学生必读中英对照世界名著(六级) 第六级 1.简·爱简 介人物表1 the red room2 leaving gateshead3 my first impressions of school4 making a friend5 mr brocklehurst6 learning to like school7 thornfield and mr rochester8 getting to know mr rochester9 mr rochester10 the mystery of grace poole11 the thornfield house12 the gipsy woman13 the stranger is attacked14 trouble at gateshead15 the future mrs rochester16 preparing for the wedding17 the wedding day18 mr rochester19 finding shelter20 a new home21 mr rivers22 sudden wealth23 a voice from the past24 returning to thornfield25 finding mr rochester again2.雾都孤儿简 介1 o liver's early life1 奥利弗的童年2 o liver's first job2 奥利弗的第一个工作3 o liver goes to london3 奥利弗到伦敦去4 o liver in london4 奥利弗在伦敦5 o liver5 奥利弗的生活变了6 o liver is found again6 奥利弗又被找到了7 the robbery7 抢劫8 after the robbery8 盗窃案之后9 o liver starts another life9 奥利弗开始了另一种生活10 life in the country10 乡下的一段日子11 nancy makes a visit11 南希的造访12 nancy keeps an appointment12 南希如期赴约13 the end of the gang13 盗窃团伙的末日14 the end of the mystery14 揭开秘密4.苔丝简 介1234567891011121314151617181920