检定/校准证书 Verification / calibration certificate
× ××计量测试所
××× Institute of Meterology
科学 公正 准确 高效
本所从事的检定和检验项目均已取得?计量合格证书?及?社会公用计量标准证书?和?计量认证合格证书?。检定、校准、检验项目的测量均能溯源到国家计量基准,确保量值准确统一。 本所工作人员遵纪守法,廉洁奉公,全心全意为用户服务。欢迎社会各界监督。
Science Justice Accuracy High-efficient We regard laws and regulations as the criterion,and we take the basis of the examine rules ,technical standard and specifications.In the course of checking,we don’t receive any intervention so that we can ensure the fairness and authoritativeness of checking.
We have already obtained TheCertificate Of Metrology Standard,The M-etrology Standard Certificate Of Public Society and Metrology Authenticate Certificate for all the examination and test project we are engaged on.In order to ensure the accuracy of the figure ,the project measure of examining,calibrating and inspecting can date frhttp://www.wenzhangwo.com/om national metrology standard.
We obey the laws,and are honest in performing our official duties ,and werve the people wholeheartedly.Welcome to suoervise us.
证书编号: 号
型 号 /规 格
检定依据 检定结论
批准人 (检定专用章) 核验员 检定员
检定日期 201 年 月 日 有效期至 201 年 月 日 计量检定机构授权证书号: 号 电 话: 地址: 邮 编: 传真: 电子邮件:
证书编号: 号
本单位是依法设置的国家法定计量检定结构,经省质量技术监督局授权。授权证书号为( )法计 号。本证书出具的数据通过国家计量检定系统,可溯源至国家计量基准。
检定所使用的计量标准名称:衡器检定装置 测量范围:
不确定度或准确度等级或最大允许误差:M1级 计量标准证书号: 有效期至 201 年6月17日
检定的环境条件: 温度: 20℃ 湿度:50%RH
最大称量Max=15 最小称量Min=100 检定分度值e=d =5
*在填写检定结果时,如需要,可另加附页。 未经本所书面批准,不得部分复印此证书。
×××Institute of Meterology
××× Institute of Meterology
××× Institute of measurement and testing is a national legal metrological verification institutions, Juancheng county is the only metrological verification, calibration, inspection, built in the county with the highest public standards of measurement, a measuring equipment of the most advan ced county, with high, intermediate professional and technical personnel twenty people. Has carried out geometry, mechanics, temperature, electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, radio frequency, time, ionizing radiation and chemistry and other ten major categories of measurement. Is mainly responsible for the establishment of public standards of measurement, value transfer, the implementation of national compulsory certification, verification and extension cut all measuring instruments verification, calibration, the volume of goods and noble metal inspection, quality test of glasses, electric energy meter, water meter, four meter, taximeter, medical equipment and other measuring instruments verification, calibration and inspection work. Take the examination of measurement standard, the measuring staff technical training and qualification assessment, measurement technical advisory missions. The Institute has passed the national legal metrological verification institutions and the measurement certification examination, authorized by the quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Shandong Province, the really certificate and report having the force of law.
××× Institute of M eterology 地 址: 邮政编码: 查询电话: 传 真: 邮 箱: Add:
Post Ccode: Inqulry Tel: Fax: E-mall: