迈克尔杰克逊演唱会 迈克尔杰克逊女儿割腕自杀未遂 疑因被禁看演唱会

Michael Jackson's teenage daughter was 'overwhelmed' with teenage turmoil before her attempted suicide on Monday - just weeks before the fourth anniversary of her father's death.迈克尔·杰克逊年轻的女儿在青春期的骚动中被“压垮”,于周一试图自杀——距离他父亲逝世四周年只有几周时间。

迈克尔杰克逊演唱会 迈克尔杰克逊女儿割腕自杀未遂 疑因被禁看演唱会

Paris Jackson, 15, cut her wrists and took a drug overdose, according to reports. The teenager had become 'overwhelmed' with sadness over the loss of her superstar father, said a friend of the Jackson family.据报道,15岁的帕丽斯·杰克逊服药过量并割腕自杀。杰克逊家族的一位朋友说,这位少女一直沉浸在失去巨星父亲的悲痛情绪中无法自拔。

In addition, sources said she was upset at not being allowed to go to a concert by goth rocker Marilyn Manson tonight.此外,有消息称她想去看哥特摇滚歌手玛丽莲·曼森今晚的演唱会而没有被允许,因此感到烦躁。

She 'threw a fit' after being told she couldn't attend the concert and reportedly ran into her room screaming and slammed the door.据报道,当被告知不能去看演唱会后,她大发脾气,尖叫着跑回房间并摔上房门。

Paris is going through a difficult time and has had 'a lot going on lately', her mother Debbie Rowe said.母亲黛比·罗薇说:“帕丽斯正经历一段艰难时期,她最近遭遇了很多事情。”


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