“你愿意嫁给我吗?”(Will you marry me?)
“我愿意”(I will.)
情态动词家的老四维尔(will)姑娘正在和心上人be going to 窃窃私语。他们打算本周日在教堂举行婚礼。维尔姑娘过去叫乌德(would)也是个有礼貌的姑娘,在询问别人时,总要说“Would you ...?或者 Will you...?”, 让别人感觉很舒服。维尔姑娘过去,也就是乌德姑娘(would)总爱回忆过去的动作或习惯,比如,她常常想起小时候妈妈给她讲故事(When I was a child, my mother would read me a story at night before bed.),小时候偷偷拿着手电筒在床上看连环画以躲避父母的事情。(When I was a child, I would take a flashlight to bed to read comic books so that my parents couldn't know about it.)听她讲着这些有趣的往事,be going to 真打算明天就和她结婚。
“我要嫁给他!”(I will marry him.)维尔姑娘向大家表明自己的想法。
“什么?你竟然要嫁给他?真不可思议!你应该嫁给语法国的国王。”(It is unthinkable that you should marry him. You should marry our king.)情态动词家的老五淑德(should)姑娘首先反对。
“我一定要嫁给他,我爱他。”(I will marry him. I love him.)维尔姑娘坚持自己的爱情。
“你俩别吵了,我们是不是先听听妈妈的意见?”(Don't agure. Shall we listen to mum first?)“如果他真的对你好,妈妈会答应你嫁给他的。”(If he really loves you, mum will promise that you shall marry him.)老六珊儿(shall)姑娘给她们提了个建议。
四姑娘:will (过去式:would)
1. 敢于表达自己的意愿、想法。I will marry you. (我愿意嫁给你。 多动听的话啊!)
2. 很执着,能坚持自己的想法。I will marry you whatever happens. (无论发生什么事,我都要嫁给你。 有这样的姑娘爱上你,
此生无悔 啊!)
3. 有礼貌: Will you please open the door? (请打开窗户好吗?)
4. 男朋友:be going to (打算......): I am goint to buy you a diamond this afternoon. (今天下午我打算去给你买个钻戒。)
1. 有礼貌,询问别人时,说 Would you like me to open the window?(你要不要我把窗户打开?)
2. 爱回忆过去的动作或习惯:Jack would get lost, wouldn't he? (杰克老是迷路,对吧?)
1. 喜欢给人忠告,表示“应该”: He should see a doctor.(他应该看医生去。)
2. 喜欢一惊一乍,表示“竟然”: It is odd that you and I have the same name.(很奇怪,我们的名字竟然相同。)
1. 喜欢提出建议:Shall I open the window? (我打开窗户好吗?)
2. 表示许诺:You shall have the money back next week. (你下周肯定能拿到这笔钱。)