任务型作文高分开头 雅思考试作文的关键:高分开头

任务型作文高分开头 雅思考试作文的关键:高分开头


  In our profit-centered society, unemployment has attracted wide attention even from the education field.(背景)Should we only offer elementary education to those kids or shall we continue to educate them till they graduate from secondary school? What will happen if we deprive them of the rights to continue to be educated when they are still in elementary school?(提问)In this essay, I will analyze why those kids should carry on with secondary education.(间接法)
   In a recent flight by an A350 from London to the manufacturing base of this type of plane, the four engines just consumed 40 gallons of fuel, which is less than the amount of fuel used by four cars traveling the same distance .(举例)The example well illustrates the efficiency of air plane engines over common car engines.(过渡)To be based on hard evidences and sound argument, the essay will discuss why traveling via air planes should not be discouraged.(间接法)
   Many environmentalists are against the over use of planes for non-essential international traveling; on the other hand, rational realists are arguing that cars are using more fuel and producing more pollution compared with the iron birds.(双方观点,双方要使用具体的人或者学者)Which way of transportation should be discouraged?(提问)The writer will analyze…and prove that….(间接法)

   In most parents’ eyes, pc games are regarded as the way to get oneself spoiled .(背景)Do pc games have positive or negative effects on children? Should the children be kept away from this “evil ”?(两个问题)This article is used to analyze whether this new way of entertainment should be prohibited or not in order to help the children to get the most out of their life with the appearance of computers. (间接法)
   Upon the preference to some courses on campus, it seems there is an obvious controversy between job consultants and college teachers.(背景,大小要合适)For the sake of getting a job, job advisors might suggest job hunters to be practically “equipped” with courses like computer and business administration. However, taking into consideration of many other factors, teachers have different point of view.(双方观点)In this article, the writer is going to analyze why both courses are necessary for a job hunter or college graduate. (简洁法)
   If you were a graduate with history as your major, would you blame that you did not choose practical courses to cover on campus when you were rebuffed by job offers? This is not a brand new problem baffling college graduates with traditional subjects as their academic focus . In my eyes, both traditional courses like history and geography and those in majors are necessary for college graduates for the following reasons.
   How would you like bananas or pineapples that ripen more slowly, or potatoes that absorb less oil and therefore make lower calorie French fries?(提问)Those are just a few of the genetically engineered food products expected to hit American stores in the next few years.(过渡)While many experts are hailing the rapid development of genetic engineering in food as the way to feed a fast growing global population, others say the changes are planting the seeds for a host of future problems.(直接法)

   Events such as "the Protest of theCentury" which took place inSeattle,USAin December 1999 have focused the world’s attention on global ‘free’ trade. The protest was against the World Trade Organization (WTO), in particular its role in promoting world-wide free trade.(举例)In this essay, I would like to take a critical look at the concept of free trade.(间接法)Is it a natural phenomenon? Are free market economies common in world history? or is this a relatively recent concept created by powerful nations and companies and imposed on the less powerful?(提问提出中间段落)
   Polarization between the rural areas and urban communities is not a new topic at all to social workers or psychologists.(下定义提出背景)When things come to the case inChina, they are more complicated and intricate owing to multilevel reasons and causes. Therefore, to narrow the discrepancy between these two parts of the world seems even more challenging both to the government and to the public.(直接法)
   ________. ________.(背景和过渡省略)As far as I am concerned, the government, for the sake of its own image, the safety of the public, and the future of our next generation, is bound to be held responsible for the limitation and supervision of the violence in TV programs and movie products.(直接法提出Thesis Statement)
   _______. _________.(背景和过渡省略)Genetic engineering can, on the one hand improve the crop production, on the other, plant the seeds of future problems. (直接法提出TS)


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/329651/948205235882.html


高考作文万能开头结尾大全 高中开头结尾

高考作文万能开头结尾大全高考语文作文万能开头结尾原则一:首尾相应结构严谨  例:  1、(开头)在城市尽头,没有繁华的街市,闪亮的霓虹;在城市的尽头,只有破旧的棚户区,有饱经生活风霜的生命;在城市的尽头、有他们这样一群人。  

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