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  A compiled list of all the known dates on which Teachers' Day is celebrated throughout the world.

  Respect for Teachers and Learning - Teacher's Day

  In the history of Chinese education, Confucius is a paragon of all teachers, symbolizing the philosophy of "Educate all without discrimination, and teach according to the abilities of ones students." Using the six arts of rites, music, archery, chariot driving, learning (including reading and writing), and mathematics, Confucius had more than three thousand disciples during his lifetime. In practice of his credo, the Sage never refused a student because of his class or character, requiring only that his pupils possess a sincere desire to learn.

教师节手抄报内容资料 教师节英语手抄报资料参考

  During the crisis of the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius sought to end the chaos of the times. Believing this disorder to be a reflection of declining morals in society, he exhaustively toured the various warring Chinese states to advise rulers and officials on the merits of ethical rule. In his later years, Confucius reorganized the ancient texts, thus laying a solid foundation for China's enduring civilization. In 1939 the Ministry of Education pronounced that Confucius' birthday would be celebrated on August 28, and designated it as Teachers' Day as well as a national holiday to remember Confucius' enormous contribution to Chinese culture and society. The date was changed to September 28 in 1952 in accordance with chronologists' new findings. Today, Teachers' Day not only commemorates China's foremost teacher in history but also honors all teachers for their hard work during the year.http://www.aIhUaU.com/

  Every year during Teachers' Day, the Confucius Memorial Service is solemnly held at the Confucius Temple to show respect and honor for the Sage. At the "Teachers Day Celebration" held by the Ministry of Education and the various local governments, teachers with the highest seniority and best qualities arerecognized for their contribution to society.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/3427271/816631899.html


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教师节手抄报内容资料 庆祝教师节手抄报祝福语资料

   庆祝教师节手抄报祝福语资料  1) 老师,不经意里您的头发已白了。只愿轻风能吹拂您的白发,明月清照您的白发。使您永远年青!愿您永远健康!  2) 老师,你用心点亮了我的心,以爱培育了我的爱,有你,我才感觉到世界的温暖……亲

教师节手抄报内容资料 教师节手抄报的文字资料

   关于教师节手抄报的文字资料   教师节手抄报的资料  一、教师节的由来  1932年,民国政府曾规定6月6日为教师节,解放后废除了6月6日的教师节,改用“五一国际劳动节”为教师节。  1951年,教育部和全国教育工会曾宣

教师节手抄报内容资料 2015教师节手抄报文字图片资料内容

   2015教师节手抄报文字图片资料内容  1、一支粉笔,积淀千秋智慧  三尺讲台,寄托万世文明  2、兢兢业业汗水浇灌梅兰开花香四海  勤勤恳恳心血栽培桃李结果献九州  3、知理达理讲理世上真理千秋在  悟道行

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