take a spin 兜风
take him for a ride/ bump him 杀掉他
take order from 听命于人
take sb in 将某人交给警方处理
take sth in stride 从容处理
take sth lying down 甘心忍受某事
talk about 那真是
talk of the town 传遍全城
teach your grandmother to suck eggs 班门弄斧头
teacher's pet 老师最爱的学生
that does it 我受够了
the finishing touch 最后修饰
the general effect 总结果
the green years 青春年华
the heat is on 风声紧
the man 大哥,厉害的人
the rose of the party 晚会上最引人瞩目的女孩
the sterner sex 性欲强的男人
the way-side rose 路边的玫瑰
the weaker fairer sex 性欲平平的女人
they suck me 他们宰我
think hard 深思,苦心
third degree 用私刑
through a/the wringer 受尽苦难
through and through 完全地
throw in the towel 认输
ticked off 生气
tick-tock 滴答声
tie over the period 燃眉之急
tight wad 守财奴
tip him off 提醒他
tip-top 最佳的
to be a jelly-fish 做事无头脑
to be slave driver
to be all eyes 注视,惊奇的看
to be all forth 说话浮躁
to be down at heels 不修边幅
to be eyesore 眼中钉
to be godfy 笨头笨脑
to be hot-headed 容易发怒
to be as like as two peas 十分近似
to be petticoat government 怕老婆的男人
to be shabby 脏脏的
to be ship-shape
to be smart 整洁的
to be well groomed 容光焕发
to bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩
to come to the wrongshop 用人不当
to do/play one's part 尽自己职责
to drag one's feet
to exchange high words 愤怒发言
to flog a dead horse 无法解决的事情
to get into one's stride 继续做例行公事
to give sb socks 毒打某人
to go smash 破产
to have eyes bigger than the belly 贪婪
to have face as long as a fiddle 拉长脸
to have the gift of the gap 说话动人
to hold one's course 坚定不移
to hold one's tongue 谈话含蓄
to live a fool's paradise 愚人自欺
to make a saint swear 佛都有火
to make things ship shape 使得一切井井有条
to marry over the broomstick 吉普赛式婚姻
to one's liking 合胃口的
to pile on the agony 增加痛苦
to pitch into anyone 大人或者重罚某人
to see through the rose coloured glasses 太乐观了
to shape well 一切整齐
to smoke the pipe of peace 放下争吵,恢复友谊
to snap the nose off 恶言相向
to snuff out 死去
to speak for itself 事实之言
to speak in parables 说话装腔作势
to speak one fair 使人信服
to speak volume 中肯之言
to talk piffle 说话愚蠢而没有常识
to talk rot 愚蠢的谈吐
to be goner临终
toe the line 循规蹈矩
toe-to-toe 竞争
to give up the ghost 将死
tongue in cheek 挖苦地
too rich for my blood 昂贵的
too smart 出风头
top banana 主管人员
top notch 最高的
tops 最好的
topsy-turvy 颠倒是非
trash sb 严厉批评某人,破坏某物
tube 电视
turn in 睡觉
turn over a new leaf 改过自新
turn the cold shoulder on 冷淡对待
turtle on one's back 自身难保
two-faced 两面派