雅思词汇测试题 2013年雅思词汇试题预测及答案

  1. The machine looked like a large, ________ , old-fashioned typewriter.

  A) forceful   B) clumsy   C) intense   D) tricky

  2. Though she began her ______ by singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous Hollywood movie star.

  A) employment   B) career   C) occupation   D) profession

  3. Within two weeks of arrival, all foreigners had to _______ with the local police.

  A) inquire   B) consult   C) register   D) profession

  4. Considering your salary, you should be able to _____ at least twenty dollars a week.

  A) put forward   B) put up   C) put out   D) put aside

  5. As he has _______ our patience, we’ll not wait for him any longer.

  A) torn   B) wasted   C) exhausted   D) consumed


  1 B) clumsy 2.B) career 3.C) register 4.D) put aside 5.C) exhausted

  6. These teachers try to be objective when they _______ the integrated ability of their students.

  A) justify   B) evaluate   C) indicate   D) reckon

  7. Mrs. Morris's daughter is pretty and _______, and many girls envy her.

  A) slender   B) light   C) faint   D) minor

  8. Tomorrow the mayor is to _____ a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.

  A) coordinate   B) cooperate   C) accompany   D) associate

  9. I'm ______ enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams.

  A) realistic   B) conscious   C) register   D) resolve

雅思词汇测试题 2013年雅思词汇试题预测及答案

  10. Can you give me even the _______ clue as to where her son might be?

  A) simplest    B) slightest   C) least   D) utmost


  6.B) evaluate 7.A) slender 8.C) accompany 9.A) realistic 10.B) slightest

  11. Norman Davis will be remembered by many _____ with not only as a great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend.

  A) kindness   B) friendliness   C) warmth   D) affection

  12. Salaries for ______ positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones.

  A) legal   B) optional   C) voluntary   D) temporary

  13. Most people agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society. _______, it has affected the traditional role of men.

  A) Above all   B) In all   C) At most   D) At last

  14. Science and technology have _____ in important ways to the improvement of agricultural production.

  A) attached    B) assisted    C) contributed   D) witnessed

  15. As an actor he could communicate a whole _____ of emotions.

  A) frame   B) range   C) number   D) scale


  11.D) affection 12.D) temporary 13.A) Above all 14.C) contributed 15.B) range

  16. This is what you should bear in mind: Don't _____ a salary increase before you actually get it.

  A) hang on   B) draw on   C) wait on   D) count on

  17. The ship's generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _____ instead of mechanically.

  A) artificially   B) automatically   C) manually   D) synthetically

  18. The little girl was so frightened that she just wouldn't ______ her grip on my arm.

  A) loosen   B) remove   C) relieve   D) dismiss

  19. He never arrives on time and my ______ is that he feels the meetings are useless.

  A) preference    B) conference   C) inference   D) reference

  20. Mrs. Smith was so ______ about everything that no servants could please her.

  A) specific   B) special    C) precise   D) particular


  16.D) count on 17.C) manually 18.A) loosen 19.C) inference 20.D) particular







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