你是否还在留恋今年两大流行色粉水晶(Rose Quartz)和静谧蓝(Serenity)里不能自已??
Are you still crazy about two fashion colors-Rose Quartz and Serenity in 2016?
Or still keep Riverside and Sharkskin in mind?
那么你OUT了!Pattern Curator发布的2017年的流行色和图案也是美翻了!他们发布的2017流行色将时尚、生活与自然共通,有绚烂,有平静,有柔和,每一抹色彩都是美翻的节奏。Pattern Curator是一个提供色彩、印花、图案等潮流趋势的预测团队。他们擅长搭配和配色,并且能够玩转面料,让人惊叹不已。

That means that you are out of fashion! The fashionable color and pattern in 2017 declared by Pattern Curator are so attractive. They are connected with the nature including gorgeous,calm and soft style. Pattern Curator is a forecasting company focused on reporting relevant print, pattern & color trends for artists & designers to express themselves in their fullest potential. A resource for both design professionals & enthusiasts to use as a creative reference tool.
You don’t need to worry about matching. Once look into the latest trend, just go ahead to shopping mall.
另外国外权威机构Fashion Snoops也已经发布了2017年的春夏流行色趋势。Fashion Snoops 是一家全球性的时尚潮流趋势预测机构和专业资讯供应商,Fashion Snoops在全球各主要时尚都市,如巴黎,纽约,米兰,伦敦,柏林,东京,迈阿密,洛杉矶,蒙特利尔等地分布着近200人的专家团队,一起来对比看看!
Another authority named Fashion Snoops has forecast the relevant trends. All over the world, the Fashion Snoops set up specialist team of 200 people in most fashion cities like Paris, New York, Milan, London, Berlin etc.