放在床边记录睡觉时做的梦是个能让大脑思考的有趣方式。除了提高记忆力,试图解开沉睡大脑的秘密和隐藏含义也能让你更好的了解自己。

4. Wash your hair with your eyes closed: Your senses are what helps your brain make decisions and build connections, but we often rely too heavily on one or two senses, leaving the others behind. Stimulate your brain and close your eyes while washing your hair, eating, or putting on your clothes. Along with being a fun challenge, your brain is encouraged to use those other senses that have been forgotten about.4. 闭着眼睛洗头:你的感官帮助大脑做出决定并建立联系,但我们往往过于依赖某个或某两个感官,没有注意其他的。当你洗头、吃东西或穿衣服时闭上眼睛,让大脑运转。这不仅是个有趣的挑战,你的大脑也会调动那些被忘记的感官。

5. Walk on: Just like the body, our brain needs physical exercise too. A steady walk increases blood circulation, which encourages cerebral blood vessels to grow and enhances energy production and waste removal. And walking isn't strenuous and can be done anywhere anytime. Park a little farther from work, or make time to walk around the block at the end of the day. 5. 行走:和身体一样,我们的大脑也需要锻炼。稳步行走增强血液循环让脑血管生长、提高体力以及除去无用之物。步行并不是剧烈运动,可以随时随地做。把车停在离公司较远的地方,或者工作一天后绕着办公大楼走一圈。


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