介绍长城的导游词 关于长城介绍的英文导游词3篇(3)

all defensive ring. If the enemy breached close into the city, will have been all around guarding city will panic in the enemy like fall in the urn. The barbican is an important part of the Great Wall. It is generally built on terrain dangerous traffic arteries. Badaling the barbican is no exception. Built on the ridge, restricted by terrain, mountain potential, low west high east, east narrow width, only 5000 square meters. There is no hole in the barbican, lack of water, usually few troops, guarding city forces in the northwest three mile fork city. Barbican in a "examine the courtyard mansion", the original is stay accommodation for the emperor passed in or officials. Barbican 63.9 meters apart, between the two door XiMenMei TiE "north gate lock-and-key", it meant I have spoken in front.

  City on the doorway, ancient into install a huge double wooden door, door installation has wooden needle and latches. At ordinary times, both doors open and the pedestrian travel free access; Wartime gate closed, sealed hard; Once struck back order, city door is the export of hammering dashed forward. Barbican east gate lintel TiE as "the agent to fill", built during Ming jiajing eighteen years. Town "outside" the commonplace GuanCheng city on the stage, the original is embedded with a piece of stone, is the Ming wanli years of print. From the inscriptions could look around the Great Wall, has the more than 80 years time to complete. This tablet is a record of construction time, length of the Great Wall and the officer and tube foreman, burning head, head of the potter, mason head and name, in order to make clear the responsibility. Stand to look down on the city, we see in constant traffic and visitors through the door. Here is not only an important military defense of the ancient barrier, but also traffic arteries. From here, nantong changping, Beijing, north to yanqing, northwest to xuanhua, zhangjiakou, "convenient way from now on,". Badaling is hence the name.

  When we came to linhai Great Wall, at the foot of the Great Wall, look up, the endless winding high steps, as if is a path to a blue sky of the ladder, and he seems like a dragon hou lie in rolling peaks.

介绍长城的导游词 关于长城介绍的英文导游词3篇(3)

  Along the stairs up, came to the first gate "range gate", the ancient scene immediately appear at present, the gate is a two layers of ancient buildings, two sides of the ancients of flags fluttering, increased the antique appeal. The second floor is "clearly" lake mountain, standing there, "the east lake park" as a painting, panoramic view, I'd like to bring a "lake mountain" may be just that.

  The walk, we came to the second gate "Gu Jing floor", standing on the roof of almost half of linhai city is clearly visible. Go up again, we finally boarded the highest floor


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