史莱克1 中英台词 怪物史莱克1国语版 《史莱克1》中英台词

  怪物史莱克Shrek 1


  [Man] "Once upon a timethere was a lovely princess.


  "But she had anenchantment upon her of a fearful sort...


  "which could only bebroken by love's first kiss.


  "She was locked away in acastle...


  "guarded by a terriblefire-breathing dragon.


  "Many brave knights hadattempted to free her from this dreadful prison,


  "but none prevailed.


  "She waited in thedragon's keep...


  "in the highest room ofthe tallest tower...


  for her true love and truelove's first kiss. "


  [ Laughing ] Like that's evergonna happen.

  -[Paper Rustling, ToiletFlushes] - What a load of--

  Somebody once told me the worldis gonna roll me

  I ain 't the sharpest tool inthe shed

  She was lookin' kind of dumbwith her finger and her thumb

  In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

  The years start comin ' andthey don't stop comin'

  Fed to the rules and I hit the groundrunnin'

  Did n 't make sense not to livefor fun

  Your brain gets smart but yourhead gets dumb

  So much to do So much to see

  So what's wrong with takin' thebackstreets

  You'll never know if youd don'tgo

  You'll never shine if you don'tglow

  Hey, now You're an all-star

  Get your game on, go play

  Hey, now, you're a rockstar Getthe show on, get paid

  And all that glitters is gold

  Only shootin' stars break themould

  It's a cool place and they sayit gets colder

  You'rebund led up now but waittill you get older

  But the meteor men beg todiffer

  Judging by the hole in thesatellite picture

  The ice we skate is gettin'pretty thin

  The water's getting warm so youmight as well swim

  My world'son fire How 'boutyours

  That's the way I like it andI'll never get bored

-         "Hey, now, you're anall-star" - [ Shouting ]

  Get your game on, goplay

  Hey, now, you're a rockstar Getthe show on, get paid

  And all that glitters is gold

  Only shootin' stars break themould

  [ Belches ]

-         Go! - Go!

-         "[RecordScratching]"- "Go. Go.

  Hey, now You're an all-star

  Get your game on, go play

  Hey, now, you're a rockstar Getthe show on, get paid

  And all that glitters is gold

  Only shootin' stars break themould


-         Think it's in there? - AIIright. Let's get it!


  Whoa. HoId on. Do you know whatthat thing can do to you?


  Yeah, it'll grind your bonesfor its bread.


  [Laughs] Yes, well, actually,that would be agiant.


  Now, ogres-- They're muchworse.


  They'll make a suit from yourfreshly peeled skin.


-         No! - They'll shave your liver.


  Squeeze the jelly from youreyes!


-         Actually, it's quite good ontoast. - "Back! Back, beast!"


  Back! I warn ya!


-         [ Gasping ] - Right.

  [ Roaring ]

-         [ Shouting ] - [ Roaring ]

  [ Roaring Continues ]

  [ Shouting Continues ]


  [ Whispers ] This is the partwhere you run away.

-         [ Gasping ] - [ Laughs ]



  And stay out!

  通缉 神话之物

  "Wanted. Fairy talecreatures."

  [ Sighs ]


  [Man's Voice] All right. Thisone's full.


-         "Take it away!" - [Gasps ]


-         Move it along. Come on! Get up!- Next!


  Give me that! Your flying daysare over.


  That's 20 pieces of silver forthe witch. Next!


-         Get up! Come on! - Twentypieces.


-         "[Thudding]" -"Sit down there!"


-         Keep quiet! -"[Crying]"


  This cage is too small.


  Please don't turn me in. I'llnever be stubborn again.


  I can change. Please! Give meanother chance!


-         Oh, shut up. - Oh! -"Next!"


-         What have you got? - Thislittle wooden puppet.


  I'm not a puppet. I'm a realboy.


  Five shillings for thepossessed toy.


-         Take it away. - Father, please!Don't let them do this!


-         Help me! - Next. What have yougot?


-         Well, I've got a talkingdonkey. - [ Grunts ]


  Right. Well, that's good forten shillings, if you can prove it.


  Oh, go ahead, little fella.




  Oh, oh, he's just-- He'sjust alittle nervous.


  He's really quite a chatterbox.Talk, you bone headed dolt--


  -That's it. I've heard enough.Guards! - "No, no, he talks!"


  He does. I can talk. I Iove to talk.


  I'm the talkingest damn thingyou ever saw.


-         Get her out of my sight. -"No, no!"


  I swear! Oh! He can talk!

  [ Gasps ]


  Hey! I can fly!


-         He can fly! - He can fly!


-         He can talk! - Ha, ha! That'sright, fool!


  Now I'm a flying, talkingdonkey.


  You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a super fly,


  but I bet you ain't never seena donkey fly.


  Ha, ha!



  [ Grunts ]


  Seize him!


  After him! He's getting away!

  [ Grunts, Gasps ]


  [Man] Gethim! This way! Turn!


  You there. Ogre!




  By the order of Lord Farquaad,I am authorized to place you both under arrest...


  and transport you to adesignated... resettlement facility.


  Oh, really? You and what army?

  [ Gasps, Whimpering ]

  [ Chuckles ]


  Can I say something to you?


  Listen, you was really, reallysomethin' back there. Incredible!


  Are you talkin' to-- me? Whoa!


  Yes, I was talkin' to you. CanI tell you that you was great back there? Those guards!


  They thought they was all ofthat. Then you showed up, and bam!


  They was trippin' overthemselves llke babes in the woods.


  That really made me feel goodto see that.


-         Oh, that's great. Really. -Man, it's good to be free.


  Now, why don't you go celebrateyour freedom with your own friends? Hmm?


  But, uh, I don't have anyfriends.


  And I'm not goin' out there bymyseIf.


  Hey, wait a minute! I got agreat idea! I'll stick with you.


  You're a mean, green, fightin'machine.


  Together we'll scare the spitout of anybody that crosses us.

  [ Roaring ]


  Oh, wow! That was really scary.


  If you don't mind me sayin ',if that don't work, your breath certainly will get the job done,


  'cause you definiteIy need someTic Tacs or something, 'cause your breath stinks!


  You almost burned the hairoutta my nose,


  just llke the time-- [ Mumbling]


  Then I ate some rotten berries.I had strong gases eking out ofmy butt that day.


  Why are you following me?


  I'll tell you why.

  'Cause I'm all alone

  'Cause I'm all aIone

  There's no one here beside me

  There's no one here besideme

  My problems have all gone

  My problems have all gone

  There's no one to deride me

  There's no one to derideme

  But you gotta have friends--

  But you gotta havefriends--


  Stop singing!


  It's no wonder you don't haveany friends.


  Wow. Only a true friend wouldbe that truly honest.


  Listen, little donkey. Take alook at me. What am I?



-         真高? - 不! 我是个妖怪

-         Really tall? - No! I'm an ogre.


  You know. "Grab your torchand pitchforks."


  Doesn't that bother you?



-         真的? - 真的,真的

-         Really? - Really, really.

  -噢. - 我喜欢你,你叫什么?

-         Oh. - Man, I like you. What'syour name?


  Uh, Shrek.

  史莱克? 知道我喜欢你什么?

  Shrek? Well, you know what Ilike about you, Shrek?


  You got that kind ofI-don't-care-what-nobody- thinks-of-me thing.


  I like that. I respect that,Shrek. You all right.

  瞧那里! 谁想住在那里?

  Whoo! Look at that. Who'd wantto Iive in a place like that?


  That would be my home.

  很好! 很漂亮!

  Oh! And it is lovely! Justbeautiful.


  You are quite a decorator. It'samazing whatyou've done with such a modest budget.


  I like that boulder. That is anice boulder.


  I guess you don't entertainmuch, do you?


  I like my privacy.


  You know, I do too. That'sanother thing we have in common.


  Like, I hate it when you gotsomebody in your face.


  You're trying to give them ahint, and they won't leave. There's that awkward silence.

-         我跟你住可以吗? - 什么?

-         Can I stay with you? - Uh,what?


  Can I stay with you, please?

  -当然! -真的?

-         Of course! - Really?

-         不! - 我不想回去!

-         No. - Please! I don't wanna goback there!


  You don't know what it's liketo be considered a freak. Well, maybeyou do.


  But that's why we gotta sticktogether. You gotta Iet me stay!

-         求求你! - 好的

-         Please! Please! - Okay! Okay!

  -但只能呆一晚上 - 谢谢!

-         But one night only. - Ah!Thankyou!


-         What areyou-- No! No! - This isgonna be fun!


  We can stay up Iate, swappin'manIy stories,


  and in the mornin' I'm makin'waffles.


-         Oh! - Where do, uh, I sIeep?




  Oh, well, I guess that's cooI.


  I mean, I don't knowyou, andyou don't know me,


  so I guess outside is best, youknow.


  [ Sniffles ] Here I go.


  Good night. [ Sighs ]


  I mean, I do like the outdoors.I'm a donkey. I was born outside.


  I'll just be sitting by myselfoutside, I guess, you know.


  By myself, outside.


  I'm all alone There's no onehere beside me

  [ Bubbling ]

  [ Sighs ]



  [ Sighs ] I thought I toId youto stay outside.


-         I am outside. -"[Clattering]"



  Well, gents, it's a farcry fromthe farm, but what choice do we have?


  It's not home, but it'll dojustfine.


  What a loveIy bed.

-         抓到了 - 我找到了些奶酪

-         Gotya. - [ Sniffs ] I foundsome cheese.


-         Ow! [ Grunts ] - Biah! Awfulstuff.

  - 是你吗,戈德?   - 你怎么知道是我?

-         Is that you, Gorder? - How didyou know?

  够了! 你在我的房子里干嘛?

  Enough! What are you doing inmy house?


  [ Grunts ] Hey!


-         [ Snickers ] - Oh, no, no, no.

  -死女人不能放在桌子上 - 但床已经被占了!

-         Dead broad offthe tabIe. -Where are we supposed to put her? The bed's taken.


  Huh? [ Gasps ]


  [ MaIe Voice ] What?


  I Iive in a swamp. I put upsigns. I'm a terrifying ogre!


  What do I have to do to get alittle privacy?


-         "Aah!" - Oh, no.


  Oh, no.


-         No! No! - [ CackIing ]


-         [ CackIing Continues ] - What?


-         Quit it. - Don't push.

-         [ Squeaking ] - [ Lows ]


  What are you doing in my swamp?

  [Echoing] Swamp! Swamp! Swamp!

-         [ Gasping ] - Oh, dear!



  All right, get out ofhere. Allofyou, move it!


  Come on! Let's go! Hapaya!Hapaya! Hey!

  - 快点儿,快!      - 不

-         QuickIy. Come on! - No, no!


  No, no. Not there. Not there.

-         Oh! - [ Sighs ]


  Hey, don't look at me. I didn'tinvite them.

-         天哪,没人邀请我们

  Oh, gosh, no one invited us.

  - 什么?  -我们被迫来到这里

-         What? - We were forced to comehere.

-         谁强迫你们? - 弗瓜王

-         By who? - "LordFarquaad."


  He huffed "und" hepuffed "und" he... signed an eviction notice.

  [ Sighs ] All right.


  Who knows where this Farquaadguy is?


-         [ Murmuring ] - Oh, I do. Iknow where he is.


  Does anyone eIse know where tofind him?

-         没人知道? - 我知道!

-         "Any one at all?" -Me! Me!

-         谁知道? - 选择我!

-         Anyone? - Oh! Oh, pick me!

  我知道! 我知道! 我!

  Oh, I know! I know! Me, me!


  [ Sighs ] Okay, fine.


  Attention, all fairy talethings.


  Do not get comfortabIe. Yourwelcome is officially worn out.


  In fact, I'm gonna see this guyFarquaad right now...


  and get you all off my Iand andback where you came from!

  [ Cheering ]

-         [ Twittering ] - [ CheeringContinues ]


  Oh! You!


  You're comin' with me.


  All right, that's what I liketo hear, man.


  Shrek and Donkey, two stalwartfriends, off on a whirlwind big-city adventure.


  I Iove it!

-         又上路了...史莱克,跟我唱歌 - 噢,不

-         On the road again  Sing it with me, Shrek. - Hey. Oh, oh!


  I can't wait to get on the roadagain


  What did I say about singing?

-         我可以吹口哨儿吗? - 不

-         Can I whistIe? - No.

-         哼歌吗? - 行,哼吧

-         Can I hum it? - All right, humit.

  [ Humming ]

  [ Grunts ]



  That's enough. He's ready totalk.


  [ Laughing ]

  [ CIears Throat ]


  Run, run, run, as fast asyoucan.


  You can't catch me. I'm thegingerbread man!

  - 你是个魔鬼   - 我不是,你是

-         You're a monster. - I'm not themonster here. You are.


  You and the rest ofthat fairytaIe trash, poisoning my perfect worId.


  Now, tell me! Where are theothers?


-         Eat me! - [ Grunts ]


  I've tried to be fair toyoucreatures.

  现在,我的耐心消失了! 告诉我,不然…

  Now my patience has reached itsend! Tell me or I'll--


  No, no, not the buttons. Not mygumdrop buttons.


  All right then. Who's hidingthem?


  Okay, I'll tell you. Doyou knowthe muffin man?

  - 松饼人?  - 松饼人

-         The muffin man? - The muffinman.


  Yes, I know the muffin man, whoIives on Drury Lane?


  Well, she's married to themuffin man.

-         松饼人? - 松饼人!

-         The muffin man? - The muffinman!

-         她跟松饼人结婚了

-         She's married to the muffinman. - "[DoorOpens]"

  主人! 我们找到了?

  My Iord! We found it.

  你还等什么? 把它拿进来

  Then what areyou waiting for?Bring it in.

  [Man Grunting]

-         [ Gasping ] - Oh!

  - 魔镜…     - 别告诉他!

-         Magic mirror-- - Don't tell himanything!




-         "[GingerbreadManWhimpers]" - Evening.


  Mirror, mirror, on the wall.


  Is this not the most perfectkingdom ofthem all?


  Well, technically you're not aking.


  Uh, TheIonius.

  - 你说什么?     - 我说你还不是国王

-         You were saying? - What I meanis, you're not a kingyet.


  Butyou can become one. All youhave to do is marry a princess.


-         Go on. - [ ChuckIes ]


  So,just sit back and reIax, myIord,


  because it's time foryou tomeet today's eIigibIe bacheIorettes.


  And here they are!


  Bachelorettenumberone isamentallyabusedshut-in from a kingdom far, faraway.


  Shelikessushi andhottubbinganytime.


  Her hobbies include cookingandcleaning forhertwo evilsisters.


  Please welcome Cinderella.


  Bachelorette number two is acape-wearing girl from the land of fancy.


  Although shelives with sevenothermen, she'snot easy.


  Just kiss her dead, frozen lipsandfindout whata live wire sheis.


  Come on. Give it up forSnowWhite!


  And last, but certainly not least,


  Bachelorette number three is afiery red head...


  from a dragon-guardedcastlesurroundedbyhotboiling lava!


  But don't let that cool youoff.


  She's a loadedpistol wholikespina coladas andgettingcaughtin therain.


  Yours fortherescuing, PrincessFiona!


  So willitbebachelorettenumberone,



-         二号! 三号! - 三号!

-         Two! Two! - Three! Three!

-         二号! 三号! - 三号!

-         Two! Two! - Three!

  三? 一? 三?

  Three? One? [ Shudders ] Three?

-         选三号吧,主人!

  Three! Pick number three, myIord!

-         好,好,三号!

  Okay, okay, uh, number three!


  Lord Farquaad, you've chosenPrincess Fiona.

  If you like pina coladas

  Ifyoulovepina coladas

-         And getting caught in the rain- 菲奥纳公主

-         "Andgettingcaughtintherain" - Princess Fiona.

-         If you're not into yoga - 她是十全十美的

-         "Ifyou'renotintoyoga"- She's perfect.


  All I have to do is just findsomeone who can go--


  But I probabIy shouId mentionthe little thing that happens at night.

-         我会跟她结婚的 - 日落后…

-         I'll do it. - Yes, but aftersunset--

  安静! 我要让菲奥纳公主成为王后

  SiIence! I will make thisPrincess Fiona my queen,


  andDuLoc willfinally havetheperfectking!


  Captain, assembIe your finestmen.


  We're going to have atournament.


  But that's it. That's it rightthere. That's DuLoc.


  I toId ya I'd find it.


  So, that must be LordFarquaad's castIe.


  [Donkey] Uh-huh.That'stheplace.


  Doyou think maybe he'scompensating for something?

  [ Laughs ]

  [ Groans ]

  等等! 等一下儿,史莱克

  Hey, wait. Wait up, Shrek.


  Hurry, darIing. We're Iate.Hurry.

-         Hey, you! - [ Screams ]


  Waitasecond. Look, I'm notgonnaeatya.


-         I just-- I just-- - [Whimpering ]

  [ Sighs ]

  [ Whimpering, Groans ]

  [Turnstile Clatters]

  [ ChuckIes ]

  [ Sighs ]

  [ InstrumentaI Muzak ]


  It's quiet.


  Too quiet.

  [ Creaking ]

-         人都到哪里去了? - 你看看这个!

-         Where is everybody? - Hey, lookat this!

  [Clattering, Whirring,Clicking]


  [Clicking Quickens]

  Welcome to DuLoc such a perfecttown

  WeIcome to DuLoc such a perfecttown

  Here we have some rules. Let uslay them down

  Here we have some ruIes Let usIay them down

  Don't make waves, stay in lineand we'll get along fine

  Don'tmake waves, stay in lineandwe'llgetalong fine

  DuLoc is a perfect place

  DuLoc is a perfect place

  Please keep off of the grass.Shine your shoes, wipe your... face

  Please keep offofthe grassShineyour shoes, wipeyour... face

  DuLoc is, DuLoc is

  DuLoc is, DuLoc is

  DuLoc is a perfect

  DuLoc is a perfect


-         Place  - "[Camera ShutterClicks]"

  [ Whirring ]


  Wow! Let's do that again!


  No. No. No, no, no! No.


-         "[Crowd Cheering]" -"[Farquaad] Brave knights."


史莱克1 中英台词 怪物史莱克1国语版 《史莱克1》中英台词
-         "You are the best andbrightest" in all the land. - "[Donkey Humming]"


  Today one of you shall provehimself--


  All right. You're going theright way for a smacked bottom.


-         Sorry about that. -"[Cheering]"


  That champion shall have thehonour-- no, no-- the privilege...


  to go forth and rescue thelovely Princess Fiona...


  from the fiery keep oft hedragon.


  If for any reason the winner isunsuccessful,


  the first runner-up will takehis place...


  and so on and so forth.


  Some of you may die, but it's asacrifice I am willing to make.



  Let the tournament begin!

-         [ Gasps ] - Oh!


-         What is that? - [ Gasping ]

  - 真丑死人了!   - 这可不怎么样

-         It's hideous! - Ah, that's notvery nice.

-         不过是头驴 - 嗯?

-         It's just a donkey. - Huh?


  Indeed. Knights, new plan!

  杀死那个妖怪的人将被授予冠军! 进攻!

  The one who kills the ogre willbe named champion! Have at him!

  - 抓住他!     - 现在,快! 等等…

-         "Gethim!" - Oh, hey!Now come on! Hang on now.

  去! 抓住他!

  [ Woman ] Go ahead! Get him!


  Can't wejust settle this over apint?


  [Man] Kill the beast!

  不? 那么,好吧

  No? All right then.


  Come on!

  I don't give a damn about myreputation

  I don't givea damn about myreputation

  You're living in the past. It'sa new generation

-         You're living in the past It'sa new generation - Damn!

  A girl can do what she wants todo

-         [ Whinnying ] - "A girlcan do" what she wants to do

  And that's what. I'm gonna do

  And that's what I'm gonna do

  And I don't give a damn aboutmy bad reputation

  And I don't givea damn about mybad reputation

  Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not me

  Oh, no, no, no, no, no Not me

  - Me, me, me         - 嘿,史莱克,让我来! 让我来!

  -Me, me, me - Hey, Shrek, tagme! Tag me!

  And I don't give a damn aboutmy reputation

  And I don't givea damn about myreputation

  Never said I wanted to improvemy station

  Never said I wanted to improvemy station

  Ah! [ Laughs ]

  And I'm always feelin'good whenI'm having fun

-         "And I'm always feelin'good" when I'm having fun - Yeah!

  And I don't have to please noone

  And I don't have to please noone


  The chair! Give him the chair!

  And I don't give a damn aboutmy bad reputation

  And I don't give a damn aboutmy bad reputation

  Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not me

  Oh, no, no, no, no, no Not me

  Me, me, me

  Me, me, me

  Oh, no, no, no, no

  Oh, no, no, no, no

  Not me, not me

  Not me, not me

  Not me

-         "Not me" -"[Bell Dings]"

-         [ Cheering ] - [ Laughs ]

  Oh, yeah! Ah! Ah!

  谢谢! 十分感谢!

  Thank you! Thank you very much!


  I'm here till Thursday. Try theveal! Ha, ha!

  -[Shrek Laughs] -[CrowdGasping, Murmuring]


  Shall I give the order, sir?


  No, I have a better idea.


  People of DuLoc, I give you ourchampion!

  - 什么?    - 祝贺你,青怪

-         What? - "Congratulations,ogre."


  You've won the honour ofembarking on a great and nobIe quest.

  任务? 我的任务就是要寻求归还我的沼泽地

  Quest? I'm already on a quest,a quest to get my swamp back.

  - 你的沼泽地?   - 对,我的沼泽地!

-         Your swamp? - Yeah, my swamp!


  Where you dumped those fairytale creatures!

-         "[Crowd Murmuring]" -Indeed.


  All right, ogre, I'll make youa deaI.


  Go on this quest for me, andI'll giveyou your swamp back.


  Exactly the way it was?


  Down to the Iast slime-coveredtoad stool.

-         那些擅自占据者呢? - 全部搬走

-         And the squatters? - As good asgone.


  What kind of quest?


  [ Donkey ] Let me get thisstraight. You're gonna go fight a dragon...


  and rescue a princessjust soFarquaad will giveyou back a swamp...


  which you only don't havebecause he filled it full of freaks in the first place.


-         Is that about right? - Maybethere's a good reason donkeys shouldn't talk.


  I don't get it. Whydon'tyoujust pull some of that ogre stuffon him?


  Throttle him, lay siege to hisfortress,


  grind his bones to makeyourbread, the whoIe ogre trip.


  Oh, I know what.


  Maybe I couId have decapitatedan entire village...


  and put their heads on a pike,


  gotten a knife, cut open theirspleen and drink their fluids.


  Does that sound good toyou?


  Uh, no, not really, no.


  For your information, there's aIot more to ogres than peopIe think.

  - 举个例子  - 例子?

-         ExampIe? - ExampIe?

  好…妖怪就像洋葱. - 它们辣臭?

-         Okay, um, ogres are likeonions. - [ Sniffs ] They stink?

-         不 - 让你流泪? - 不!

-         Yes-- No! - They makeyou cry? -No!


  You leave them out in the sun,they get all brown, start sproutin' little white hairs.


  No! Layers!


  Onions have layers.

  妖怪多层! 洋葱多层

  Ogres have layers! Onions haveIlayers.

  你明白吗? 我们都有好多层

  You get it? We both havelayers. [ Sighs ]


  Oh, you both have"layers." Oh.


  [ Sniffs ] You know, noteverybody likes onions.

  蛋糕! 大家都喜欢蛋糕!

  Cake! Everybody Ioves cakes!Cakes have layers.


  I don't care... what everyonelikes.


  Ogres are not like cakes.

  你知道大家还喜欢什么? 冻糕

  You know what else everybodylikes? Parfaits.


  Haveyou ever met a person, yousay, "Let's get some parfait,"


  they say, "No, I don'tlike no parfait"?

-         冻糕味道好极了. - 没有!

-         Parfaits are delicious. - No!


  You dense, irritating,miniature beast of burden!


  Ogres are like onions! End ofstory.


  Bye-bye. See ya later.


  Parfaits may be the mostdelicious thing on the whole damn planet.


  You know, I think I preferredyour humming.

  你有餐巾纸吗? 我这里一塌糊涂

  Do you have a tissue orsomething? I'm makinga mess.


  Just the word parfait make mestart slobbering.

  I'm on my way from misery tohappiness today

  I'm on my way from misery tohappiness today

  Uh-huh, uh-huh, Uh-huh, uh-huh

  Uh-huh, uh-huh Uh-huh, uh-huh

  I'm on my way from misery tohappiness today

  I'm on my way from misery tohappiness today

  Uh-huh, uh-huh, Uh-huh, uh-huh

  Uh-huh, uh-huh Uh-huh, uh-huh

  And everything that you receiveup yonder

  And everything that you receiveup yonder

  Is what you give to me the dayI wander

  Is what you give to me the dayI wander

  I'm on my way

  I'm on my way

  I'm on my way

  I'm on my way

  I'm on my way

  I'm on my way

  史莱克! 是你干的吗?

  Ooh! Shrek! Did you do that?


  You gotta warn somebody beforeyou just crack one off. My mouth was open.


  Believe me, Donkey, if it wasme, you'd be dead.


  [ Sniffs ] It's brimstone.

-         我们一定快到了 - 对,硫磺石…

-         We must be getting cIose. -Yeah, right, brimstone.


  Don't be talking about it's thebrimstone. I know what I smell. It wasn't no brimstone.


  It didn't come off no stoneneither.



  Sure, it's big enough, but lookat the location.

  [ Laughing ]

  史莱克? 记得你说过妖怪有好多层吗?

  Uh, Shrek? Uh, rememberwhen yousaid ogres have layers?


  Oh, aye.


  Well, I have a bit ofaconfession to make.


  Donkeys don't have layers. Wewear our fear right out there on our sIeeves.

-         等等! 驴没有袖子 - 你明白我的意思

-         Wait a second. Donkeys don'thave sIeeves. - You know what I mean.


  You can't tell me you're afraidofheights.


  I'm just a little uncomfortabIeabout being on a rickety bridge over a boiling lake of lava!


  Come on, Donkey. I'm right herebeside ya, okay?


  For emotionaI support,


  we'll just tackIe this thingtogether one little baby step at a time.

  - 真的?   - 真的,真的

-         Really? - Really, really.

-         这样我感觉好多了 - 往前走

-         Okay, that makes me feeI somuch better. -Just keep moving.

  - 别往下看…     - 别往下看,别往下看

-         And don't look down. - Okay,don't look down. Don't look down.


  Don't look down. Keep onmoving. Don't look down.

  史莱克! 我在往下看!

  [ Gasps ] Shrek! I'm lookin'down!

  我过不去了! 请放了我吧!

  Oh, God, I can't do this! JustIet me off, please!

-         你已经走了一半了! - 我知道那部分安全!

-         But you're already half way. -But I know "that" half is safe!


  Okay, fine. I don't have timefor this. You go back.

  史莱克! 等等!

-         Shrek, no! Wait! -Just,Donkey--

-         我们交换一下儿位置 - 别这样!

-         Let's have a dance then, shallwe? - Don't do that!


  Oh, I'm sorry. Do what?

-         这样? - 对,那样

-         Oh, this? - Yes, that!

  怎么了? 就这样,好

  Yes? Yes, do it. Okay.


  [ Screams ] No, Shrek!

  - 不! 停下!         - 你说就这样! 我在这样做啊

-         No! Stop it! - You said do it!I'm doin' it.


  I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die.Shrek, I'm gonna die.



  That'll do, Donkey. That'll do.




  [ Donkey ] So where is thisfire-breathing pain-in-the-neck anyway?


  Inside, waiting for us torescue her.


  [ ChuckIes ] I was talkin'about the dragon, Shrek.




  [ Donkey Whispering ] Youafraid?


  No, but-- Shh.


  Oh, good. Me neither. [ Gasps ]


  'Cause there's nothin' wrongwith bein' afraid.


  Fear's a sensibIe response toan unfamiIiar situation.


  UnfamiIiar dangerous situation,I might add.


  With a dragon that breathesfire and eats knights and breathes fire,


  it sure doesn't mean you're acoward ifyou're a little scared.


  I sure as heck ain't no coward.I know that. [ Gasps ]


  Donkey, two things, okay?


  Shut... up.


  Now go over there and see ifyoucan find any stairs.


  Stairs? I thought we waslookin' for the princess.


  The princess will be up thestairs in the highest room in the tallest tower.

-         你怎么知道她在那里? - 我从书上看到的

-         What makesyou think she'll bethere? - I read it in a book once.


  CooI. You handIe the dragon.I'll handIe the stairs.


  I'll find those stairs. I'llwhip their butt too.


  Those stairs won't know whichway they're goin'.

  [ Creaking ]


  I'm gonna take drastic steps.


  Kick it to the kerb. Don't messwith me. I'm the stair master.


  I've mastered the stairs. Iwish I had a step right here. I'd step all over it.


  Well, at Ieast we know wherethe princess is, but where's the--


  Dragon! [ Screams ]

  [ Gasps ]

  [ Roars ]


  Donkey, look out! [ Screams ]

  [ Screams ]

  [ Whimpering ]


-         Gotya! - [ Roars ]

  [ Gasps ]

  [ Shouts ] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

  [ Screaming ]

  [ Gasps ]

  Oh! Aah! Aah!

  [ Gasping ]

  [ GrowIs ]

  No. Oh, no. No! [ Screams ]


-         Oh, what Iarge teeth you have.- [ GrowIs ]


  I mean, white, sparkIing teeth.I knowyou probabIy hear this all the time from your food,


  butyou must bIeach, 'cause thatis one dazzIing smiIeyou got there.


  Do I detect a hint ofmintyfreshness?

  你知道吗? 你是条雌龙!

  And you know what eIse?You're-- You're a girI dragon!

  当然! 我是说,当然你是雌龙

  Oh, sure! I mean,ofcourseyou're a girI dragon.


  You'rejust reeking offemininebeauty.

  你怎么了? 眼里掉进东西了?

  What's the matterwith you? Yougot something in your eye?


  Ooh. Oh. Oh.


  Man, I'd really Iove to stay,but, you know, I'm, uh-- [ Coughs ]


  I'm an asthmatic, and I don'tknow ifit'd work out if you're gonna bIow smoke rings.


  Shrek! [ Gasps ]

  不,史莱克! 史莱克!

  [ Whimpering ] No! Shrek!Shrek!


  [ Groans, Sighs ]

  [Chorus Vocalizing]

  [Vocalizing Continues]

  [Vocalizing Continues]

  Oh! Oh!

-         醒醒! - 什么?

-         Wake up! - What?


  Areyou Princess Fiona?


  I am, awaiting a knight so boIdas to rescue me.


  Oh, that's nice. Now Iet's go!


  But wait, Sir Knight.


  This be-ith our first meeting.


  ShouId it not be a wonderfuI,romantic moment?

-         是,对不起,女士,没时间 - 你在干什么?

-         Yeah, sorry, Iady. There's notime. - "Hey, wait. Whatareyoudoing?"


  You shouId sweep me offmyfeet...


  outyonderwindow and down a ropeontoyourvaIiant steed.


  You've had a Iot oftime to pIanthis, haven'tyou?


  Mm-hmm. [ Screams, Grunts ]


  But we have to savour thismoment!


  You couId recite an epic poemfor me.

  叙事史诗? 14行诗!

  A ballad? A sonnet!

-         5行打油诗? 或是别的! - 我并不这样认为

-         A Iimerick? Or something! - Idon't think so.


  Can I at Ieast know the nameofmy champion?


  Um, Shrek.


  Sir Shrek. [ CIears Throat ]


  I pray thatyou take this favouras a token ofmy gratitude.




-         你没有杀死龙?

  You didn't slay the dragon?

-         这在我们的计划内,来!

-         It's on my to-do Iist. Now comeon! - [ Screams ]


  But this isn't right!

  你应该像其他骑士一样,在他们被烧死前, 冲锋陷阵,挥剑拔刀

  You were meant to charge in,sword drawn, banner flying.


  That's what all the otherknights did.

  Yeah, rightbefore theyburstintoflame.


  That's not the point. Oh!

  你去哪里? 出口在那边儿

  Wait. Where areyou going? Theexit's over there.


  Well, I have to save my ass.


  What kind ofknight areyou?


  One of a kind.


  [Donkey] Slowdown. Slowdown,baby, please.


  Ibelieve it'shealthytoget toknowsomeone overa longperiodoftime.


  Just callme old-fashioned.[Laughs]


  I don't want to rush into aphysicaI reIationship.


  I'm not emotionally ready for acommitment of, uh, this--


  Magnitude really is the wordI'm looking for.


  Magnitude-- Hey, that isunwanted physicaI contact.


  Hey, what areyou doing?


  Okay, okay. Let'sjustbackup alittle andtake thisonestep ata time.


  We really should get to know eachother first as friends or pen pals.


  I'm on theroada lot,butIjustlove receivingcards--


  I'd really Iove to stay, but--

  别这样! 这是我私人的尾巴

  Don't do that! That's my taiI!That's my personaI taiI.

  你要去掉? 你要用它做什么?

  You're gonna tear it off. Idon't give permission-- What areyou gonna do with that?

  现在! 不行,不!

  Hey, now. No way. No! No!

  No, no! No. No, no, no! No! Oh!

  [ GrowIs ]

  [ Roars ]

-         "[Roaring]" - [ Gasps]

  - 嗨,公主!   - 它会说话!

-         Hi, Princess! - It talks!


  Yeah, it's getting him to shutup that's the trick.

  [ Screams ]

  [ Screaming ]


-         "[Thuds]" - [ Groans]

  [ Shrek Groans ]

  [ Roars ]

  [ Roars ]

  [ Roaring ]

  [ Roars ]


  Okay, you two, head for theexit!

360docimg_1001_  我来对付龙

360docimg_1002_  I'll take care ofthe dragon.

360docimg_1003_  快跑

360docimg_1004_  [ Echoing ] Run!

360docimg_1005_  [ Gasping ]

360docimg_1006_  [ Screaming ]

360docimg_1007_  [ Roaring ]

-         [ Screams ] - [ Roars ]

360docimg_1008_  [ Panting, Sighs ]

360docimg_1009_  [ Whimpers ]

360docimg_1010_  [ Roars ]

360docimg_1011_  [ Roars, Whimpers ]

360docimg_1012_  你成功了! 你救了我!

-         "[Dragon Growling InTheDistance]" - You did it!

360docimg_1013_  真令人惊叹,你…

360docimg_1014_  You rescued me! You're amazing.You're--

360docimg_1015_  你太伟大了,你是…

360docimg_1016_  You're wonderfuI. You're...

360docimg_1017_  我得承认,有点儿怪

360docimg_1018_  a little unorthodox I'll admit.

360docimg_1019_  但你的行为伟大,心底纯洁

360docimg_1020_  But thy deed is great, andthine heart is pure.

360docimg_1021_  我将永远感激你

-         I am eternally in your debt. -[ CIears Throat ]

360docimg_1022_  没有高贵的马,哪里有勇敢的骑士?

360docimg_1023_  And where would a brave knightbe without his nobIe steed?

360docimg_1024_  我希望你听到了这些话,她说我是高贵的马!

360docimg_1025_  I hopeyou heard that. Shecalled me a nobIe steed. She think I'm a steed.

360docimg_1026_  战斗打赢了

360docimg_1027_  [Fiona Laughs] Thebattle iswon.

360docimg_1028_  你可以摘掉头盔了,好骑士先生

360docimg_1029_  You may removeyour heImet, goodSir Knight.

360docimg_1030_  - 不?    - 为什么不?

-         Uh, no. - Why not?

360docimg_1031_  我的头发被压扁了

360docimg_1032_  I have heImet hair.

360docimg_1033_  求你,我想看看救我人的脸

360docimg_1034_  Please. I would'st look uponthe face ofmy rescuer.

360docimg_1035_  不,不,你不想…

360docimg_1036_  No, no, you wouldn't-- 'st.

360docimg_1037_  可你怎么吻我?

360docimg_1038_  But how will you kiss me?

360docimg_1039_  什么?这不在工作的要求里

360docimg_1040_  What? That wasn't in thejobdescription.

360docimg_1041_  也许是个奖赏

360docimg_1042_  Maybe it's a perk.

360docimg_1043_  不,是命运,你一定要知道是怎么回事

360docimg_1044_  No, it's destiny. Oh, you mustknow how it goes.

360docimg_1045_  一个被关在塔楼里,由龙看守的公主

360docimg_1046_  A princess Iocked in a towerand beset by a dragon...

360docimg_1047_  被一个勇敢的骑士搭救了

360docimg_1048_  is rescued by a brave knight,

360docimg_1049_  然后他们分享了真爱的第一个吻

360docimg_1050_  and then they share true Iove'sfirst kiss.

360docimg_1051_  和史莱克? 你想…等等

360docimg_1052_  Hmm? With Shrek? You think--Wait.

360docimg_1053_  你以为他是你的真爱?

360docimg_1054_  Wait. You think that Shrekisyour true Iove?

360docimg_1055_  是啊!

360docimg_1056_  Well, yes.

-         [ Laughing ] - [ Laughing ]

360docimg_1057_  你以为史莱克是你的真爱!?

360docimg_1058_  You think Shrek isyour trueIove!

360docimg_1059_  这有什么好笑的?

360docimg_1060_  What is so funny?

360docimg_1061_  Let'sjust say I'm notyour type,okay?

360docimg_1062_  我不是你喜欢的类型

360docimg_1063_  Ofcourse, you are. You're myrescuer.

360docimg_1064_  你是,你救了我

360docimg_1065_  Now-- Now removeyour heImet.

360docimg_1066_  现在,摘掉你的头盔

360docimg_1067_  Look. I really don't think thisis a good idea.

360docimg_1068_  这不是个好主意

360docimg_1069_  -Just take offthe heImet. - I'mnot going to.

-         就把头盔摘掉 - 不

-         Take it off. - No!

-         摘掉,现在! - 不!

-         Now! - Okay!

-         现在! - 好!

360docimg_1070_  Easy. Asyou command, YourHighness.

360docimg_1071_  别发火,听从你的命令,阁下

360docimg_1072_  You-- You'rea-- an ogre.

360docimg_1073_  你…你是个青怪

360docimg_1074_  Oh, you were expecting PrinceCharming.

360docimg_1075_  你以为我像王子一样漂亮?

360docimg_1076_  Well, yes, actually.

360docimg_1077_  嗯,对,是这样的

360docimg_1078_  Oh, no. This is all wrong.

360docimg_1079_  不,都搞错了

360docimg_1080_  You're not supposed to be anogre.

360docimg_1081_  你不应该是个青怪

360docimg_1082_  [ Sighs ] Princess, I was sentto rescueyou by Lord Farquaad, okay?

360docimg_1083_  公主,我是被弗瓜王派来救你的

360docimg_1084_  He's the one who wants tomarryyou.

360docimg_1085_  是他想跟你结婚

360docimg_1086_  Then why didn't he come rescueme?

360docimg_1087_  那他为什么不来救我?

360docimg_1088_  Good question. You shouId askhim that when we get there.

360docimg_1089_  好问题,到那里后你去问他

360docimg_1090_  But I have to be rescued by mytrue Iove,

360docimg_1091_  但我该被真爱的人搭救

360docimg_1092_  not by some ogre and his-- his pet.

360docimg_1093_  而不是被妖怪和他的宠物搭救

360docimg_1094_  So much for nobIe steed.

360docimg_1095_  再也不是高贵的马了

360docimg_1096_  You're not making myjob anyeasier.

360docimg_1097_  你使我的工作更麻烦了

360docimg_1098_  I'm sorry, butyourjob is not myprobIem.

360docimg_1099_  对不起,你的工作不是我的问题

360docimg_1100_  You can tell Lord Farquaad thatifhe wants to rescue me properIy,

360docimg_1101_  你去告诉弗瓜王,如果他想体面地救我

360docimg_1102_  I'll be waiting for him righthere.

360docimg_1103_  我就在这里等他

360docimg_1104_  Hey! I'm no one's messengerboy, all right? I'm a delivery boy.

360docimg_1105_  我不是个送信的,我是个送货的

360docimg_1106_  You wouldn't dare.

360docimg_1107_  你不敢

-         Put me down! - Ya comin',Donkey?

-         把我放下! - 你来吗,驴?

360docimg_1108_  I'm right behind ya.

360docimg_1109_  我就在你后面

360docimg_1110_  Put me down, oryou will sufferthe consequences!

360docimg_1111_  放下我,不然你将自食其果!

360docimg_1112_  This is not dignified! Put medown! [ Screams ]

360docimg_1113_  这太没有尊严了! 放下我!

360docimg_1114_  Okay, so here'sanotherquestion.

360docimg_1115_  现在又有个问题

360docimg_1116_  Say there's a woman thatdigsyou, right, butyou don't really like her "that" way.

360docimg_1117_  有个女人她喜欢你,但你不喜欢她

360docimg_1118_  How doyou Iet her down reaIeasy so her feeIings aren't hurt,

360docimg_1119_  怎么才能容易地摆脱她而不让她受伤害呢?

360docimg_1120_  butyou don't get burned to acrisp and eaten?

360docimg_1121_  而你也不会她所伤害或吃掉?

360docimg_1122_  Youjust tell her she's notyourtrue Iove.

360docimg_1123_  就告诉她,她不是你真爱的人

360docimg_1124_  Everyone knowest what happenswhen you find your--

360docimg_1125_  当发现了真爱时,每个人都明白会…

360docimg_1126_  Hey! [ Sighs ]

360docimg_1127_  嘿

360docimg_1128_  The soonerwe get to DuLoc thebetter.

360docimg_1129_  越早赶到杜洛克越好

360docimg_1130_  You're gonna Iove it there,Princess. It's beautifuI!

360docimg_1131_  你会喜欢那里的,那里很美丽!

360docimg_1132_  And what ofmy groom-to-be? LordFarquaad? What's he like?

360docimg_1133_  我的未婚夫弗瓜王怎么样? 他长得什么样?

360docimg_1134_  Let me put it this way,Princess.

360docimg_1135_  我这样来说吧,公主

360docimg_1136_  Men of Farquaad's stature arein "short" suppIy.

360docimg_1137_  像弗瓜王那样的人很少

360docimg_1138_  [ Laughs ]

360docimg_1139_  I don't know. There are thosewho think "little" ofhim.

360docimg_1140_  我不知道,有人很少瞧见他

360docimg_1141_  [ Both Laughing ]

360docimg_1142_  Stop it. Stop it, both ofyou.

360docimg_1143_  停下,你俩都停下

360docimg_1144_  You'rejustjeaIousyou can nevermeasure up to a great ruIer like Lord Farquaad.

360docimg_1145_  你们是在嫉妒,你们没法跟弗瓜王比

360docimg_1146_  Yeah, well, maybe you're right,Princess.

360docimg_1147_  对,也许你说得对,公主

360docimg_1148_  But I'll Ietyou do the"measuring" when you see him tomorrow.

360docimg_1149_  但明天见到他时,你最好亲自量量他

360docimg_1150_  Tomorrow? It'll take that Iong?

360docimg_1151_  明天? 要等那么久啊?

-         ShouIdn't we stop to make camp?- No, that'll take Ionger.

-         我们停下露营吧? - 不,那会更久

-         We can keep going. - Butthere's robbers in the woods.

360docimg_1152_  - 我们接着走吧    - 但树林里可能有强盗

360docimg_1153_  Whoa! Time out, Shrek!Camping's starting to sound good.

360docimg_1154_  停下! 露营现在听起来不错!

360docimg_1155_  Hey, come on. I'm scarier thananything we're going to see in this forest.

360docimg_1156_  我比这个森林里任何的东西都更可怕

360docimg_1157_  I need to find somewhere tocamp now!

360docimg_1158_  我要找个地方露营!

360docimg_1159_  [Bird Wings Fluttering]

360docimg_1160_  [ Grunting ]

-         Hey! Over here. - Shrek, we cando better than that.

360docimg_1161_  哎!过来  史莱克,我们可以找个更好的地方

360docimg_1162_  I don't think this is fit for aprincess.

360docimg_1163_  我认为这对一位公主并不合适

360docimg_1164_  No, no, it's perfect. Itjustneeds a few homey touches.

360docimg_1165_  不,不,太完美了 它只不过需要一点家的气氛

-         Homey touches? Like what? -"[Crashing]"

360docimg_1166_  家的气氛?像什么?

360docimg_1167_  A door? Well, gentIemen, I bidthee good night.

360docimg_1168_  一扇门?好吧,绅士,晚安

360docimg_1169_  You want me to read you abedtime story? I will.

360docimg_1170_  睡前我跟你讲个故事吧,我会讲

360docimg_1171_  Isaidgoodnight!

360docimg_1172_  我说晚安!

360docimg_1173_  Shrek, what areyou doing?

360docimg_1174_  史莱克,你在做什么?

360docimg_1175_  [ Laughs ] I just-- You know--Oh, come on.

360docimg_1176_  我只是.....你知道.....哦,别担心

360docimg_1177_  I wasjust kidding.

360docimg_1178_  我只是开玩笑的

360docimg_1179_  [Fire Crackling]

360docimg_1180_  And, uh, that one, that'sThrowback,

360docimg_1181_  呃,那个,那是斯洛白克

360docimg_1182_  the only ogre to everspitoverthree wheatfields.

360docimg_1183_  是唯一一个吐过三个麦地的妖怪

360docimg_1184_  Right. Yeah.

360docimg_1185_  对,好

360docimg_1186_  Hey, can you tell my futurefrom these stars?

360docimg_1187_  哎,你能看星象说出我的未来吗?

360docimg_1188_  The stars don't tell thefuture, Donkey. They tell stories.

360docimg_1189_  星象不能告诉我们未来,它们告诉我们故事

360docimg_1190_  Look, there's BIoodnut, theFIatuIent.

360docimg_1191_  看,布拉纳特臭气

-         You can guess what he's famousfor. - I knowyou're making this up.

360docimg_1192_  你可以猜出为什么它很出名  你在编造

360docimg_1193_  No, look. There he is,

360docimg_1194_  不,看,它在那里

360docimg_1195_  and there's the group ofhuntersrunning away from his stench.

360docimg_1196_  猎人都被它臭跑了

360docimg_1197_  That ain't nothin' but a bunchoflittle dots.

360docimg_1198_  它们只是一群小星星

360docimg_1199_  Sometimes things are more thanthey appear.

360docimg_1200_  有时候事情不像表面上看起来那么简单

360docimg_1201_  Hmm?

360docimg_1202_  呃?

360docimg_1203_  Forget it.

360docimg_1204_  算了吧

360docimg_1205_  [ Sighs ]

360docimg_1206_  Hey, Shrek, what we gonna dowhen we get our swamp anyway?

360docimg_1207_  哎,史莱克,回到沼泽地之后我们做什么?

360docimg_1208_  Our swamp?

360docimg_1209_  我们的沼泽地?

360docimg_1210_  You know, when we're throughrescuing the princess.

360docimg_1211_  你知道,我们救了公主

360docimg_1212_  We? Donkey, there's no"we." There's no "our."

360docimg_1213_  我们?驴,不是我们 没有我们

360docimg_1214_  There'sjust me and my swamp.

360docimg_1215_  那是我的沼泽地

360docimg_1216_  The first thing I'm gonna do isbuiId a ten-foot wall around my Iand.

360docimg_1217_  我要做的第一件事就是在我的领土建一个十英尺高的围墙

360docimg_1218_  You cut me deep, Shrek.

360docimg_1219_  你伤害了我,史莱克

360docimg_1220_  You cut me reaI deepjust now.

360docimg_1221_  你刚才深深的伤害了我

360docimg_1222_  You know what I think?

360docimg_1223_  你知道我在想什么吗?

360docimg_1224_  I think this whoIe wall thingisjust a way to keep somebody out.

360docimg_1225_  我想围墙只是为了堵人

-         No, doya think? - Areyou hidin'something?

360docimg_1226_  不,你怎么想?  你在隐瞒什么吗?

360docimg_1227_  Never mind, Donkey.

360docimg_1228_  别介意,驴

360docimg_1229_  Oh, this is another one ofthose onion things, isn't it?

360docimg_1230_  哦,这是另一个洋葱的问题,不是吗?

360docimg_1231_  No, this is one ofthose drop-itand leave-it-aIone things.

360docimg_1232_  不,这是一个不该谈的事情

-         Why don'tyou want to talk aboutit? - Why doyou want to?

360docimg_1233_  为什么你不想说这个?  为什么你想?

-         Why areyou bIocking? - I'm notbIocking.

360docimg_1234_  为什么你要封闭你自己?  我没有

-         Oh, yes, you are. - Donkey, I'mwarningyou.

360docimg_1235_  哦,是的,你有  驴,我警告你

-         Whoyou trying to keep out? -Everyone! Okay?

360docimg_1236_  你想堵住谁?  所有人!行了吧?

360docimg_1237_  Oh, now we're gettin'somewhere.

360docimg_1238_  哦,我们现在有所进展了

360docimg_1239_  Oh! For the Iove of Pete!

360docimg_1240_  哦,看在圣彼得的面上

360docimg_1241_  What'syour probIem? Whatyou gotagainst the whoIe worId?

360docimg_1242_  你的问题是什么? 你对世界有什么不满吗?

360docimg_1243_  I'm not the one with theprobIem, okay?

360docimg_1244_  不是我有什么不满,知道吗?

360docimg_1245_  It's the worId that seems tohave a probIem with me.

360docimg_1246_  是世界遗弃了我

360docimg_1247_  PeopIe take one look at me andgo, "Aah! HeIp! Run!

360docimg_1248_  人们看见我就会说:“啊,救命,快跑”

360docimg_1249_  A big, stupid, ugly ogre!"

360docimg_1250_  一个愚蠢而又丑陋的怪物

360docimg_1251_  [ Sighs ] Theyjudge me beforethey even know me.

360docimg_1252_  他们不了解我就下了结论

360docimg_1253_  That's why I'm better offaIone.

360docimg_1254_  这就是为什么我最好离开

360docimg_1255_  You know what?

360docimg_1256_  你知道什么?

360docimg_1257_  When we met, I didn't thinkyouwas just a big, stupid, ugly ogre.

360docimg_1258_  当我们见面是,我不认为你是一个“愚蠢而又丑陋的怪物”

360docimg_1259_  Yeah, I know.

360docimg_1260_  是的,我知道

360docimg_1261_  So, uh, are there any donkeysup there?

360docimg_1262_  那,呃,天上有驴吗?

360docimg_1263_  Well, there's, um, Gabby,

360docimg_1264_  是的,那里有,是个多嘴

360docimg_1265_  the Small and Annoying.

360docimg_1266_  麻烦的小驴

360docimg_1267_  Okay, I see it now. The bigshiny one, right there. That one there?

360docimg_1268_  好的,我现在看到了 那个大的闪闪发光的,就在那里 那里的那个吗?

-         That's the moon. - Oh, okay.

360docimg_1269_  那是月亮  哦,是的

360docimg_1270_  [Orchestra]

360docimg_1271_  [Dulcimer]

360docimg_1272_  [Farquaad] Again. Showmeagain.

360docimg_1273_  再让我看看

360docimg_1274_  [Music Stops, Rewinds]

360docimg_1275_  Mirror, mirror, show her to me.Show me the princess.

360docimg_1276_  镜子,镜子,让我再看看她 让我看到公主

-         Hmph. -  [ Rewinds, Resumes ]

360docimg_1277_  Ah. Perfect. [ InhaIes ]

360docimg_1278_  啊,十全十美

360docimg_1279_  [Snoring]

360docimg_1280_  [ VocaIizing ]

360docimg_1281_  [Vocalizing Continues]

360docimg_1282_  [ WhistIing ]

360docimg_1283_  [Whistling Continues]

-         [ VocaIizes ] -  [ WhistIes ]

-         [ VocaIizes ] -  [ WhistIes ]

-         [ VocaIizing ] -  [ WhistIing ]

-         [ VocaIizing, High-pitched ]-  [ WhistIing, High-pitched ]

360docimg_1284_  [Continues]

360docimg_1285_  [ SizzIing ]

360docimg_1286_  [ Sniffs, Yawns ]

360docimg_1287_  Mmm, yeah, youknow Ilikeit likethat.

360docimg_1288_  嗯,你知道,我喜欢这样

-         Come on, baby. I said I likeit. - Donkey, wake up.

360docimg_1289_  对,宝贝,我说过我喜欢这样  驴,醒醒

-         Huh? What? - "Wakeup."

360docimg_1290_  呃,什么?  起来了

-         What? -"Goodmorning."

360docimg_1291_  什么?  早上好

360docimg_1292_  How do you like your eggs?

360docimg_1293_  你喜欢吃什么样的蛋?

-         Good morning, Princess! -What's all this about?

360docimg_1294_  早安,公主!  这是怎么回事?

360docimg_1295_  We kind of got off to a badstart yesterday.

360docimg_1296_  我们昨天相处的不怎么样

360docimg_1297_  I wanted to make it up to you.

360docimg_1298_  我想今天补偿给你

360docimg_1299_  After all, you did rescue me.

360docimg_1300_  毕竟,是你救了我

-         Uh, thanks. - [ Sniffs ]

360docimg_1301_  呃,谢谢

360docimg_1302_  Well, eat up. We've got a bigday ahead of us.

360docimg_1303_  好吧,快吃 我们今天会很忙

-         [ Belches ] - Shrek!

360docimg_1304_  史莱克!

360docimg_1305_  What? It's a compliment.

360docimg_1306_  什么?这是赞美

360docimg_1307_  Better out than in, I aIwayssay. [ Laughs ]

360docimg_1308_  我总是说,奉献比得到好

-         Well, it's no way to behave infront of a princess. - [ Belches ]

360docimg_1309_  在公主面前不要这样

-         Thanks. - She's as nasty asyouare.

360docimg_1310_  谢谢  她和你一样粗鲁

360docimg_1311_  [ Laughs ] You know, you're notexactly what I expected.

360docimg_1312_  你知道,你并不清楚我想要什么

360docimg_1313_  Maybe you shouldn't judgepeople before you get to know them.

360docimg_1314_  也许你在了解一个人之前最好不要下结论

360docimg_1315_  [Vocalizing]

360docimg_1316_  [Man] La Iiberte!"Hey!"

360docimg_1317_  自由了!万岁!

360docimg_1318_  Princess!

360docimg_1319_  公主!

-         [ Laughs ] - What areyou doing?

360docimg_1320_  你要干什么?

360docimg_1321_  Be still, "moncherie," for I am your saviour!

360docimg_1322_  别动,亲爱的,我是你的救星

360docimg_1323_  And I am rescuingyou from thisgreen-- [ Kissing Sounds ]

360docimg_1324_  是我从这个绿.....魔兽中救出了你

-         beast. - "Hey!"

360docimg_1325_  怪兽  哎!

360docimg_1326_  That's my princess! Go findyour own!

360docimg_1327_  那是我的公主! 去找你的吧!

360docimg_1328_  Please, monster! Can't you seeI'm a little busy here?

360docimg_1329_  怪兽,你没有看见我正在忙吗?

360docimg_1330_  Look, pal, I don't know who youthink you are!

360docimg_1331_  看,伙计,你以为你是谁!

360docimg_1332_  Oh! Of course! Oh, how rude.

360docimg_1333_  哦,当然! 真是粗鲁

360docimg_1334_  Please let me introduce myseIf.

360docimg_1335_  请让我自我介绍

360docimg_1336_  Oh, Merry Men! [ Laughs ]

360docimg_1337_  哦,伙计们!

360docimg_1338_  [Accordion]

360docimg_1339_  Ta, dah, dah, dah, whoo

360docimg_1340_  I steal from the rich and giveto the needy

360docimg_1341_  我劫富济贫

-         He takes a wee percentage  -  ButI'm not greedy

360docimg_1342_  他只拿了一小部分  我并不贪婪

360docimg_1343_  I rescue pretty dam sels Man,I'm good

360docimg_1344_  我救了美丽的公主 我是一个好人

-         What a guy, Monsieur Hood  - Break it down.

360docimg_1345_  多么讽刺,先生  跳起来吧

360docimg_1346_  I like an honest fight and asaucy little maid

360docimg_1347_  我喜欢一场公平的决斗和一个可爱的女仆

-         What he's basically saying ishe likes to get--  -  Paid

360docimg_1348_  他想说的是他喜欢----不欠别人的

-         So  -  Whenan ogre in the bush grabs a lady by the tush

360docimg_1349_  是的  当一个怪兽抓住了一位公主

-         That's bad  - That's bad

360docimg_1350_  很糟糕  很糟糕

360docimg_1351_  When a beauty's with a beast itmakes me awfully mad

360docimg_1352_  当我想到美女与野兽,那就使我疯掉

360docimg_1353_  He's mad He's really, reallymad

360docimg_1354_  他是的疯子,他是个真正的疯子

360docimg_1355_  I'll take my blade and ram itthrough your heart

360docimg_1356_  我要将我的剑插入你的心脏

360docimg_1357_  Keep your eyes on me, boys'cause I'm about to start

360docimg_1358_  看着我,因为我要开始了

360docimg_1359_  [ Grunts, Groans ]

-         [ Karate Yell ] - [ Merry MenGasping ]

360docimg_1360_  [Panting] Man, that wasannoying!

360docimg_1361_  伙计,真烦人!

360docimg_1362_  Oh, you little--

360docimg_1363_  哦,你这个小.....

360docimg_1364_  [ Karate Yell ]

360docimg_1365_  [ Accordion ]

360docimg_1366_  [ Shouting, Groaning ]

360docimg_1367_  [ Groaning ]

360docimg_1368_  [ Chuckles ] Um, shall we?

360docimg_1369_  呃,我们可以走了吗?

-         HoId the phone. - [ Grunts ]

360docimg_1370_  等一会

360docimg_1371_  Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold onnow.

360docimg_1372_  哦,现在先等等

-         Where did that come from? -What?

360docimg_1373_  你从哪里学来的?  什么?

360docimg_1374_  That! Back there. That wasamazing!

360docimg_1375_  那个!就是刚才那个 真令人惊奇!

360docimg_1376_  Where did you learn that?

360docimg_1377_  你从哪里学来的?

360docimg_1378_  Well-- [ ChuckIes ] When onelives alone,

360docimg_1379_  当一个人住时

360docimg_1380_  uh, one has to learn thesethings in case there's a--

360docimg_1381_  你就要学一些东西来以防万一

-         There's an arrow in your butt!- What?

360docimg_1382_  你屁股上有根箭!  什么?

-         Oh, would you look at that? -Oh, no. This is all my fauIt.

360docimg_1383_  哦,你看看好吗?  噢,不,这都是我的错

-         I'm so sorry. - Why? What'swrong?

360docimg_1384_  抱歉  为什么?怎么了?

-         Shrek's hurt. - Shrek's hurt.Shrek's hurt? Oh, no, Shrek's gonna die.

360docimg_1385_  史莱克受伤了  史莱克受伤了 他受伤了吗? 哦,不,他要死了

-         Donkey, I'm okay. - You can'tdo this to me. I'm too young for you to die.

360docimg_1386_  驴,我很好  你不能死 我还很年青,你不能死

360docimg_1387_  Keep your legs elevated. Turnyour head and cough.

360docimg_1388_  把你的脚抬起来 转过你的头去咳嗽

-         Does anyone know the HeimIich?- Donkey! CaIm down.

360docimg_1389_  有人会海姆利克疗法吗?  镇静,驴

360docimg_1390_  Ifyou want to help Shrek, runinto the woods and find me a blue flower with red thorns.

360docimg_1391_  如果你想帮助史莱克,快去森林找一朵蓝色的花,花上有红色的刺

360docimg_1392_  Blue flower, red thorns. Okay,I'm on it. Blue flower, red thorns.

360docimg_1393_  蓝色的花,红色的刺 好的,我就去  蓝色的花,红色的刺

360docimg_1394_  Don't die, Shrek. If you see along tunnel, stay away from the light!

360docimg_1395_  别死,史莱克 如果你看到长隧道,躲开光

-         [ Both ] Donkey! - Oh, yeah.Right. Blue flower, red thorns.

360docimg_1396_  驴!  是的,很好 蓝色的花,红色的刺

-         "Blue flower, redthorns." - What are the flowers for?

360docimg_1397_  蓝色的花,红色的刺  那花是干吗用的?

-         For getting rid of Donkey. -Ah.

360docimg_1398_  是为了让驴走开  啊

360docimg_1399_  Now you hold still, and I'llyank this thing out.

360docimg_1400_  现在你先别动,让后我要把刺拔出来

360docimg_1401_  Ow! Hey! Easy with the yankin'.

360docimg_1402_  喔!轻点

-         I'm sorry, but it has to comeout. - No, it's tender.

360docimg_1403_  抱歉,但是一定要拔出来  不,轻点儿

360docimg_1404_  Now, hoId on.

360docimg_1405_  现在,坚持住

-         What you're doing is theopposite of help. - Don't move.

360docimg_1406_  没什么用  别动

-         Look, time out. - Would you--

360docimg_1407_  看,停下  你能.....

360docimg_1408_  [ Grunts ] Okay. What do youpropose we do?

360docimg_1409_  好的,你希望我怎么做?

360docimg_1410_  Blue flower, red thorns. Blueflower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns.

360docimg_1411_  蓝色的花,红色的刺 蓝色的花,红色的刺 蓝色的花,红色的刺

360docimg_1412_  This would be so much easier ifI wasn't colour-blind!

360docimg_1413_  如果我不是色盲的话做这个应该不难

-         BIue flower, red thorns. -"[Shrek] Ow!"

360docimg_1414_  蓝色的花,红色的刺  喔!

360docimg_1415_  HoId on, Shrek! I'm comin'!

360docimg_1416_  坚持,史莱克!我来了!

360docimg_1417_  Ow! Not good.

360docimg_1418_  太难受了

360docimg_1419_  -Okay. Okay, I can nearly seethe head. -[ Grunts ]

360docimg_1420_  好的,好的,我可以看得见头了

-         It's just about-- - Ow! Ohh!

360docimg_1421_  就要.....

360docimg_1422_  Ahem.

360docimg_1423_  啊

360docimg_1424_  Nothing happened. We werejust,uh--

360docimg_1425_  什么也没有发生 我们正准备.....

360docimg_1426_  Look, if you wanted to bealone, all you had to do was ask.

360docimg_1427_  看,如果你希望一个人呆着,你只要说声就可以了

360docimg_1428_  Oh, come on! That's the lastthing on my mind.

360docimg_1429_  哦,别傻了 这是我最不希望的事

360docimg_1430_  The princess here was just--Ugh!

360docimg_1431_  公主正要.....

-         Ow! - Hey, what's that?

360docimg_1432_  哦!  哎!那是什么?

360docimg_1433_  [ Nervous ChuckIe ] That's-- Isthat blood?

360docimg_1434_  那是....是血吗?

360docimg_1435_  [ Sighs ]

360docimg_1436_  [Bird Chirping]

360docimg_1437_  [ Grunts ]

360docimg_1438_  My beloved monster and me

360docimg_1439_  我喜欢的怪兽和我

360docimg_1440_  Wego everywhere together

360docimg_1441_  我们一起去任何地方

360docimg_1442_  Wearin'a raincoat that has foursleeves

360docimg_1443_  一起穿一件有四个袖子的雨衣

-         " Gets us through allkinds" of weather - Aah!

360docimg_1444_  不管什么天气都一起渡过  啊!

360docimg_1445_  She will always be the onlything

360docimg_1446_  她是我的唯一

360docimg_1447_  That comes between me and theawful sting

360docimg_1448_  是在我和糟糕的事情之间

360docimg_1449_  That comes from living in aworld that's so damn mean

360docimg_1450_  这是我生命的意义,这是一个严肃的话题

360docimg_1451_  [ Croaks ]

360docimg_1452_  Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

360docimg_1453_  Hey!

-         "La-la, la-la,la-la-la-la" - [ Both Laughing ]

360docimg_1454_  La-la, la-la, la-la

360docimg_1455_  There it is, Princess.

360docimg_1456_  在这里,公主

360docimg_1457_  Your future awaits you.

360docimg_1458_  你的未来在等你

-         That's DuLoc? - Yeah, I know.

360docimg_1459_  那是杜洛克吗?  是的,我知道

360docimg_1460_  You know, Shrek thinks LordFarquaad's compensating for something,

360docimg_1461_  你知道,史莱克认为弗瓜王在弥补什么

360docimg_1462_  which I think means he has areally-- Ow!

360docimg_1463_  我想说的是他有一个.....

360docimg_1464_  Um, I, uh--

360docimg_1465_  呃,我,呃.....

-         I guess we better move on. -Sure.

360docimg_1466_  我猜我们最好上路吧  好的

360docimg_1467_  But, Shrek?

360docimg_1468_  但是,史莱克?

-         I'm-- I'm worried about Donkey.- [ BIubbering ]

360docimg_1469_  我,我很担心驴

-         What? - I mean, look at him.

360docimg_1470_  什么?  我说,你看他

-         He doesn't look so good. - Whatare you talking about? I'm fine.

360docimg_1471_  他看起来很不好  你在说什么?我很好

360docimg_1472_  That's what they always say,and then next thing you know, you're on your back.

360docimg_1473_  他们总是这么说,然后他们就倒下了

-         Dead. - You know, she's right.

360docimg_1474_  死去  你知道,她是对的

360docimg_1475_  You look awful. Do you want tosit down?

360docimg_1476_  你看起来气色不好 你想坐下休息一会吗?

-         I'll make you some tea. - Ididn't want to say nothin',

360docimg_1477_  给你来点茶  我原来不想说

360docimg_1478_  but I got this twinge in myneck, and when I turn my head like this, look.

360docimg_1479_  我的脖子很疼,而且我要是像这样转头,瞧

-         [ Bones Crunch ] - Ow! See?

360docimg_1480_  哦!看见了?

360docimg_1481_  -Who's hungry? I'll find ussome dinner. -I'll get the firewood.

360docimg_1482_  谁饿了吗?我要去找点吃的  我去找材火

360docimg_1483_  Hey, where you goin'? Oh, man,I can't feeI my toes!

360docimg_1484_  你去哪里?伙计,我的脚趾失去感觉了!

360docimg_1485_  I don't have any toes!

360docimg_1486_  我没有感觉了!

360docimg_1487_  I think I need a hug.

360docimg_1488_  我想我需要一个拥抱

360docimg_1489_  Mmm.

360docimg_1490_  嗯

360docimg_1491_  Mmm. This is good. This is"really" good.

360docimg_1492_  嗯 很好吃,真的

-         What is this? - Uh, weedrat.

360docimg_1493_  这是什么?  草老鼠

360docimg_1494_  Rotisserie style.

360docimg_1495_  是烧烤的

360docimg_1496_  No kidding.

360docimg_1497_  别开玩笑了

360docimg_1498_  Well, this is delicious.

360docimg_1499_  真的,很美味

360docimg_1500_  Well, they're also great instews.

360docimg_1501_  炖着吃也很香

360docimg_1502_  Now, I don't mean to brag, butI make a mean weedrat stew.

360docimg_1503_  我不是吹牛,我做的炖草老鼠一流

360docimg_1504_  [ Chuckling ]

360docimg_1505_  [Sighs] I guess I'll bedining alittle differently tomorrow night.

360docimg_1506_  我想明天的晚餐应该会有点不同吧

360docimg_1507_  [ Gulps ] Maybeyou can comevisit me in the swamp sometime.

360docimg_1508_  也许,你可以来沼泽看我

360docimg_1509_  I'll cook all kinds ofstuffforyou.

360docimg_1510_  我会做各种美味给你

360docimg_1511_  Swamp toad soup, fish eyetartare-- you name it.

360docimg_1512_  沼泽蛤蟆汤,生鱼眼饼,你就说吧…

360docimg_1513_  [ Chuckles ] I'd like that.

360docimg_1514_  我想我会喜欢的

360docimg_1515_  [ Slurps, Laughs ]

360docimg_1516_  See the pyramids along the Nile

360docimg_1517_  去看埃及的金字塔

360docimg_1518_  Um, Princess?

360docimg_1519_  呃,公主?

-         " Watch the sun rise"from a tropic isle - Yes, Shrek?

360docimg_1520_  在岛上看日出  是的,史莱克

-         I, um, I was wondering. -"Just remember, darling" all the while

360docimg_1521_  我,我想  记住每一个瞬间

360docimg_1522_  Areyou--

360docimg_1523_  你.....

360docimg_1524_  You belong to me

360docimg_1525_  你属于我

360docimg_1526_  [ Sighs ] Are you gonna eatthat?

360docimg_1527_  你吃吗?

360docimg_1528_  [ Chuckles ]

-         Man, isn't this romantic? Justlook at that sunset. - Sunset?

360docimg_1529_  伙计,很浪漫,不是吗?看日出  日出?

360docimg_1530_  Oh, no! I mean, it's late.

360docimg_1531_  哦,不! 我是说,太晚了

-         I-It's very late. - What?

360docimg_1532_  太,太晚了  什么?

360docimg_1533_  Wait a minute. I see what'sgoin' on here.

360docimg_1534_  等一下 我明白是怎么回事了

-         You're afraid of the dark,aren't you? - Yes!

360docimg_1535_  你害怕黑夜,是吗?  是的!

360docimg_1536_  Yes, that's it. I'm terrified.You know, I'd better go inside.

360docimg_1537_  是的,是这样  我怕 你知道,我最好进去

360docimg_1538_  Don't feel bad, Princess. Iused to be afraid of the dark, too, until--

360docimg_1539_  没什么,公主 我以前也怕黑

360docimg_1540_  Hey, no, wait. I'm still afraidofthe dark.

360docimg_1541_  不,等等,我还是怕黑

-         "[ShrekSighs]" - Goodnight.

360docimg_1542_  晚安

360docimg_1543_  Good night.

360docimg_1544_  晚安

-         [ Door Creaks ] -"[Donkey] Ohh!"

360docimg_1545_  哦!

360docimg_1546_  Now I really see what's goin'on here.

360docimg_1547_  现在我知道发生了什么

360docimg_1548_  Oh, what areyou talkin' about?

360docimg_1549_  你知道什么?

360docimg_1550_  I don't even wanna hear it.Look, I'm an animal, and I got instincts.

360docimg_1551_  我什么也没有听见  但是我是动物,我有直觉

360docimg_1552_  I knowyou two were diggin' oneach other. I could feel it.

360docimg_1553_  我知道,你们互相爱慕对方 我能感觉的到

360docimg_1554_  You're crazy. I'm just bringingher back to Farquaad.

360docimg_1555_  你疯了 我只是把她带给弗瓜王

360docimg_1556_  Oh, come on, Shrek. Wake up andsmell the pheromones.

360docimg_1557_  别,史莱克 清醒点吧

360docimg_1558_  -Just go on in and tell herhowyou feeI. - I--

360docimg_1559_  没什么好说的,告诉她你的感觉

360docimg_1560_  There's nothing to tell.Besides, even if I did tell her that,

360docimg_1561_  没什么好说的 还有,即使我要跟她去说

360docimg_1562_  well, you know--

360docimg_1563_  你知道.....

360docimg_1564_  and I'm not sayin' I do 'causeI don't--

360docimg_1565_  我还是不会去的,因为.....

360docimg_1566_  she's a princess, and I'm--

360docimg_1567_  她是一位公主,而我是.....

360docimg_1568_  An ogre?

360docimg_1569_  一个妖怪?

360docimg_1570_  Yeah. An ogre.

360docimg_1571_  是的,一个妖怪

-         Hey, whereyou goin'? - Toget... more firewood.

360docimg_1572_  你去哪里?  去找些柴火

360docimg_1573_  [ Sighs ]

360docimg_1574_  Princess?

360docimg_1575_  公主?

360docimg_1576_  Princess Fiona?

360docimg_1577_  菲奥娜公主吗?

360docimg_1578_  Princess, where areyou?

360docimg_1579_  公主,你在哪里?

360docimg_1580_  [Wings Fluttering]

360docimg_1581_  Princess?

360docimg_1582_  公主?

-         "[Creaking]" - [Gasps ]

360docimg_1583_  It's very spooky in here. Iain't pIaying no games.

360docimg_1584_  这里不好玩 我不是在玩游戏

360docimg_1585_  [ Screams ]

-         Aah! - Oh, no! - No, heIp!

360docimg_1586_  啊! 哦,不! 不,救命!

-         Shh! - Shrek! Shrek! Shrek! -No, it's okay. It's okay.

360docimg_1587_  嘘!  史莱克,史莱克,史莱克  不,没什么事了,没事了

-         What did you do with theprincess? - Donkey, I'm the princess.

360docimg_1588_  公主在哪里?  驴,我就事公主

-         "Aah!" - It's me, inthis body.

360docimg_1589_  啊!  是我,在这个身体里

360docimg_1590_  Oh, my God! You ate theprincess!

360docimg_1591_  哦,我的上帝! 你吃了公主

-         Can you hear me? - Donkey!

360docimg_1592_  你能听到我吗?  驴!

-         Listen, keep breathing! I'llget you out ofthere! - No!

360docimg_1593_  听着,保持呼吸! 我会把你弄出来的  不!

-         Shrek! Shrek! Shrek! - Shh.

360docimg_1594_  史莱克,史莱克,史莱克  嘘

-         Shrek! - This is me.

360docimg_1595_  史莱克  是我

360docimg_1596_  [ Muffled MumbIing ]

360docimg_1597_  Princess?

360docimg_1598_  公主?

360docimg_1599_  What happened to you? You're,uh, uh,

360docimg_1600_  发生什么事了?你怎么.....

360docimg_1601_  uh, different.

360docimg_1602_  变样了

-         I'm ugly, okay? - Well, yeah!

360docimg_1603_  我变丑了,对吧?  哦,是的

360docimg_1604_  Was it something you ate?'Cause I toId Shrek those rats was a bad idea.

360docimg_1605_  是因为你吃的东西吗?我知道不该吃那些东西

-         You are whatyou eat, I said.Now-- - No.

360docimg_1606_  我说是因为你吃的东西  不

360docimg_1607_  I-- I've been this way as Iongas I can remember.

360docimg_1608_  我,我从记事起就这个样了

360docimg_1609_  What do you mean? Look, I ain'tnever seen you like this before.

360docimg_1610_  你什么意思?我从未见过你这个样子

360docimg_1611_  It only happens when the sungoes down.

360docimg_1612_  日落后才会这样

360docimg_1613_  "By night one way, by dayanother.

360docimg_1614_  白天一个样,晚上一个样

360docimg_1615_  "This shall be the norm...

360docimg_1616_  这是一个规律

360docimg_1617_  "untiI you find trueIove's first kiss...

360docimg_1618_  知道得到真爱人的吻

360docimg_1619_  and then take Iove's trueform."

360docimg_1620_  然后变成他的模样

360docimg_1621_  Ah, that's beautifuI. I didn'tknow you wrote poetry.

360docimg_1622_  啊,真美 我还不知道你会写诗

360docimg_1623_  It's a spell.

360docimg_1624_  这是诅咒

360docimg_1625_  [ Sighs ] When I was a little girl,

360docimg_1626_  我小的时候

360docimg_1627_  a witch cast a spell on me.

360docimg_1628_  一个巫婆诅咒了我

360docimg_1629_  Every night I become"this."

360docimg_1630_  每天晚上我就会变成这个样

360docimg_1631_  This horribIe, ugly beast!

360docimg_1632_  一个可怕而又丑陋的怪兽

360docimg_1633_  I was placed in a tower toawait the day my true love would rescue me.

360docimg_1634_  我被放进一间高塔,等待真爱来救我

360docimg_1635_  That's why I have to marry LordFarquaad tomorrow...

360docimg_1636_  这就是为什么明天日落前要跟弗瓜王结婚

360docimg_1637_  before the sun sets and he seesme...

360docimg_1638_  在他见到我以前

360docimg_1639_  like this. [ Sobs ]

360docimg_1640_  像这样

360docimg_1641_  All right, all right. CaImdown. Look, it's not that bad.

360docimg_1642_  好的,好的 镇静 看,这一点也不坏

360docimg_1643_  You're not that ugly. Well, Iain't gonna lie. You are ugly.

360docimg_1644_  我不会撒谎 你是丑,但不会太丑

360docimg_1645_  But you only look like this atnight. Shrek's ugly 24-7.

360docimg_1646_  你只是夜晚丑,但是史莱克却时刻如此

360docimg_1647_  But, Donkey, I'm a princess,

360docimg_1648_  但是,驴,我是一位公主

360docimg_1649_  and this is not how a princessis meant to look.

360docimg_1650_  这不是一位公主该有的长相

360docimg_1651_  Princess, how 'bout ifyou don'tmarry Farquaad?

360docimg_1652_  公主,你不跟弗瓜王结婚怎么样?

360docimg_1653_  I have to.

360docimg_1654_  我必须

360docimg_1655_  Only my true Iove's kiss canbreak the spell.

360docimg_1656_  只有真爱的人的吻才能解除咒语

360docimg_1657_  But, you know, um, you're kindofan ogre,

360docimg_1658_  但是,你是一个善良的怪兽

360docimg_1659_  and Shrek-- well, you got a Iotin common.

360docimg_1660_  而且,史莱克,你们有很多共同点

360docimg_1661_  Shrek?

360docimg_1662_  史莱克?

360docimg_1663_  Princess, I-- Uh, how's itgoing, first ofall?

360docimg_1664_  公主,我.....首先,你好吗?

360docimg_1665_  Good? Um, good for me too.

360docimg_1666_  好?我很好

360docimg_1667_  I'm okay.

360docimg_1668_  我很好

360docimg_1669_  I saw this flower and thoughtofyou because it's pretty and--

360docimg_1670_  我看到这些花想到你,因为花很漂亮.....

360docimg_1671_  well, I don't really like it,but I thoughtyou might like it 'causeyou're pretty.

360docimg_1672_  我不怎么喜欢,但是我想你会喜欢,因为你很漂亮

360docimg_1673_  But I likeyou anyway. I'd-- uh,uh--

360docimg_1674_  但是我任然很喜欢,我.....

360docimg_1675_  [ Sighs ]

360docimg_1676_  I'm in troubIe. Okay, here wego.

360docimg_1677_  我遇到麻烦了,好的,我们走吧

360docimg_1678_  [Fiona] Ican'tjustmarrywhoeverI want.

360docimg_1679_  我不能随便嫁人的

360docimg_1680_  Takeagoodlook atme, Donkey.

360docimg_1681_  看着我,驴

360docimg_1682_  Imean, really,

360docimg_1683_  我是说,真的

360docimg_1684_  who couldeverlovea beast sohideousandugly?

360docimg_1685_  谁会爱上一个丑八怪?

360docimg_1686_  "Princess"and"ugly" don'tgo together.

360docimg_1687_  公主和丑八怪不能在一起

-         "That's whyIcan't"stayhere withShrek. - [ Gasps ]

360docimg_1688_  这就是为什么我不能跟史莱克在一起

360docimg_1689_  Myonlychance to livehappilyeverafteristo marry mytruelove.

360docimg_1690_  我唯一的机会就是跟我真爱的人结婚

-         [ Deep Sigh ] -"Don'tyousee, Donkey?"

360docimg_1691_  你不明白吗,驴?

360docimg_1692_  That'sjusthow ithasto be.

360docimg_1693_  我必须这么做

360docimg_1694_  It'sthe only way tobreakthespell.

360docimg_1695_  这是解除咒语的唯一办法

-         You at Ieast gotta tell Shrekthe truth. - No!

360docimg_1696_  你至少告诉史莱克真相吧  不!

360docimg_1697_  You can't breathe a word. Noone must ever know.

360docimg_1698_  你不能说一个字 没有人知道这个秘密

360docimg_1699_  What's the point ofbeing abIeto talk ifyou gotta keep secrets?

360docimg_1700_  如果要保密为什么要告诉我?

360docimg_1701_  Promiseyou won't tell. Promise!

360docimg_1702_  答应我不说  发誓

360docimg_1703_  All right, all right. I won'ttell him. Butyou shouId.

360docimg_1704_  好的,好的 我不会告诉他 但是你可以说

360docimg_1705_  I just know before this isover, I'm gonna need a whoIe Iot ofserious therapy.

360docimg_1706_  我知道在此结束之前,我需要接受治疗

-         Look at my eye twitchin'. -"[DoorOpens]"

360docimg_1707_  瞧,我的眼睛在抽搐

360docimg_1708_  [ Snoring ]

360docimg_1709_  [Fiona] Itellhim, Itellhim not.

360docimg_1710_  告诉他,不告诉他

360docimg_1711_  I tell him, I tell him not.

360docimg_1712_  告诉他,不告诉他

360docimg_1713_  I tell him.

360docimg_1714_  告诉他

360docimg_1715_  Shrek!

360docimg_1716_  史莱克!

360docimg_1717_  Shrek, there's something Iwant--

360docimg_1718_  史莱克,有些事,我想.....

360docimg_1719_  [ Snoring ]

360docimg_1720_  Shrek.

360docimg_1721_  史莱克

-         Areyou all right? - Perfect!

360docimg_1722_  你还好吧?  非常好!

360docimg_1723_  Never been better.

360docimg_1724_  空前良好

360docimg_1725_  I-- I don't-- There's somethingI have to tell you.

360docimg_1726_  我,我不.....有些事情我要告诉你

360docimg_1727_  You don't have to tell meanything, Princess.

360docimg_1728_  你不用告诉我任何事情,公主

-         I heard enough Iast night. -You heard what I said?

360docimg_1729_  我昨晚听的够多的了  什么,你听见我的谈话了?

360docimg_1730_  Every word.

360docimg_1731_  每一个字

360docimg_1732_  I thoughtyou'd understand.

360docimg_1733_  我想你能理解

360docimg_1734_  Oh, I understand.

360docimg_1735_  我理解

360docimg_1736_  Likeyou said, "Who couIdIove a hideous, ugly beast?"

360docimg_1737_  就像你说的,谁会爱上一个丑八怪?

360docimg_1738_  But I thought that wouldn'tmatter toyou.

360docimg_1739_  但是我以为这对你不重要

360docimg_1740_  Yeah? Well, it does.

360docimg_1741_  是吗?重要

360docimg_1742_  [ Gasps, Sighs ]

-         Ah, right on time. -"[Horse Whinnies]"

360docimg_1743_  准时到达

360docimg_1744_  Princess, I've broughtyou alittle something.

360docimg_1745_  公主,我给你带来个小玩意

360docimg_1746_  [Fanfare]

360docimg_1747_  [ Yawns ] What'd I miss? What'dI miss?

360docimg_1748_  我错过了什么吗?我错过了什么吗?

360docimg_1749_  [ Muffled ] Who said that?CouIdn't have been a donkey.

360docimg_1750_  是谁说的?不可能事驴

360docimg_1751_  Princess Fiona.

360docimg_1752_  公主

360docimg_1753_  As promised. Now hand it over.

360docimg_1754_  按照承诺,给我地契

360docimg_1755_  Very well, ogre. Thedeedtoyourswamp, clearedout, asagreed.

360docimg_1756_  好的,妖怪,你沼泽地的地契已经写好了

360docimg_1757_  Take it and go before I changemy mind.

360docimg_1758_  在我改变主意之前拿走吧

360docimg_1759_  Forgiveme, Princess,forstartlingyou,

360docimg_1760_  原谅我,公主,让你吃惊了

360docimg_1761_  butyou startIed me,

360docimg_1762_  但是你也让我吃惊了

360docimg_1763_  for I have never seen such aradiant beauty before.

360docimg_1764_  我从没有见过这么耀眼的美丽

360docimg_1765_  I am Lord Farquaad.

360docimg_1766_  我是弗瓜王

360docimg_1767_  Lord Farquaad? Oh, no, no.

360docimg_1768_  弗瓜王?哦,不,不,不

-         [ Snaps Fingers ] - Forgive me,my Iord, for I wasjust saying...

360docimg_1769_  原谅我,王,我正要.....

360docimg_1770_  a short... farewell.

360docimg_1771_  简短的告别

360docimg_1772_  That is so sweet. You don'thave to waste good manners on the ogre.

360docimg_1773_  真善良,你不必对那个妖怪那么客气

360docimg_1774_  It's not like it has feeIings.

360docimg_1775_  它不懂什么是感情

360docimg_1776_  No, you're right. It doesn't.

360docimg_1777_  你是对的,它不懂

360docimg_1778_  Princess Fiona, beautifuI,fair, flawIess Fiona.

360docimg_1779_  公主,美丽、洁白无暇的公主

-         I askyour hand in marriage. - [Gasps ]

360docimg_1780_  我向你求婚

360docimg_1781_  Will you be the perfect bridefor the perfect groom?

360docimg_1782_  你愿意做我的新娘吗?

360docimg_1783_  Lord Farquaad, I accept.Nothing would make--

360docimg_1784_  王,我愿意 没有什么.....

360docimg_1785_  Excellent! I'll start thepIans, for tomorrow we wed!

360docimg_1786_  我来计划,我们明天就举行婚礼!

360docimg_1787_  No! I mean, uh,

360docimg_1788_  不,我是说

360docimg_1789_  why wait?

360docimg_1790_  为什么要等?

360docimg_1791_  Let's get married today beforethe sun sets.

360docimg_1792_  让我们在今天日落以前就结婚

360docimg_1793_  Oh, anxious, are we? You'reright.

360docimg_1794_  哦,着急了,是吧? 你是对的

360docimg_1795_  The sooner, the better. There'sso much to do!

360docimg_1796_  越快越好 有很多事情要做

360docimg_1797_  There's the caterer, the cake,the band, the guest Iist.

360docimg_1798_  酒宴,乐队,客人名单

360docimg_1799_  Captain, round up some guests!

360docimg_1800_  队长,列出客人名单!

360docimg_1801_  [ Fiona ] Fare-thee-well, ogre.

360docimg_1802_  再见,妖怪

360docimg_1803_  Shrek, what areyou doing?You're Ietting her get away.

360docimg_1804_  史莱克,你在干什么?是你让她走得

-         Yeah? So what? - Shrek, there'ssomething about heryou don't know.

360docimg_1805_  是吗?那又怎么样呢?  史莱克,有些事你应该知道

360docimg_1806_  Look, I talked to her Iastnight. She's--

360docimg_1807_  我昨晚跟她谈了一夜,她是.....

360docimg_1808_  I knowyou talked to her Iastnight. You're great paIs, aren'tya?

360docimg_1809_  我知道你跟她昨晚谈了一夜 你们事好朋友,不是吗?

360docimg_1810_  Now, ifyou two are such goodfriends, why don'tyou follow "her" home?

360docimg_1811_  如果你们那么要好,你为什么不跟着她走?

360docimg_1812_  Shrek, I-- I wanna go with you.

360docimg_1813_  史莱克,我想跟着你

360docimg_1814_  I toId you, didn't I? You'renot coming home with me.

360docimg_1815_  我告诉过你,你不能跟我回家,我没有说过吗?

360docimg_1816_  I Iive aIone! My swamp! Me!Nobody eIse!

360docimg_1817_  我要一个人!我的沼泽!我的!没有其它人!

360docimg_1818_  Understand? Nobody!

360docimg_1819_  明白吗?没有其它人!

360docimg_1820_  Especially useIess, pathetic,annoying, talking donkeys!

360docimg_1821_  特别不要无用、可怜、烦人的和会说话的驴

-         But I thought-- - Yeah. Youknow what?

360docimg_1822_  但是,我想知道.....  你想知道什么?

360docimg_1823_  You thought wrong!

360docimg_1824_  你的想法错了

360docimg_1825_  Shrek.

360docimg_1826_  史莱克

360docimg_1827_  Iheardthere was asecret chord

360docimg_1828_  我听见一个秘密

360docimg_1829_  ThatDavidplayedanditpleasedtheLord

360docimg_1830_  是戴维说的,来让王高兴

360docimg_1831_  Butyoudon't really careformusic, doya

360docimg_1832_  但是你不是真正想要音乐

360docimg_1833_  Itgoes like this thefourth,thefifth

360docimg_1834_  就像第四,第五

360docimg_1835_  Theminorfall themajorlift

360docimg_1836_  镜子倒下,主人离开

360docimg_1837_  Thebaffledkingcomposinghallelujah

360docimg_1838_  困惑的国王

360docimg_1839_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1840_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1841_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1842_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1843_  Baby, I'vebeen herebefore

360docimg_1844_  亲爱的,我很早就在那里

360docimg_1845_  Iknowthis room I've walkedthisfloor

360docimg_1846_  我知道我走过的每一个房间

360docimg_1847_  Iusedto livealonebeforeIknewyou

360docimg_1848_  我过去常常一个人住,在认识你之前

360docimg_1849_  I'veseenyourflag onthemarblearch

360docimg_1850_  我看到你的旗帜

360docimg_1851_  Butlove isnot a victorymarch

360docimg_1852_  但是爱情不是胜利的标志

360docimg_1853_  It'sa cold andit'sa brokenhallelujah

360docimg_1854_  他是冷酷的和毁灭的

360docimg_1855_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1856_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1857_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1858_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1859_  AndallIever learnedfrom love

360docimg_1860_  我在爱情学会的东西

360docimg_1861_  Ishowtoshootatsomeone

360docimg_1862_  就是如何射中别人

-         " Who outdrewyou" -"[Moaning]"

360docimg_1863_  射中青睐你的人

360docimg_1864_  Andit'snota cry you canhearatnight

360docimg_1865_  这就是你今晚听到的喊叫

360docimg_1866_  It'snotsomebody who'sseenthelight

360docimg_1867_  是见不了光的某个人

-         "It'sa cold" andit'sabroken hallelujah - [ Moaning ]

360docimg_1868_  他是残酷的和毁灭的

360docimg_1869_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1870_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1871_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1872_  Hallelujah

360docimg_1873_  [Thumping Sound]

360docimg_1874_  Donkey?

360docimg_1875_  驴?

-         [ Grunts ] - What are youdoing?

360docimg_1876_  你在干什么?

360docimg_1877_  I would think, of all peopIe,you would recognize a wall when you see one.

360docimg_1878_  我想,对每一个人,你要学会认识墙

360docimg_1879_  Well, yeah.

360docimg_1880_  对

360docimg_1881_  But the wall's supposed to goaround my swamp, not through it.

360docimg_1882_  但是墙应该围绕着我的沼泽,而不是穿过

360docimg_1883_  It is around your haIf. See,that'syour haIf, and this is my haIf.

360docimg_1884_  是这样的,这是你的一半,那是我的一半

360docimg_1885_  Oh! Your haIf. Hmm.

360docimg_1886_  哦,你的一半

360docimg_1887_  Yes, my haIf. I heIped rescuethe princess.

360docimg_1888_  对,我的一半 我帮助你救了公主

360docimg_1889_  I did haIfthe work, I gethaIfthe booty.

360docimg_1890_  我做了一半的工作,我应该得到一半的战利品

360docimg_1891_  Now hand me that big oId rock,the one that looks likeyour head.

360docimg_1892_  现在把那个大石头给我,就是像你脑袋的那个

-         Back off! - No, you back off.

360docimg_1893_  退后!  不,你后退

-         This is my swamp! - Our swamp.

360docimg_1894_  这是我的沼泽  我的

-         Let go, Donkey! - You Iet go.

360docimg_1895_  松手,驴!  不,你松

-         Stubbornjackass! - Smelly ogre.

360docimg_1896_  蠢驴!  臭妖怪!

360docimg_1897_  Fine!

360docimg_1898_  好吧!

-         Hey, come back here. I'm notthrough with you yet. - Well, I'm through with you.

360docimg_1899_  回来,我还没有说完  但是我已经跟你说完了

360docimg_1900_  Uh-uh. You know, with you it'saIways, "Me, me, me!"

360docimg_1901_  跟你在一起,你总是,“我,我,我”

360docimg_1902_  Well, guess what! Now it's myturn!

360docimg_1903_  猜是什么! 该我了!

360docimg_1904_  Soyoujust shut up and pay attention!

360docimg_1905_  闭上嘴,听我说!

360docimg_1906_  You are mean to me.

360docimg_1907_  你对我总是很刻薄

360docimg_1908_  You insuIt me and you don'tappreciate anything that I do!

360docimg_1909_  你侮辱我而且我做的事你不领情

360docimg_1910_  You're aIways pushing me aroundor pushing me away.

360docimg_1911_  你总是把我推来推去

360docimg_1912_  Oh, yeah? Well, if I treatedyou so bad, how comeyou came back?

360docimg_1913_  是吗,如果我对你这么坏,你为什么还要会来?

360docimg_1914_  Because that's what friends do!They forgive each other!

360docimg_1915_  因为我们是朋友 朋友是会原谅彼此的

360docimg_1916_  Oh, yeah. You're right, Donkey.

360docimg_1917_  也许你是对的,驴

360docimg_1918_  I forgiveyou... for stabbin' mein the back!

360docimg_1919_  我原谅你背叛了我

360docimg_1920_  Ohh! You're so wrapped up inlayers, onion boy, you're afraid ofyour own feeIings.

360docimg_1921_  你把自己包裹了好几层,你害怕你自己的感觉

-         Go away! - Thereyou are, doingit again just likeyou did to Fiona.

360docimg_1922_  走开!  你又那么做了

360docimg_1923_  All she ever do was likeyou,maybe even Ioveyou.

360docimg_1924_  就像对公主一样,她喜欢你,也许是爱你

360docimg_1925_  Loveme? ShesaidI wasugly, ahideouscreature.

360docimg_1926_  爱我?她说我是一个丑八怪

360docimg_1927_  Iheardthe two ofyou talking.

360docimg_1928_  我听见你们两个的谈话了

360docimg_1929_  She wasn't talkin' aboutyou.

360docimg_1930_  她不是说你

360docimg_1931_  She was talkin' about, uh,somebody eIse.

360docimg_1932_  她不是说你,还有别人

360docimg_1933_  She wasn't talking about me?

360docimg_1934_  她不是说我?

360docimg_1935_  Well, then who was she talkingabout?

360docimg_1936_  那她说的是谁?

360docimg_1937_  Uh-uh, no way. I ain't sayinganything. You don't wanna Iisten to me.

360docimg_1938_  我不会说一个字,反正你也没有兴趣听

-         Right? Right? - Donkey!

360docimg_1939_  真的吗?真的吗?  驴!

-         No! - Okay, look.

360docimg_1940_  不!  好吧

360docimg_1941_  I'm sorry, all right?

360docimg_1942_  抱歉,还好吗?

360docimg_1943_  Hmph.

360docimg_1944_  呃

360docimg_1945_  [ Sighs ] I'm sorry.

360docimg_1946_  抱歉

360docimg_1947_  I guess I amjust a big, stupid,ugly ogre.

360docimg_1948_  好吧,我是一个愚蠢而又丑陋的妖怪

360docimg_1949_  Can you forgive me?

360docimg_1950_  你能原谅我吗?

360docimg_1951_  Hey, that's what friends arefor, right?

360docimg_1952_  这就是作为朋友应该的,对吗?

360docimg_1953_  Right. Friends?

360docimg_1954_  正确,朋友?

360docimg_1955_  Friends.

360docimg_1956_  朋友

360docimg_1957_  So, um,

360docimg_1958_  这样啊

360docimg_1959_  what did Fiona say about me?

360docimg_1960_  公主是怎么说我的

360docimg_1961_  What areyou asking me for? Whydon'tyoujust go ask her?

360docimg_1962_  你为什么问我,你应该去问她

360docimg_1963_  The wedding! We'll never makeit in time.

360docimg_1964_  婚礼!我们别错过这个

360docimg_1965_  Ha-ha-ha! Never fear, forwherethere's a will, there's a way,

360docimg_1966_  别急,有志者事竟成

360docimg_1967_  and I have a way. [ WhistIes ]

360docimg_1968_  我有办法

-         Donkey? - [ Donkey Laughing ]

360docimg_1969_  驴?

360docimg_1970_  Iguess it'sjustmyanimalmagnetism.

360docimg_1971_  我猜这是我动物的魅力

360docimg_1972_  [ Laughing ] Aw, come here,you.

360docimg_1973_  你,过来

360docimg_1974_  All right, all right. Don't getall sIobbery. No one likes a kiss ass.

360docimg_1975_  别这样,没有人喜欢拍驴屁的

360docimg_1976_  All right, hop on and hoId ontight.

360docimg_1977_  好,上来,抓紧

360docimg_1978_  I haven't had a chance toinstall the seat beItsyet.

360docimg_1979_  还没来得及寄安全带

360docimg_1980_  [ Donkey Laughing ] Whoo!

360docimg_1981_  呜

360docimg_1982_  [Bells Tolling]

360docimg_1983_  [ All Gasping ]

360docimg_1984_  PeopIe of DuLoc,

360docimg_1985_  杜洛克的人们

360docimg_1986_  we gather here today...

360docimg_1987_  我们今天到这来

360docimg_1988_  to bearwitness...

360docimg_1989_  来见证

-         to the union... - Um--

360docimg_1990_  我们王国的联合

-         ofour new king-- - Excuse me.

360docimg_1991_  为我们的新国王  打扰一下

-         CouId wejust skip ahead to the"I do's"? - [ ChuckIing ]

360docimg_1992_  我们能不能跳到“我愿意”?

360docimg_1993_  Go on.

360docimg_1994_  继续

360docimg_1995_  Go ahead, have some fun. Ifweneed you, I'll whistIe. How about that?

360docimg_1996_  走吧,高兴点,需要你时我会吹口哨的

360docimg_1997_  Shrek, wait, wait! Wait aminute!

360docimg_1998_  史莱克,等等,等等!

-         You wanna do this right,don'tyou? - What areyou talking about?

360docimg_1999_  你要做那件事,对吗?  你在说什么?

360docimg_2000_  There's a Iineyou gotta waitfor.

360docimg_2001_  你在等待一句台词

360docimg_2002_  The preacher's gonna say,"Speak now or forever hoId your peace."

360docimg_2003_  等待牧师说,现在说否则永远保持沉默

-         That's when you say, "Iobject!" - I don't have time for this!

360docimg_2004_  这时你说,我反对  我没有时间听你说

360docimg_2005_  Wait. What areyou doing? Listento me!

360docimg_2006_  等等 你等我说完

-         Look, you Iove this woman,don'tyou? - Yes.

360docimg_2007_  你爱那个女人吗?  是的

-         You wanna hoId her? - Yes.

360docimg_2008_  你想牵她的手,对吗?  是的

-         Please her? - Yes!

360docimg_2009_  让她高兴?  是的

360docimg_2010_  Then you got to, got to try alittle tenderness

360docimg_2011_  那你就要去,去,尝试一种温柔

-         The chicks Iove that romanticcrap! - All right! Cut it out.

360docimg_2012_  女人都喜欢这种浪漫!  是的,完全正确

-         When does this guy say theIine? - We gotta check it out.

360docimg_2013_  这家伙什么时候会说这个了?  我们得查一下

-         [ Donkey Grunting ] - And so,by the powervested in me,

360docimg_2014_  以我的权力

360docimg_2015_  -[Shrek] Whatdoyousee? - ThewhoIe town's in there.

360docimg_2016_  你看见什么了?  全城的人都在

-         "Inowpronounceyouhusbandandwife,"- They're at the aItar.

360docimg_2017_  我宣布你们为夫妻  他们在祭坛上

-         "kingandqueen." -Mother FIetcher! He aIready said it.

360docimg_2018_  国王和王后  他已经说了

-         Oh, for the Iove of Pete! - [Grunts ]

360docimg_2019_  看在圣彼得的面上

360docimg_2020_  I object!

360docimg_2021_  我反对!

-         Shrek? - [ Gasps ]

360docimg_2022_  史莱克?

360docimg_2023_  Oh, now what does he want?

360docimg_2024_  现在他会做什么?

360docimg_2025_  [ Crowd CIamouring ]

360docimg_2026_  Hi, everyone. Havin' a goodtime, areya?

360docimg_2027_  大家,过得很愉快,是吗?

360docimg_2028_  I Iove DuLoc, first ofall.

360docimg_2029_  我喜欢杜洛克,首先

-         Very cIean. - What areyou doinghere?

360docimg_2030_  这里很干净  你来这里干什么?

360docimg_2031_  Really, it's rude enough beingaIive when no one wantsyou,

360docimg_2032_  没有人想要你来参加婚礼

360docimg_2033_  -but showing up uninvited to awedding-- -Fiona!

360docimg_2034_  你来这里已经很无礼了   公主

-         I need to talk toyou. - Oh,nowyou wanna talk?

360docimg_2035_  我想跟你谈谈  你想说什么?

360docimg_2036_  It's a little Iate for that, soifyou'll excuse me--

360docimg_2037_  有一点晚,但是如果你原谅我.....

-         Butyou can't marry him. - Andwhy not?

360docimg_2038_  但是你不能嫁给他  为什么呢?

360docimg_2039_  Because-- Because he'sjustmarryingyou so he can be king.

360docimg_2040_  因为,因为他娶你只是为了当上国王

360docimg_2041_  Outrageous! Fiona, don't Iistento him.

360docimg_2042_  愤怒!公主,别听他的

-         He's notyour true Iove. - Andwhat doyou know about true Iove?

360docimg_2043_  他不是你的真爱  你懂爱吗?

360docimg_2044_  Well, I-- Uh--

360docimg_2045_  嗯,我,我.....

-         "Imean--" - "Oh,this isprecious."

360docimg_2046_  我是说.....   这真是有意思

360docimg_2047_  [ ChuckIing ] The ogre hasfallen in Iove with the princess!

360docimg_2048_  妖怪爱上了公主

-         "Oh, goodLord." -"[CrowdLaughing]"

360docimg_2049_  哦,神啊

360docimg_2050_  An ogreandaprincess!

360docimg_2051_  公主和妖怪

360docimg_2052_  [Laughing Continues]

360docimg_2053_  Shrek, is this true?

360docimg_2054_  史莱克,这是真的吗?

360docimg_2055_  Who cares? It'spreposterous!

360docimg_2056_  谁管呢?真有趣!

360docimg_2057_  Fiona, my Iove, we're but akiss away from our "happiIy ever after."

360docimg_2058_  公主,我的爱人,吻完后我们就能得到永远的幸福

360docimg_2059_  Now kiss me! Mmmm!

360docimg_2060_  吻我!

360docimg_2061_  "Bynight one way, bydayanother. "

360docimg_2062_  白天一个样,晚上一个样

360docimg_2063_  I wanted to showyou before.

360docimg_2064_  我想给你看我晚上的样子

-         [ Whimpers ] -[CrowdGasping]

360docimg_2065_  Well, uh,

360docimg_2066_  哦

360docimg_2067_  that expIains a Iot.

360docimg_2068_  这能解释一切

360docimg_2069_  [Farquaad] Ugh! It'sdisgusting!

360docimg_2070_  真恶心

360docimg_2071_  Guards! Guards!

360docimg_2072_  士兵,士兵

360docimg_2073_  Iorderyou toget that outofmysightnow! Get them!

360docimg_2074_  我命令你们把他们赶走

-         Get them both! - No, no!

360docimg_2075_  把他们两个都赶走  不,不

360docimg_2076_  Thishocus-pocusaltersnothing.Thismarriageisbinding, andthatmakesmeking!

360docimg_2077_  这不会改变任何事情,这个婚姻任然有效,我任然是国王

-         See? See? - No, Iet go ofme!Shrek!

360docimg_2078_  瞧,瞧  不,放开我,史莱克!

-         No! - "[Farquaad]Don'tjust" standthere, youmorons.

360docimg_2079_  不!  别光站在那里,一群笨蛋

360docimg_2080_  Get out ofmy way! Fiona!

360docimg_2081_  躲开!公主!

360docimg_2082_  Arrgh!

360docimg_2083_  啊!

360docimg_2084_  I'llmakeyouregret theday wemet.I'llseeyoudrawn andquartered!

360docimg_2085_  我要让你后悔和我见面 我要让你受尽折磨

-         You'll beg for death tosaveyou! - No! Shrek!

360docimg_2086_  到时候你会求我杀了你  不,史莱克!

-         And as foryou, my wife, -Fiona!

360docimg_2087_  至于你,我的妻子  公主!

360docimg_2088_  I'll haveyou Iocked back inthat tower for the rest ofyour days!

360docimg_2089_  我会把你锁到高塔中来渡过你的余生

-         "Iam king!" - [WhistIes ]

360docimg_2090_  我是国王

360docimg_2091_  I will have order! I will haveperfection! I will have--

360docimg_2092_  我有权命令 我至高无上,我至.....

360docimg_2093_  Aaah!

360docimg_2094_  啊!

-         Aah! - All right. Nobody move.

360docimg_2095_  啊!  好吧,任何人别动

360docimg_2096_  I got a dragon here, and I'mnot afraid to use it.

360docimg_2097_  我有一条龙,而且会毫不犹豫的使用

360docimg_2098_  -[Dragon Roars] - I'm a donkeyon the edge!

360docimg_2099_  我是头发怒的驴

-         [ Belches ] -[DonkeyLaughs]

360docimg_2100_  CeIebrity marriages. They neverIast, do they?

360docimg_2101_  盛大的婚礼,他们不会持久,对吗?

360docimg_2102_  [ Cheering ]

360docimg_2103_  Go ahead, Shrek.

360docimg_2104_  去把,史莱克

360docimg_2105_  Uh, Fiona?

360docimg_2106_  呃,公主?

360docimg_2107_  Yes, Shrek?

360docimg_2108_  是的,史莱克?

360docimg_2109_  I-- I Ioveyou.

360docimg_2110_  我,我爱你

360docimg_2111_  Really?

360docimg_2112_  真的吗?

360docimg_2113_  Really, really.

360docimg_2114_  真的,真的

360docimg_2115_  I Ioveyou too.

360docimg_2116_  我也爱你

360docimg_2117_  [ All ] Aawww!

360docimg_2118_  啊!

360docimg_2119_  [Fiona's Voice] "Untilyoufindtruelove's firstkiss...

360docimg_2120_  直到你找到真爱并得到他的吻

360docimg_2121_  [Echoing] andthentakelove'strueform. "

360docimg_2122_  然后变成他的模样

360docimg_2123_  [Echoing Continues]"Takelove's trueform. Takelove'strueform. "

360docimg_2124_  变成他的模样,变成他的模样

360docimg_2125_  Fiona?

360docimg_2126_  公主?

360docimg_2127_  Fiona.

360docimg_2128_  公主

360docimg_2129_  Areyou all right?

360docimg_2130_  你还好吗?

360docimg_2131_  Well, yes.

360docimg_2132_  是的,很好

360docimg_2133_  But I don't understand.

360docimg_2134_  但我不明白

360docimg_2135_  I'm supposed to be beautifuI.

360docimg_2136_  你应该更漂亮

360docimg_2137_  Butyou are beautifuI.

360docimg_2138_  你很漂亮

360docimg_2139_  [ ChuckIes ]

360docimg_2140_  I was hoping this would be ahappy ending.

360docimg_2141_  我希望是一个幸福的结局

360docimg_2142_  Ithoughtlove wasonlytrue infairytales

360docimg_2143_  我想爱情是神话故事中唯一真实的东西

360docimg_2144_  [ All ] Oy!

360docimg_2145_  Meantforsomeone elsebutnotforme

360docimg_2146_  对别人有意义,但是对我没有

360docimg_2147_  Love wasout togetme

360docimg_2148_  爱情不会光顾我

360docimg_2149_  That'sthe way itseemed

360docimg_2150_  好像是这样

360docimg_2151_  Disappointment hauntedallmydreams

360docimg_2152_  失望袭击着我的梦想

360docimg_2153_  Andthen Isawherface

360docimg_2154_  但是当我看到她的脸

360docimg_2155_  NowI'm a believer

360docimg_2156_  现在我是一个信徒

360docimg_2157_  Andnota trace

360docimg_2158_  不仅是个踪迹

360docimg_2159_  Ofdoubtin mymind

360docimg_2160_  从不怀疑

-         "I'm in love" -" Ooh-ahh"

360docimg_2161_  我恋爱了

360docimg_2162_  I'm a believer Icouldn 'tleaveher

360docimg_2163_  我是一个信徒,我离不开她

360docimg_2164_  IfItried

360docimg_2165_  如果我试了

360docimg_2166_  God bIess us, every one.

360docimg_2167_  神会保佑我, 保佑每一个人

360docimg_2168_  Come on,y'all! Then IsawherfaceHa-ha!

360docimg_2169_  一起来吧  当我看见她的脸

360docimg_2170_  Now I'm a beIiever Listen!

360docimg_2171_  现在我是一个信徒  听!

360docimg_2172_  Nota trace

360docimg_2173_  不是踪迹

360docimg_2174_  Of doubtin mymind

360docimg_2175_  从不怀疑

360docimg_2176_  I'm in love Ooh-ahh

360docimg_2177_  我恋爱了

360docimg_2178_  I'm a believer I couIdn't leaveher if I tried

360docimg_2179_  我是个信徒

-         Ooh! - Uh!

360docimg_2180_  哦

360docimg_2181_  Then I saw her face

360docimg_2182_  当我看见她的脸

360docimg_2183_  Now I'm a believer Hey!

360docimg_2184_  我是一个信徒

360docimg_2185_  Not a trace Uhh! Yeah.

360docimg_2186_  不是踪迹

360docimg_2187_  Of doubtin my mind One moretime!

360docimg_2188_  从不怀疑  再来一次

360docimg_2189_  I'm in love I'm a believer

360docimg_2190_  我恋爱了

360docimg_2191_  Come on!

360docimg_2192_  大家一起来

360docimg_2193_  I believe, I believe I believe,I believe

360docimg_2194_  我相信,我相信,我相信,我相信

360docimg_2195_  believe, I believe I believe, Ibelieve, I believe, hey

360docimg_2196_  我相信,我相信,我相信,我相信,我相信,

360docimg_2197_  Y'all sing it with me! I

360docimg_2198_  跟我一起唱

360docimg_2199_  Believe

360docimg_2200_  相信

360docimg_2201_  I believe  People in the back!

360docimg_2202_  后面的人

-         I believe  - "I'm a believer"

360docimg_2203_  相信

360docimg_2204_  I believe

360docimg_2205_  [ HystericaI Laughing ]

360docimg_2206_  Oh, that's funny. Oh. Oh.

360docimg_2207_  哦,非常有趣

360docimg_2208_  I can't breathe. I can'tbreathe.

360docimg_2209_  我不能呼吸,我不能呼吸了

360docimg_2210_  I believe in self-assertion

360docimg_2211_  我相信自我感觉

360docimg_2212_  Destiny or as light diversion

360docimg_2213_  命运有时会改变

360docimg_2214_  Now it seems I've got my headon straight

360docimg_2215_  现在好像青睐我了

360docimg_2216_  I'm a freak an apparition

360docimg_2217_  我是一个丑八怪,一个妖怪

360docimg_2218_  Seems I've made the rightdecision

360docimg_2219_  To try to turn back now itmight be too late

-         "I want to stay hometoday" - "Don't wanna go out"

-         "If anyone comes toplay" - " Gonna get thrown out"

-         "I wanna stay hometoday" - "Don't want no company"

360docimg_2220_  No way

360docimg_2221_  Yeah, yeah, yeah

360docimg_2222_  I wanna be a millionaire someday

360docimg_2223_  But know what it feels like togive it away

360docimg_2224_  Watch memarch to the beat of myown drum

360docimg_2225_  And it's off to the moon andthen back again

360docimg_2226_  Same old day Same situation

360docimg_2227_  My happiness rears back as ifto say

-         "I wanna stay hometoday" - "Don't wanna go out"

-         "If anyone comes myway" - " Gonna get thrown out"

-         "I wanna stay hometoday" - "Don't want no company"

360docimg_2228_  No way

360docimg_2229_  Yeah, yeah, yeah

360docimg_2230_  I wanna stay home stay home,stay home

-         "I wanna stay hometoday" - "Don't wanna go out"

-         "If anyone comes toplay" - " Gonna get thrown out"

360docimg_2231_  I wanna stay home today

360docimg_2232_  Don't want no company No way

360docimg_2233_  Yeah, yeah, yeah

360docimg_2234_  I get such a thrill when youlookin my eyes

360docimg_2235_  My heart skips a beat Girl, Ifeel so alive

360docimg_2236_  Please tell me, baby if allthis is true

360docimg_2237_  'Cause deep down inside all Iwanted was you

360docimg_2238_  Oh-oh-oh Makes me wanna dance

360docimg_2239_  Oh-oh-oh It's a new romance

360docimg_2240_  Oh-oh-oh I look into your eyes

360docimg_2241_  Oh-oh-oh The best years of ourlives

360docimg_2242_  When we first met I could hardlybelieve

360docimg_2243_  The things that would happenand we could achieve

360docimg_2244_  So let's be together for all ofour time

360docimg_2245_  Oh, girl, I'm so thankful thatyou are still mine

360docimg_2246_  You always consider me like anugly duckling

360docimg_2247_  And treat me like a Nostradamuswas why I had to get my shine on

360docimg_2248_  I break a little something tokeep my mind on

360docimg_2249_  'Cause you had my mind goneEh-eh, eh-eh, eh-eh

360docimg_2250_  Turn the lights on, Come on,baby Let's just rewind the song

360docimg_2251_  'Cause all I want to do is makethe rest years the best years

360docimg_2252_  All night long

-         " Oh-oh-oh, makes me wannadance" - "Makes me wanna dance"

-         " Oh-oh-oh, it's a newromance" - "It's a new romance"

-         " Oh-oh-oh, I look intoyour eyes" - " Oh, yeah, yeah"

-         "Look into your eyes"- " Oh-oh-oh"

-         " The best years of ourlives" - " Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah"

-         " Oh-oh-oh, makes me wannadance" - " Whoa-oh-oh, dance, yeah"

360docimg_2253_  Oh-oh-oh It's a new romance

-         " Oh-oh-oh, I look intoyour eyes" - "Look into your eyes, yeah"

360docimg_2254_  Oh-oh-oh The best years of ourlives

360docimg_2255_  Everything looks bright

360docimg_2256_  Standing in your light

360docimg_2257_  Everything feels right

360docimg_2258_  What's left is out of sight

360docimg_2259_  What's a girl to do I'm telling you You're on mymind

360docimg_2260_  I wanna be with you

360docimg_2261_  'Cause when you're standin'next to me

360docimg_2262_  It's like wow

360docimg_2263_  And all your kisses seem to set me free

360docimg_2264_  It's like wow

360docimg_2265_  And when we touch it's such a rush I can't getenough

360docimg_2266_  It's like-- It's like Ooh-ooh

360docimg_2267_  Hey, what

360docimg_2268_  It's like wow Ooh-ooh, hey

360docimg_2269_  Hey, yeah It's like wow

360docimg_2270_  Everything is looking right now, right now

-        "It's like wow" - "And I got thisfeeling"

360docimg_2271_  This feeling it's just like wow

360docimg_2272_  It's just like wow

-        "You are all I'm thinking of." -"Like wow"

360docimg_2273_  Everything feels right Everything feels right

-        "Like wow" - "Everything looksbright"

360docimg_2274_  All my senses are right.

-        "Like wow" - "Everything feelsright"

360docimg_2275_  Baby, baby, baby the way I'm feeling you

360docimg_2276_  Is like wow

360docimg_2277_  [Instrumental]

360docimg_2278_  There is something that I see

360docimg_2279_  In the way you look at me

360docimg_2280_  There's a smile There's a truth

360docimg_2281_  In your eyes

360docimg_2282_  What an unexpected way

360docimg_2283_  On this unexpected day

360docimg_2284_  Could it be

360docimg_2285_  This is where I belong

360docimg_2286_  It is you I have loved

360docimg_2287_  All along

360docimg_2288_  There's no more mystery

360docimg_2289_  It is finallyclearto me

360docimg_2290_  You're the home my heart's searched for

360docimg_2291_  So long

360docimg_2292_  It is you I have loved

360docimg_2293_  Allalong

360docimg_2294_  Whoa, over and over

360docimg_2295_  I'm filled with emotion

360docimg_2296_  As I look

360docimg_2297_       Into your perfect face  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/338251/17545412772.html


《功夫熊猫2》中英台词 功夫熊猫台词中英文版

功夫熊猫 2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)很久以前,在古代中国, Long ago, in ancientChina,孔雀家族统治着宫门城。 The Peacocks ruled overthe Gongmen city.他们给这座城带来了快乐与繁荣。 They brought great joy and prosperity to t

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《功夫熊猫1》-Narrator:Legend tells of a legendary warrior...legend: 传奇 legendary: 传奇的 warrior: 武士传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士,whose kung fu skills were the stuff oflegend.他的功夫出神入化。He traveled the land

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  怪物史莱克Shrek 1  从前有位可爱的公主  [Man] "Once upon a timethere was a lovely princess.  但是她被可怕的魔法控制了  "But she had anenchantment upon her of a fearful sort...  只有真爱的初吻才可以打破

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