改善记忆力保健品排名 四招轻松改善你的记忆(双语)

Now let us discuss five simple techniques to improve memory:


1. Chunking

改善记忆力保健品排名 四招轻松改善你的记忆(双语)


    Perhaps Chunking is the oldest method used in memorization. In this method, the items to be memorized are divided into small and easily memorizable chunks or groups. This method works best when the order of the items is not important. If possible, organize the material as meaningfully as you can and think out relationships among each group.


eg. The list Apple, cucumber, paper, ink, cabbage, banana, grapes, beans, stapler, orange can be better learned by rearranging and applying chunking as: Apple, banana, grapes, orange, cucumber, cabbage, beans, paper, ink, stapler——4 fruits, 3 vegetables and 3 stationery items.


2. Rhyming


    This is also one of the popular and oldest methods in memorization. This technique makes use of the fact that we have a natural tendency to remember rhymes and rhythms. Create rhymes will not only aid in improving your memory but in improving your creativity as well.


eg. "Thirty days haveth September; April, June and November; All the rest have thirty-one; February has twenty-eight alone; Except in leap year, then the time; When Febs days are twenty-nine."

3. Mediation/Bridging


    In this method, a bridge is built in between the items given to be memorized. This technique is best suited for learning material involving word pairs or material that can be reduced to word pairs. An example often cited by memory experts is the learning of the capital of Poland. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. World War II started with Germany's attack on Poland. Thus it may be arranged as Poland SAW War first. Here, the word pair to be connected together is Poland and Warsaw. The additional information of the World War II is used as a bridge or mediator in bringing these two words together.


4. Bed-time Recital


    In this technique, you do your recital or rote learning just before going to bed. The mind in the process of sleeping would then arrange the information in a systematic and effective way when you are sleeping. Psychologists have also found that if you sleep after thinking about your problems there is a better chance that you arrive at a solution the next day.


1. Be in a relaxed mood.
2. Write down the things that you are supposed to remember in a piece of paper.
3. Read it aloud (if possible) once or twice and recite it two to three times.
4. Now go to sleep without worrying or thinking about anything.


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