消防知识安全常识 消防知识英语常识



  Be careful!

  Fire is very dangerous. It's necessary for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire.

  Call 119

  Never try to put out a fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119. Tell 119 where you are and what is on fire.

  Keep down close to the floor

  If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor. There is less smoke down there, so it's easier to breathe and see where you are going. If you don't, the smoke may kill you before the fire does.

  Test the door

  Test the door before you open it. Touch it with the back of your hand near the top. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out. Most home fires start at night when people are asleep. So, always close your bedroom door before you sleep. It can keep the fire out.

  Get out

  If you can, get out your home soon. Do not stop to pick up anything. The fire can spread quickly in a few seconds!

  Don't use the lift

  Never use the lift during a fire. Always use the stairs. A lift may stop at a floor where the fire is burning. It may also go wrong and keep you inside.

  Don't go back

  Never go back into a burning building! Even if you have left your pet or favourite toy inside, do not go back for it. Don't worry about your pets. Animals have a very good smell. They often get out of buildings before people!


  " do-it-yourself " explosive 现混炸药

  " do-it-yourself " mixture 现场配置炸药

  " do-your own" explosive 现混炸药

  "B" blasting powder "B"级炸药<含72%硝酸钠

消防知识安全常识 消防知识英语常识

  "can handle" "能对付"<火灾紧急情况现场消防队发回的信息

  "Defense in Depth" philosophy "纵深防御"原则

  "mixed on the job" blasting agent "工地配制"的炸药

  "nothing showing" "无迹象"

  "Quarterly" "季刊" 美国消防协会以前的杂志

  "red fume" "红色瓦斯" 爆炸时炸药所产生的毒气

  "super K" "超-K"

  "ultra-safe" explosive "超级安全"炸药

  "V" burn pattern V形痕迹<在火灾低点

  0integrated disaster preparedness 综合灾害防治

  1-propanol 1-丙醇

  2-methyl-1-butene 2-甲基-1-丁

  3-methyl-1-butene 3-甲基-1-丁烯

  A blasting powder A级炸药 主要用于露天矿

  A-bomb 原子弹

  a.a.r = against all risks 综合险

  A=absorptivity 吸收率

  AA = auto-alarm 自动报警


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幼儿消防知识安全常识 幼儿园防火安全常识

  做好幼儿园消防安全工作,不仅关系到幼儿正常的学习和生活,更重要的是关系到幼儿能否健康成长。接下来,爱华网小编为你分享幼儿园防火安全常识。  幼儿园防火安全常识  小孩子天真烂漫,有着强烈的求知欲和好奇心,对熠熠生辉的

儿童消防知识安全常识 消防安全知识常识

  《消防安全常识》是从国家消防法律法规、消防技术规范和消防常识中提炼概括的,是公民应当掌握的最基本的消防知识。下面就由爱华网小编为大家介绍下关于消防安全知识常识方面的知识,希望可以帮到大家哦。  消防安全知识常识

中学生防火安全知识 中学生消防安全常识

  为了使同学们能够撑握一些基本消防安全知识,以提高学生的防火意识,增强学生的自救自护能力,确保安全。下面就是爱华网小编为大家整理的中学生消防安全常识相关资料,供大家参考。  中学生消防安全常识一:  一、 起火灾的七

消防知识安全常识十条 小学生消防安全常识

  中小学生朋友们,火灾发生时如何拨打火警电话?发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为,如何举报?遇到消防车执行灭火或抢险救援任务,下面是爱华网小编为大家整理的小学生消防安全常识相关资料,供大家参考。  小学生消防安全常识 

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