在路上旅行网 旅行在路上:如何在旅途中保持健康?~

I travel a lot. Each month, I pack up my suitcase to hit the road, whether it be (quite literally) by plane, train, or automobile.

Whether it be for work, for family, or for a holiday/vacation, I always find myself with the same quandry--how to stay healthy and fit while on the road?

在路上旅行网 旅行在路上:如何在旅途中保持健康?~

I used to use traveling as an excuse to get out of my healthy habits, but learned the hard way that damage like that is hard to undo. I have since learned, that with little effort, I can stay in shape, not get sick, and enjoy traveling, as well as be happy when I get back to the reality of every day life.

1. Move around!

Though only about 1 in 4,500 airplane passengers develop a blood clot (npr.com) you should still make every effort to move around on the plane, whether it be just standing in the aisle (once you’ve reached the proper flying altitude) or by taking a walk to the lavatory. Have a layover? Instead of sitting (you’ll be doing plenty of that on the plane), make sure to walk around the airport. Taking a road trip? Make plenty of stops to move around. This is also a great opportunity to check out an attraction on the way! Once you get to your ocation, don’t forget to factor in exercise. Whether it be working out at your hotel, taking hikes, or forgoing public transport to walk, you’ll feel much better if you get in some activity.

2. Snack Smart.

While at the airport and on road trips you’ll roll past countless fast food restaurants. Though these seem like a convenient option, they’re not the healthiest. I like to pack snacks that are within my calorie budget for the day and 100 calories or under each. When traveling and purchasing food, I try to opt for fresh fruit and veggies (not only healthy, but also packed with vitamins!). Fast food the only option and you’re famished? Stick to something simple (like a kids meal) and whatever you do, don’t supersize.

3. Stay Germ Free.

It’s hard to avoid germs completely, but the last thing you want to do is come home from a trip sick or worse, get sick on your trip. Bring disinfecting wipes with you. They come in so handy from wiping down your seat on the airplane to even cleaning up messes at hotels. Carry antibacterial gel or paper soap for occasions when a public restroom is out of soap. Most importantly, stick to your vitamin regimen and make sure to get plenty of vitamin c!

4.Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Due to low humidity on planes, many of us can find ourselves feeling thirstier than ever. Don’t want to pay for water at the airport? Bring an empty bottle in your carry on to fill at a water fountain and carry on the plane. Lucky enough to be flying an airline with complimentary beverage services? Opt for water. Make sure when traveling on day trips, etc. to carry water with you at all times. Water will also help you to be able to stay full between meals so that you will eat healthier throughout the day.

Though you will be out of your normal comfort zone, it’s important to stick to your regular regime as much as possible. Happy traveling!


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