葱油饼的做法视频教程 教大家怎么做葱油饼How to do Chinese patty with scallio...

Chinese patty with scallion (葱油饼) :

Materials: flour, scallion, pepper , edible oil (材料:面粉,葱,花椒,食用油,少许盐)

Step 1,  Mix round the flour to a paste as the photo and leave it there for 15 minutes (用水和面并醒发15分钟)

Step 2, divide the paste equally according to your pan (均匀分开)

Step 3, Roll the paste to a round cake (用擀面杖擀成薄饼)

Step 4, Cover the surface of the cake with cooking oil, scallion and pepper, BTW, a little salt if you like

葱油饼的做法视频教程 教大家怎么做葱油饼How to do Chinese patty with scallio...

Step 5, Roll up the cake carefully and make sure the materials all integrated with the round paste (把饼卷起来,注意要卷实)

Step 6, Roll up the paste again (把面团重新擀成薄饼)

Step 7, Warm you pan and put some oil (热锅并放少许油,也可在这里放少许盐,如果口重的话)

Step 8, Put the cake into the pan and turn over the cake repeatedly.
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5 小时前
Step 9, After about 5 minutes, the patty would be ripe to eat.  

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/350551/724772699280.html


葱油饼怎么做松软好吃 葱油饼的做法

爱华阅读配图  原料  小麦粉(标准粉) 250.0g  花生油 30.0g  饮用水 100.0g  小葱 50.0g  精盐 10.0g  详细说明  做法好简单:  半斤面粉和适当的水柔成面团后,用保鲜纸包住发酵半小时  把发好的面团擀

芝麻千层葱油饼的做法 芝麻葱油饼的做法

  芝麻葱油饼的原料:面粉、芝麻  芝麻葱油饼的配料:葱花  芝麻葱油饼的调料:热水、盐、油  芝麻葱油饼的做法:  1、将面粉过筛后和盐拌均匀;  2、倒入热水用筷子快速搅拌成雪花状;  3、慢慢和成面团;  4、至面团

香酥油饼的做法视频 香酥葱油饼的做法

    香酥葱油饼的原料:面粉香酥葱油饼的配料:葱、猪板油香酥葱油饼的调料:五香粉、盐、鸡精 香酥葱油饼的做法:1、用中火将猪板煮开;2、在面粉里加入少许葱,五香粉,鸡精,盐;3、将煮开的猪板油倒入面粉里;4、用勺子将面粉和

葱油饼的做法大全图解 葱油饼

  色香味:葱香主料: 面粉500克辅料:葱花,l00克, 盐、油、花椒粉各适量。 制作:1)将面粉、水拌和均匀, 揉成面团, 搓成长条; 2)摘放入生坯,擀成围片,刷上油; 3)将葱花、盐、油、花椒粉拌和, 均匀地撒在圆片上, 卷好擀圆, 上平底锅

葱油饼的做法 酸菜红葱蛋葱油饼的做法

 酸菜红葱蛋葱油饼的做法  食材明细:  包馅:酸菜适量,洋葱适量,肉丝适量,蒜头适量,糖适量,酱油适量,蛋6颗  涂液:植物油12g  馅料:青葱3根,红葱酥适量,盐适量,胡椒粉适量  面皮:中筋粉400g,盐4g,滚水220g,冷水70g  做法图解:

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