律师事务所介绍信范文 会计师事务所面试自我介绍范文







  My name is Wang Li, im grade four this year , my specialty was the accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years i already is smooth through the english four levels of tests, has obtained accountant the computerization and accountant is employed the credentials, studied diligently about financial each discipline, could utilize the computer skilled, in university period participated in the student association, had the strong communication ability and the power of expression, the work is diligently earnest, also strong learning capability and compatibility, positive enterprising, strove to get the upper hand .



  I’m glad to introduce myself to you. My Chinese name is Ma Lin, but you can call me Rock, my English name. I chose Rock to be my English name because I want to be as tough as a rock, hehe. I was born and raised in Guangdong, so I speak both Cantonese and Mandarin.

  I’ll soon graduate from Zhongshan University, majoring in accounting. I think you may have interviewed quite a lot of students from our school, so you know this major prepares us for CGA and most courses are taught in English. My GPA is 3.6, it ranks number 9 in the 115 students in my grade. And I’ve passed 15 exams in CGA, I anticipate I will get the CGA qualification in 2009.

  Besides having good academic performance, I was actively involved in student activities. I was in charge of Student Welfare (生活委员) in my class, and in the Student Union of our school. I enjoyed this position because what I did was very important to everybody, although it was mostly small details.

律师事务所介绍信范文 会计师事务所面试自我介绍范文

  I had a three-month internship in Guangdong Zhengzhong Accounting Firm. I did the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports. My boss was pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my classmate to join our team.


  KPMG is my dream company. What’s more, I have great interest in joining the Tax Department as my long term career goal is to be a tax consultant. I wish my dream could come true today. Thank you!



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/3363571/596107296.html


开办律师事务所条件 开办会计事务所需要什么条件?

  会计师事务所可以由注册会计师合伙设立。合伙设立的会计师事务所的债务,由合伙人按照出资比例或者协议的约定,以各自的财产承担责任。合伙人对会计师事务所的债务承担连带责任。  会计师事务所符合下列条件的,可以是负有限责任



会计社会实践报告范文 会计专业社会实践报告范文



 律师事务所实习3000字  律师事务所3000字范文1  纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。置身于真实的法律职业环境中,才能清楚的感受到理论和实践的差距。在江西阳中阳律师事务所进行的为期一个月的实习过程中,我遵守律所纪律,积


 律师事务所个人实习自我鉴定9篇  律师事务所个人实习自我鉴定范文1  1  20xx年2月份,我申请在北京天平(长沙)律师事务所实习,光阴似箭、日月如梭,实习期在忙忙碌碌中度过。在指导老师的精心指导下,经过一年脚踏实地、埋

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