lady dior lady dior 艺术家 DIOR LADY ART 艺术家限量合作系列发布



  12月10日,Christian Dior 携手ACTIVATION EVENTS,于北京国贸商城举办“DIOR LADY ART”艺术家限量合作系列发布酒会,同时庆祝迪奥北京国贸商城旗舰店开业一周年。

  On December 10, collaborating with ACTIVATION EVENTS, Christian Dior held a cocktail party to celebrate the launch of DIOR LADY ART collection and 1-year anniversary of China flagship boutique in China World Mall in Beijing.





  Christian Dior 携手七位英美艺术家推出全新力作DIOR LADY ART系列手袋,打破工艺局限以满足艺术家的创作需求,给予艺术家自由发挥的空间,让他们将自身的创意理念融入迪奥皮革制造精湛工艺之中。

  The House of Christian Dior has had its hand at reinterpreting its spirit in innovative iterations over the years. The brand has recently handed the job off to seven modern American and British artists. The artists were given carte blanche to utilize their signature techniques and creative ideas to be blended with the exquisite leather manufacturing craftsmanship of Dior.



  章子怡、陈碧珂、王丽坤、Linda Li及其他众多明星均身着Dior礼服齐聚一堂,共同亮相DIOR LADY ART限时精品店。

  Zhang Ziyi, Bonnie Chen, Wang Likun, Linda Liand a host of other stars in Dior dresses showed up for the celebration at the opening of the DIOR LADY ART pop-up store in Beijing.



lady dior lady dior 艺术家 DIOR LADY ART 艺术家限量合作系列发布


















▲知名模特兼著名主持人Linda Li



  ▲M WOODS美术馆创始人、社交名媛 雷宛萤



更多时尚资讯,请关注ACTIVATION GROUP官方微信平台



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行为艺术家MarinaAbramović的凝视 行为艺术 凝视

Marina Abramović曾说: 「一个艺术家不应该爱上另一个艺术家.」但在此同时,她缺爱上了.1976年南斯拉夫行为艺术家Abramovi在阿姆斯特丹遇到了她的灵魂伴侶Ulay,一位来自 西德的行为艺术家. 巧 的是, 二人都出生在同一天. 两人

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