治疗老花眼的特效验方 临床验方:痔疮效方

A Hemorrhoids Topical Prescription
献方人: 樊一桦组成: 乌梅 30g 黄连 10g 侧柏叶炭 10g 生大黄 10g( 后下) 苦参 10g 石榴皮 10g 枯矾 15g 槐角 10g 五倍子 15g 皂角刺 15g 白鲜皮 15g 薄荷脑 5g用法: 除薄荷脑、 生大黄, 上药打粉, 将药粉煎 30 分钟( 25 分钟时加入生大黄) , 倒出药液, 加入薄荷脑,一剂药液分两天用,一天两次,每次加热后,局部擦洗数次。Composition
Wu Mei (Fructus Mume) 30g, Huang Lian (Rhizoma Picrorhizae) 10g, Ce Bai Ye (Cacumen Platycladi) 10g (stir-bake to scorch), Sheng Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) 10g (decoct later), Ku Shen (Radix Sophorae Flavescentis) 10g, Shi Liu Pi (Pericarpium Granati) 10g, Ku Fan (Alumen) 15g, Huai Jiao (Fructus Sophorae) 10g, Wu Bei Zi (Galla Chinensis) 15g, Zao Jiao Ci (Spina Gleditsiae) 15g, Bai Xian Pi (Cortex Dictamni) 15g, Bo He Nao (Menthol) 5gDirections
All herbs except for Bo He Nao (Menthol) and Sheng Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) are needed to be processed into powder (just for better effects, not necessary). Cook the powder for 30min with water, and add Sheng Da Huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) when there's 5min left. After the medicine is decocted, pour the clear medicine liquid out and add Bo He Nao (Menthol) in it. The liquid could be used externally several times a day. The boiled liquid of one package should be divided into 2 portions and each portion is a day dose. Wash the focus twice a day, one time at noon and one in the evening. Heat the medicine liquid before using.Indications 

Internal hemorrhoids, External hemorrhoids and Mixed hemorrhoids.

治疗老花眼的特效验方 临床验方:痔疮效方


During the treatment, do not eat spicy food and lamb.

方解:    本方中乌梅有收敛止血作用,石榴皮有涩肠止血作用,五倍子能涩肠止泻止血,三药合用可收敛止血,以治其标。加之侧柏叶、槐角凉血止血,更能增强止血之功,且不易再次出血。黄连有清热燥湿,泻火解毒的作用,苦参有清热燥湿之用,白鲜皮清热燥湿,祛风解毒,可用于湿热疮毒,三药合用,清热燥湿,以绝湿热之源。皂角刺有消肿托毒,排脓排毒作用。枯矾为外科圣药,有消痰,燥湿,止血作用,还能蚀腐肉、长新肉。加之生大黄活血化瘀,三药合力化痔。薄荷脑外用可以消炎,止痛,祛风,通络。并且能帮助药物透皮吸收,使该方药力能直达病所。作者简介  

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治疗老花眼的特效验方 治疗突然糊涂症特效验方


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