改错题之 动词ing 【英语一题一讲】thereby +-ing

                     thus / thereby + -ing <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />








 This enables the occeans to absorb and store vast quantities of heat, __________

 often preventing climatic extremes.   

 [A] only                                                     [B] therefore

 [C] thus                                                    [D] however


【答案】 C

改错题之 动词ing 【英语一题一讲】thereby +-ing

【题意】 这使海洋能吸收和储存大量的热量,因此经常防止出现酷冷酷热的气候。




本题测特殊句型结构。两个句子如果是因果关系,常用 thus、 therefore、  hence、consequently、 as a result 等承联,此时两个句子的主语为不同的主语。如果两个句子的主语为同一主语,可用thus / thereby + -ing (现在分词)引导短语,作结果状语,前面句子表示原因,后面的分词短语表示是结果。




1)More and more women are continuing to work after marriage, thus remaining

      financially independent of their hu sbands.  


     2)Recently we have employed a new technique in the production, thus reducing

            the cost.   


      3)Agriculture has developed rapidly, thus providing light industry with ample

            raw materials.     

  农业迅速发展, 从而为轻工业提供了充足的原料。

      4)The economy is bad right now, thereby dropping the value of my portfolio.     


  5)In this way, advertising enhances information flows between traders,thereby

        strengthens competitive market forces.    


      6)The rivet contracts as it cools, thereby drawing the plates together.    


    7)Innovation and improvement in these industries will also lead to better service

          delivery and greater consumer choice, thereby promoting growth and

          creating new jobs.    






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2013年考研英语一真题来源 2013考研英语真题答案

来源分析:文章选自一本小品文集:Gardens: An Essay on the HumanCondition。不出意外,英语一的翻译文章,出题人特别喜欢从某一书中去改编。2013年考研英语一翻译这段话,改编自这本书的59页到61页其中一篇文章,作者从一张照片说开去。。。

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