今天继续为大家讲解高考真题中的阅读理解解题技巧,这一讲,Master Osifu English将为大家讲解词汇题的解题技巧。每年的各个省市阅读理解至少有一个题为词汇题,大家跟着Master Osifu English的思路,一起解读词汇题。
下面以2011年辽宁 卷高考真题D篇为例,为大家分析:
The Coalition for the Homeless is an organization that seeks to address the needs of the homeless population in the United States. It is a network of offices, some of which provide food and houses for the homeless population. and some of which fight for the passing of laws that would give every American the right to a place to call home. According to the Coalition’s studies, of over two hundred million people living in th U?ited States, up to three million are homeless—and the number is still growing since the late 1970s, fast rising house prices, large cuts in government supported housing programs, and economic recession have made it impossible for many Americans to meet housing costs. Sadly, this has resulted in a number of persons being forced to leave their homes and or unable to find new affordable homes.According to another research. families with children appear to be the fastest-growing part of the homeless population, making up 39% of it. The old idea of a homeless person, that of the single man who gets drunk all the time, is no longer true. A much larger part of the population now finds itself homeless. Even worse, once a person becomes homeless, he often finds it impossible to find a job, since most employers require anyone who wants a job from them to provide a home address on a job application
67. The word “address” in the first line probably means .
A. talk about (谈论) B. deal with(处理) C. fight for(打架) D. write to(写信给…)

解析:词汇题的思路是找到词汇所在的句子,然后再找其前后一到三句话,通过这几句话前后的意思,再与问题中的四个选项对比,找到一个最符合文章意思的选项,既为最佳答案。此句‘It is a network of offices, some of which provide food and houses for the homeless population.’给出的信息是这是一个网络办公室,其中一些为无家可归者提供食物和房子。与前句一并推测,那么address最可能的意思应为deal with,故选B.
An idea that started in Seattle's public library has spread throughout America and beyond.The concept is simple: help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same time.
In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit(追求)to be enjoyed by all, the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus, as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools.The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched (发起)the "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book " project in 1998.Her original program used author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the idea has since expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong.
In Chicago, the mayor(市长)appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the "One Book, One Chicago" program.As a result, reading clubs and neighborhood groups sprang up around the city.Across the US, stories emerged of parents and children reading to each other at night and strangers chatting away on the bus about plot and character.
The only problem arose in New York ,where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population.This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved .Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point, putting all their energy and passion into the choice of the book rather than into discussion about a book itself.
Ultimately, as Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process, or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would not otherwise have shared a word.
49.The underlined words “shared a word” in Paragraph 5 probably mean .
A.exchanged ideas with each other
B.discussed the meaning of a word
C.gained life experience
D.used the same language
解析:大家读整个段落,‘but by how many people are enriched by the process, or have enjoyed speaking to someone…’,以上给出的信息很明显,与选项中A的意思一致,故选A.
词汇题的解题思路很简单,找到词汇所在句,然后从所在句的前后三句话判断,再对比问题中的四个选项,找到与文章中意思最一致的选项,即为最佳答案。Master Osifu English希望大家运用熟练。