He proved that it has nothing to do with what to say, too. I remember at one point during our vacation together, my friend, his girl, and I were in the car for forty minutes. The entire time, he did not even say a WORD to her. Instead, me and the friend were joking around and chilling out... still, they still ended up hooking up later that night. That moment really showed me that it really was about having the 5 qualities that draws women to you. And soon after our vacation together, I met my girlfriend who I am currently in a relationship with today.他也证实了那跟他说了什么无关。我记得当我们在一起的假期的某时,我的朋友,他女友,还有我在车里呆了40分钟。整个时间里,他没有对她说一句话。相反,我和我朋友随意的开玩笑并且也冷静。然而,他们那晚依然勾搭上了。那一刻真的向我证明了,的确是那5种品质吸引女人。在愉快的假期后不久,我遇到了与我交往直到现在的女友。
So what are these 5 traits?那么五个特性是什么呢?
1. Leadership1.领导力
2. Unshakability2.不可动摇性
3. Comfortable under your own skin3.认可你自己
4. Fun4.有趣
5. Consistency5.一致性
1. Leadership1.领导力
This is THE MOST important quality because women ALWAYS gravitate towards the leader or someone who influences other people. There are two ways to portray leadership. The first is by holding a position that other people look up to. Whether it's the captain of the soccer team, a club, or even in a group of friends; the leader is the one who has priority. They always stand out and are the names we see so often in any industry such as Derrick Rose (basketball), Steve Jobs (Apple), and Usher (music). The second is making decisions and suggesting ideas first when hanging out with others. I have seen so many relationships where the guy becomes so complacent in their relationships that they and ends up saying, "I don't care" or "Whatever you want, honey," or worse... "Whatever you choose is fine by me." This is how relationships quickly lose its spark and fizzle out. As these guys took action in the beginning of the relationship, they became complacent. Every woman is looking for a man to take action whether it is in a couple days or even a couple years.这是最重要的品质,因为女人总是被领导或者影响其他人的人吸引。有两种方法来刻画你的领导力。第一就是通过保持一种令别人尊敬的地位。无论是足球队中的或在一堆朋友中的队长;领导总是有优先权的。他们总是很显眼,在各行各业中我们总是经常看见他们的名字,例如:Derrick Rose(篮球,不认识),Steve Jobs(苹果),Usher(音乐)。第二,就是与他人在一起的时候先做决定、先提出观点。我见过很多的关系,这些关系中人们变得太自满后以这样的话结束,“我不介意”“随便你了,亲爱的”“你做什么选择对我来说都很好”。这就是为什么那些关系很快失去掉火花然后最终失败。随着他们在关系的开端的采取的行动,他们变得自满。每个女人都在寻找无论是几天内或是几年内都会采取行动的。
2. Unshakability不可动摇性

Being unshakable means not letting people and other situations get a reaction from you. I remember this one time when I had a crush on this girl. The girl I liked and I used to text and call each other all the time, but when texts stopped coming or she didn't answer my calls, I would instantly think about other guys taking her from me or how she was losing attraction for me. At the end of the day, I kept texting and calling even more. Even if the attraction was there in the beginning, my shakability killed any attraction that was left.
3. Comfortable Under your own Skin认可你自己
This trait really means being okay with all parts of your identity and not restraining yourself. I've been witness of people who are too scared to make fools of themselves that they end up in the corner of a party, not talking to anyone. I've also seen others who are so scared to make things sexual with a girl, they continue with their fluff talk. How can you expect a girl to be fun around you when you aren't fun How can you expect a girl to be sexual with you if you can't? Being comfortable with all of your different dimensions allows other people to be able to relate to you.这条特性确实意味着对你自己所有的属性的认可,而且不要限制你自己。我见过一些这样的人,他们太害怕取笑他们自己了,以致于他们最终躲在了派对的角落,不与任何人说话。我也见过其他类的人,他们太害怕和女孩涉及“性”,于是不断说着“非主题”的话。当你无趣的时候,你怎么能期待一个女孩变得有趣喃?当你“不能谈”性的时候,你凭什么期待她能和你发生关系呢?对你所有的不同的方面的认可,才能允许别人与你有联系。
4. Fun有趣
Girls are always looking for someone to have a good time with and lighten their moods. Being fun means having fun yourself and enjoying your time whether it's with a specific girl or just friends in general. It's a trait that naturally brings other people in just by the high energy, and living in the moment.女孩总是在寻找能与她们和谐相处并点燃他们情绪的人。有趣意味着你自己要快乐,要享受你的快乐无论是一个女孩或者只是普通朋友。这种特性很自然的就会让大家其乐融融,乐在其中,活在此刻。
5. Consistency一致性
Being consistent ultimately shows your reliability as a man. It means backing up what you say with action and or doing things in a consistent basis. The lifestyle you live (which encompass the last 4 qualities) are things she can expect to be a part of when being with you (with nothing fizzling out).做到一致性最终展示了你作为男人的可信度。它意味着说道做到,或者在某些事一致的基础上。你的生活方式(包涵了后4种品质)是她期望介入其中的(而不会失败)。
If you can truly encompass these 5 qualities, women will prospect you by default. However, it is really putting yourself in these positions that take work (as I have experienced myself). If you would like more golden nuggets and learn how to make cool friends and be sexual the 24/7 attractive man way, check out my site!如果你能真的拥有这5中品质,女人会默认(the one)就是你了。然而,真正做到这些的话会花些功夫(就像我自己的经历)。如果你需要更多金子般得珍贵经验并学会如何交优秀的朋友,而且拥有24/7的性感的男性吸引力的话,来我的网站吧!