黑奴繁殖场 电子书txt 申诉书 黑奴申述书

黑奴繁殖场 电子书txt 申诉书 黑奴申述书

黑奴申述书.txt铁饭碗的真实含义不是在一个地方吃一辈子饭,而是一辈子到哪儿都有饭吃。就算是一坨屎,也有遇见屎壳郎的那天。所以你大可不必为今天的自己有太多担忧。Slave Petition to the Governor, Council, and House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts
25 May 1774MHS Collections, 5th ser., 3:432--33
The Petition of a Grate Number of Blackes of this Province who by divine permission are held in a state of Slavery within the bowels of a free and christian Country
Humbly Shewing
That your Petitioners apprehind we have in common with all other men a naturel right to our freedoms without Being depriv'd of them by our fellow men as we are a freeborn Pepel and have never forfeited this Blessing by aney compact or agreement whatever.
But we were unjustly dragged by the cruel hand of power from our dearest frinds and sum of us stolen from the bosoms of our tender Parents and from a Populous Pleasant and plentiful country and Brought hither to be made slaves for Life in a Christian land.
Thus are we deprived of every thing that hath a tendency to make life even tolerable, the endearing ties of husband and wife we are strangers to for we are no longer man and wife then our masters or mestreses thinkes proper marred or onmarred.
Our children are also taken from us by force and sent maney miles from us wear we seldom or ever see them again there to be made slaves of for Life which sumtimes is vere short by Reson of Being dragged from their mothers Breest
Thus our Lives are imbittered to us on these accounts By our deplorable situation we are rendered incapable of shewing our obedience to Almighty God how can a slave perform the duties of a husband to a wife or parent to his child How can a husband leave master and work and cleave to his wife How can the wife submit themselves to there husbands in all things.How can the child obey thear parents in all things.
There is a grat number of us sencear . . . members of the Church of Christ how can the master and the slave be said to fulfil that command Live in love let Brotherly Love contuner and abound Beare yea onenothers Bordenes
How can the master be said to Beare my Borden when he Beares me down whith the Have chanes of slavery and operson against my will and how can we fulfill our parte of duty to him whilst in this condition and as we cannot searve our God as we ought whilst in this situation Nither can we reap an equal benefet from the laws of the Land which doth not justifi but condemns Slavery or if there had bin aney Law to hold us in Bondege we are Humbely of the Opinon ther never was aney to inslave our children for life when Born in a free Countrey.
We therefor Bage your Excellency and Honours will give this its deu weight and consideration and that you will accordingly cause an act of the legislative to be pessed that we may obtain our Natural right our freedoms and our children be set at lebety at the yeare o

f Twenty one for whoues sekes more petequeley your Petitioners is in Duty ever to Pray.











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申诉书 刑事申诉书格式和范文

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民事申诉书(范文格式) 民事再审申诉书

申诉人(原终审上诉人):×××,女,1968年11月28日出生,广东省湛江市人,住×××大街2号402房。  电话:被申诉人(原终审上诉人):×××,男,1964年7月27日出生,河南省临颍县人,住×××街18号第三幢504房。电话:申诉人诉被申诉人离婚纠纷一案,由广

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