Remnants of the Late Qing Schools (Part two)
黄士陵晩年归里后,其篆刻在岭南的影响持久未衰,继起而形成黟山派。黄士陵长子黄少牧( 1879 ~1953年),名荣廷,又名石。书、印皆工,恪守家法但劲拔稍逊。曾辑《黟山人黄牧甫先生印存》并附以己作行世。 黄士陵弟子李尹桑( 1882 ~ 1945 年),原名茗柯,江苏吴县人。自幼居于广州,其父与黄士陵交好,乃令子李尹桑、李雪涛、李若日同师于黄氏门下。李尹桑对黄氏印风注力最勤,雅洁古穆一如其师。
The Yishan Style (Huang Shiling)
Even after Huang Shiling returned home in his late years, the influence of his seal engraving persisted undiminished in Guangdong and the south. He and his disciples developed the Yishan school.
Huang Shaomu (1879-1953), Huang Shiling’s eldest son, was adept at calligraphy and seal engraving. He adhered strictly to the family style, but was slightly inferior in powerfulness. He compiled Collection of Seal Imprints of Mr. Huang Mufu, Resident of Yishan (黟山人黄牧甫先生印存), including his own works as an appendix. Li Yinsang (1882-1945), a disciple of Huang Shiling, originally named Mingke, was born in Wu County, Jiangsu Province, but lived in Guangzhou from an early age. His father, a good friend of Huang Shiling, ordered his sons Li Yinsang, Li Xuetao and Li Ruori, to be apprenticed to Huang. Li Yinsang was the most focused on Huang’s seal engraving style, producing works as elegant, neat and solemn as his master’s.
Two-faced Qingtian stone “Seal of Huang Shaomu / Image of Fish” (黄少牧印·双鱼图形), engraved by Huang Shaomu. 1927. Shanghai Museum
“Seal of Gao Lun”(高仑之玺), engraved by Li Yinsang
黄士陵印风经李尹桑的发扬,步趋者络绎于途 。邓尔雅(1884~1954年)、寿玺(1885~1950年) 、乔曾劬(1892~ 1948年)、黎泽泰(1898~1978年)、冯康侯(1901 ~ 1983年)、 曾绍杰(1911~1988年)、罗叔子(1919~ 1968年)等人师法黄士陵,多注重于金文的研习,印风精严渊雅,或取黄氏神采意趣为旨归,或师其一面取径而上,各有旁参,表现手法多样。寿玺夫人宋君方亦善治印,弟子齐燕铭、金禹民、温廷宽亦享盛名,遂使黟山派在此期印坛流风延绵,与吴昌硕一派的风格形成颉颃之势。
After Huang’s style was further developed by Li Yinsang, there were, many young seal engravers who followed him. Deng Erya (1884-1954), Shou Xi (1885-1950), Qiao Cengqu (1892 -1948), Li Zetai (1898-1978), Feng Kanghou (1901-1983), Zeng Shaojie (1911-1988), and Luo Shuzi (1919-1968) all followed the example of Huang shilling. They laid more stress on the study and practice of bronze inscriptions and developed a precise, strict , profound and elegant style. They either followed Huang’s path in terms of , temperament and taste, or took their general bearing from him, branching off individually and diversifying their technique. Song Junfang, wife of Shou Xi, was also googd at engraving seals, and passed her skills to his disciples Qi Yanming, Jin Yumin and Wen Tingkuan. They all helped to carry forward the Yishan school style to rival that of the Wu Changshuo school.
“The Valour and Might Is Called Ling”(神灵威武曰棱), engraved by Feng Kanghou
“Seal of Wen Tingkuan”(温廷宽印), engraved by Wen Tingkuan