英语作文常用连接词 需掌握的书面表达中常用的连接词


1. 表示递进;在同一话题上补充内容

另外,还有:what’s more; besides;

also; moreover; in addition

2. 表示转折关系

但是, 然而, 相反:but; however; yet;

instead; on the other hand;

on the contrary.

3. 表示因果关系

因为,因此,所以: since; as;

because (of ); so; thus; therefore; as a result;

4. 表示条件关系

如果,只要: if ;on condition ( that );

as long as

除非: unless 否则: or else

5. 表示时间关系

当… 的时候 : when ; while

在…之后: after 在…之前: before

直到: until

直到…才…: not……until……

一…就… : as soon as

后来, 然后: later; afterwards

不久: soon 近来: lately; recently

自从… :since 从那时起: from then on

6. 表示特定的顺序关系

首先:firstly 最主要的: above all

其次: secondly 然后: then; next

最后: finally; in the end

7. 换一种方法表述

换句话说: in other words;

that is to say;

8. 进行举例说明

例如,比如: for instance; for example;

like; such as that is to say, namely, actually, and so on, believe it or not,  to tell you the truth, for this reason

英语作文常用连接词 需掌握的书面表达中常用的连接词

9. 用于陈述事实

实际上: in fact; actually;

as a matter of fact

跟你说实话 : to tell you the truth

10. 对一个话题进行总结


on the whole; in short; all in all; in general; in a word, finally, in conclusion, generally speaking, as you know, in the end ,


therefore ; otherwise ; finally ;

furthermore ;Thus ; namely ;

although ; afterwards ; personally;

12. 表示结果: thus, therefore, so, as a result, seeing that, luckily, unfortunately

13. 表示强调: above all, indeed, surely, certainly, of course, after all, without any delay, at least, at most , most important, undoubtedly


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