gm foods gm foods Suggestions on GM Foods to Government Leaders

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Suggestions on GM Foods to Government Leaders

gm foods gm foods Suggestions on GM Foods to Government Leaders

Genetically modified foods are not always safe for people to eat. Some people do not know the harm of GM foods or even can not identify which are GM foods among so many foods in markets. So the government should require labels on all GM foods that are sold in the country and inform more information about GM foods to the citizens, so that people know what they are buying.

Because it is the responsibility of the government to protect people's health, the government should strictly control what types of foods can be planted and sold. Those foods must not be planted and sold, which will do harm to people's health. After all, life security is the most important. Laws related to these aspects should be made by the government. As China has a large population, without GM foods, the amount of other foods will not be enough to provide to people. People in some areas will stay hungry and even starve to death. So our country still needs GM foods for the time being, but the government must fund research in and development of GM foods. Technology can not only raise the output of GM foods, but also the people's life security index will be improved, too. As a result, the government should invest more capital in improving technology level.

In conclusion, the government should make laws to control what kind of GM foods can be planted and sold to protect people's health, require

labels on all GM foods that are sold, found research in and development of GM foods, and invest more capital in improving technology level.

10124481 余洁


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