teach sb a lesson teach sb a lesson lesson007a


美语三级跳 (Go English) 007A讲 - 你是哪里人 初级课程Professor: Kevin and Jose are roommates at college. Today they are moving into their room and meeting each other for the first time.Professor Bowman, 这可是件大事。我的第一个大学室友睡觉鼾声如雷,还经常偷吃我的东西,希望 Kevin 和 Jose 不会这样。Professor: I hope so too. Let's listen.Jose: Hello, I'm Jose. Are you Kevin, my roommate?Kevin: Yes, I'm Kevin. It's very nice to meet you, Jose.Jose: Nice to meet you too. Where are you from, Kevin?Kevin: I'm from Ohio. How about you?Jose: I'm from Mexico.我就说嘛,Jose不像个英文名字,原来他是墨西哥人。Professor: Yes, Jose is a common name for Latin Americans in the US too.Kevin是俄亥俄来的。他们好象能从彼此那里了解到不少对方的文化呢!比如说食物,我就特别爱吃墨西哥菜。Professor: A lot of Americans do too. Let's listen.Kevin: You're from Mexico? That's great! I studied Spanish in high school, and I love Mexican food.Jose: Well, the Mexican food in America isn't always like the real Mexican food in Mexico.Kevin: That's interesting. Where in Mexico are you from originally?Jose: I was born in Mexico City.Professor: So Winnie, what does Jose say about Mexican food in America?他说美国的墨西哥菜不是真正的墨西哥菜。这我有同感,中国菜馆为了迎合美国人的口味,饭菜也都变了味道,怎么吃都觉得不对劲。还是让我们继续听Kevin跟Jose的对话吧。Kevin: You were born in Mexico City? That's one of the biggest cities in the world. What is it like?Jose: It's great. There are lots of people and it's very exciting.Kevin: Wow. I was born and raised in a small town in Ohio.Jose: What is it like there?Kevin: The people are very friendly, and the life there is very relaxed.Professor: Well Winnie, where did Jose and Kevin each grow up?Jose是在墨西哥城长大的,Kevin则来自俄亥俄州的一个小镇。Professor: Yes. Kevin said he was "born and raised" in a small town. That means he was born and grew up in the same town.哦,"Born and raised"就是土生土长的意思。Professor: Right. You might also hear people say "born and bred."Kevin: How long have you been in America?Jose: I've been in America for one year.Kevin: Where have you been living?Jose: I've been living with my cousin in a small town in California.P: Did you hear how long Jose has been in America?他来美国已经一年了。Professor: And where has Jose been staying?他一直住在加州的一个小镇里。看来,虽然Kevin和Jose来自不同国家,但还是有共同之处的,因为两人都熟悉小镇生活。Professor: Yes they do. In this next section, listen for the word "pace," which means "speed."Kevin: Did you like living in a small town in California

teach sb a lesson teach sb a lesson lesson007a

?Jose: I really liked it, but the pace of life is much slower than in Mexico City.Kevin: I understand. If I went to Mexico City, I think the pace of life would be very fast for me.Jose: Even though life in a small town is different, sometimes I like a change of pace.Kevin和Jose都觉得,小镇里的pace of life生活节奏跟大城市很不一样。可是Professor Bowman, Jose说的a change of (读成Peace)pace 是什么意思呢?Professor: I think he meant to say "a change of pace." A change of pace is something you do to change your usual habits.哦, 我明白了, a change of pace就是偶尔换个花样。 Kevin和Jose聊得还挺投机的。 Professor Bowman, 你觉得他们做室友合不合适?Professor: We'll have to listen next time and find out!这次的美语三级跳就播送到这里。


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