Your fears will haunt you for your entire life if they aren’t dealt with. Do you really want to go through life being deathly afraid of flying? Do you want the fear of public speaking to control you? Of course not. Take these challenges head on and early on and overcome them.如果听之任之,恐惧将萦绕你一生。你真得希望终其一生都怕飞翔怕得要死吗?你希望在大家面前讲话时总是诚惶诚恐吗?当然不。直面挑战,克服它们。17. Experiment经验
Life is chock full of experiences. Try new things. Get out there and fail often. Learn from your mistakes. You only get one chance at this life. Get as much in as you can.生活中皆是经验。尝试新事物。大胆走出去,接受失败,从错误中学习。你只能活一次,尽量多尝试。18. Appreciate your parents感激父母
As children, we adore our parents. As teens, we ignore our parents. And in adulthood, we take them for granted. Knowing that they did the best possible job they could raising you will help you appreciate them. Make a phone call right now to tell them so.孩提时,我们崇拜父母;青春年少时,我们忽视父母;成年后,我们认为他们做的一切都是应该的。他们尽最大的努力抚养你,懂得这一点将使你感激他们。马上拿起电话,告诉他们你的感激之情。19. Stay close with the important people in your life与你生活中的贵人保持密切联系
Most of you will lose contact with childhood friends, college buddies, and past coworkers. But chances are that you’ve made some great friends along the way. If you’ve found that you’ve lost touch with someone who was important to you, reach out to them and try to reconnect. People who you consider important are few and far between, so do your best to keep them in your life.你们中的大多数会与儿时玩伴、大学好友和曾经的同事失去联系。但是一路走来,你可能已经交了一些不错的朋友。如果你发现,你与曾经对你很重要的人失去联系,找到他们,重要建立联系。被你贴上重要标签的人少之又少,所以尽量不要让他们淡出你的生活。20. Remember that you do not know it all记住你不是万事通
It’s a given that teenagers believe they know it all, but as an adult it’s important to recognize how little you know. Make learning something new part of your daily routine. Started at an early age, you will be amazed at how much you can learn in a lifetime.作为青少年,他们相信自己无事不知,但作为成人,你应该意识到你知之甚少。让学习成为你日常生活的不可分割的一部分。如果你开始得早,你将对一生中能学到如此之多感到吃惊。21. Listen to your parents倾听父母
As crazy as it may seem, they have much more life experience than you and do know what they are talking about. Take the time to listen to their stories. They have more wisdom than you believe.虽看似不切实际,但他们的生活经验的确比你丰富得多,而且他们深知自己要表达的内容。抽出时间,倾听他们的故事,他们的智慧超乎你想象。22. Face the bully不甘示弱
Most of you have had a bully in one shape or another in your lifetime. Do not let your fear control you. The best way to handle any bully is to confront them. Most are cowards hiding behind their size and/or power. Confronting them will get their attention, and in many cases, their respect.在生活中,你们中很多人会遭遇这样或那样的恃强凌弱者。不要成为恐惧的俘虏。应对任何欺侮的最佳办法是面对它们。大多数人看似高大威猛,实际上,懦弱潜藏于他们的内心。勇敢面对不仅吸引他们的注意力,在许多情形下,还能赢得他们的尊重。23. Give unconditionally无私地给予
Understanding the sheer power of giving unconditionally can shape the course of your life. Learn this early.懂得无私给予的强大力量可以改变你生活的历程,要尽早学会。24. Working too much为工作狂
Working yourself half to death throughout your 20s and 30s may seem like a great idea for rising up the corporate ladder, but remember that those are your golden years. Make time for the things you are most passionate about while you are healthy enough to do so.二、三十岁时为升职拼死拼活的工作貌似好主意,但是,要切记这可是你的黄金时期。趁着身体健康,抽出时间做些自己最热衷的事情。25. Develop good habits养成好习惯
The outcome of your life will be based on the decisions you make. Making good decisions comes from having good habits. Educate yourself on how to start adopting positive ones and removing the negative ones.生活的回报基于你作出的决定。养成良好的习惯,才会有明智之举。教会自己如何养成催人奋进的好习惯,如何摒弃不良习惯。26. Find what you excel at and begin to master it找到你的强项,为精通它而发奋
Spending years languishing in uncertainty is the fastest way to living an average life. Find where your strengths meet your passions and become great at them. Don’t be a jack of all trades. Be the master of a few.在不确定中耗费数年苦思冥想是通向平庸生活的捷径。找到你既感兴趣又擅长的领域,苦心钻研。不做博而不精的人,只掌握几种技能。27. Spend as much time with your children as possible多陪孩子
If you lose your time with your children, you will never get it back. Embrace this time with all your heart. Being a parent is the single most important job on the planet. 如果缺了这一课,可没办法去弥补。珍惜与孩子共处的每一刻,做父母是地球最最重要的工作。28. Learn to be grateful学会感激
This is easier said than done, but being appreciative of what you have can make the difference between a life of wanting and a life of contentment.说起来容易做起来难,但是,不满现状还是知足常乐取决于你是否心存感激。29. Start a business做自己的生意
Don’t spend your life only knowing what it’s like to be an employee. Start your own venture, whether it be mowing lawns or running Internet security, try your hand in business. Lessons in entrepreneurship cannot be learned in a classroom. Real world experience will prove invaluable.不要一辈子只知道为别人打工。尝试经营自己的生意,不论修剪草坪还是经营互联网安全相关业务。课堂上学不到生意经,真实世界体验的价值不可估量。30. Be crazy疯狂
Well, not literally. Do something wild and adventurous. As you grow older, you will begin a career, and/or settle down and start a family and will be less inclined to let it all hang out. Be bold and daring. And have fun with it!当然不是字面上的疯狂,是做些既疯狂且有风险的事情。随着年龄的增长,你将开始自己的职业生涯,然后安定下来,组建家庭,之后你将变得小心谨慎。所以,趁现在去做些胆大妄为的事情吧,祝玩得开心。
While it’s never too late to work on your personal growth, getting these things done early in your life can truly make the difference between a life lived on your terms or a life lived on someone else’s.尽管个人发展可以随时起步,但自我发展早或晚会使你的生活大不相同,你喜欢自己做主的生活,还是仰人鼻息的日子呢?